Bilas is on clown status. There's no doubt that he will defend UL hiring hookers for underaged recruits as he has in the past.You can listen at ESPN 680's site.
ThisBilas can't argue against these penalties. The NCAA is an organization of rules, and the rules for ineligible players don't require the school to know about the ineligibility. The one thing this ruling is, if it is anything, is consistent with prior cases.
Bilas - How could Pitino possibly know about this?
Because he didn't want to know.
How in the hell can people still come up with this ridiculous s**t of "Pitino didn't know"
You ******* idiots, this went on for FOUR YEARS!!! Good lord
Glad I'm not listening. Bilas is UNC's lap dog.Valvano said UL will sue if they lose appeal. Bilas said he doesn't think they have a good case, and added that UNCheat has a better case for a lawsuit.
Never has somebody fallen so far so fast. He's a joke now.
Bilas - The NCAA has violated every rule it's ever had in the UNCheat case.
Good Lord.
Because some people are able to disagree without being disagreeable.Homestly, I know some on this board still like Bilas, but honest question: why?
He is bought and paid for. Has nothing to say I want to hear.Bilas - The NCAA has violated every rule it's ever had in the UNCheat case.
Good Lord.
Said if a player got a car instead of hookers, it would be worse.
UL law school - when the whores are paid for pound the whores.Like the say in law school... If the law is on your side, pound the law. If the facts are on your side, pound the facts. If neither are on your side, pound the table.
Jay, and UofL, are just pounding the table.
Are you with a Salt Lake firm?Because some people are able to disagree without being disagreeable.
Not to mention it was still going on after McGee got a new job in a different state. Was he organizing this across state lines on a volunteer basis?Bilas - Not one shred of evidence that anyone other than McGee knew anything about this. So, he was paying for this himself? How did he pass law school?
There is more than a shred of evidence that McGee didn't act alone.Bilas - Not one shred of evidence that anyone other than McGee knew anything about this. So, he was paying for this himself? How did he pass law school?
Hes not wrong on some level. Technically its not the NCAA job to monitor academic issues when it doesn't pertain to sports. Theyre claiming this is an academic issue and not athletic so the NCAA doesn't have grounds there as far as I know. I don't know why though they are trying to separate the two when its clear that it was both an academic and athletic issue. Problem becomes how much do the 2 overlap and does that give NCAA the right to overstep their boundaries into academics specifically.Bilas - The NCAA has violated every rule it's ever had in the UNCheat case.
Good Lord.
Bilas has proven himself to be a disingenuous asshat since deciding to defend UNCheat and Whoreville to the bitter end.Basically he's buying UL's line about impermissible benefits, and agreeing that the argument that UL should have known, when it took the NCAA giving people immunity for them to find out, is perplexing. I do agree with his saying starting Pitino's suspension with ACC play is bizarre.
Shocker that Bilas sides with the school. He would never agree that the NCAA ever does anything right.
Also, totally specious argument by Bilas about the needing immunity thing. The NCAA people were not on campus and in charge of these players. Just a ridiculous lawyer debating move by Bilas.