Best rock concert you’ve attended


Jan 1, 2003
For me, it was Jethro Tull in Louisville Gardens, late 70s. They played their sets and went offstage without playing Locomotive Breath. No one moved and they returned for an encore. But it as “Living in the Past”. Went offstage again. This time the lights came up and the roadies began disassembling the equipment. Everyone was both pleased and bummed. The concert was fantastic but we hadn’t heard one of their best and most popular songs. About the time people stood and just started to make their way towards the doors, the keyboard player walked onstage. He walked right to the edge of the stage wearing a tux coat and a huge grin. He raised his arms and the sleeves fell back. In this pose, he walked over to the piano, sat down, and began playing the solo intro to Locomotive Breath. All the while he was playing, the roadies were feverishly reassembling the audio gear and returning the instruments. Just as he finished the lead in, the rest of the band returned and they played to stone silent audience in a fully lit concert hall. When they finished, the place went nuts.
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Mine is a metal show from an obscure band to those outside the metal scene.

Saw Machine Head at the Mercury Ballroom in Louisville about 10 years ago. Tickets were cheap (standing only) and I was probably 7 feet from the stage.

They’d just returned to the US from the European festival circuit and brought the same setup to this club show. Amps stacked literally to the ceiling, any open string bass note shook the walls and you could hear the songs clearly across the street through the venue’s closed front doors.

No opener. Played a 3 hour set and I caught a guitar pick just before the encore.
rock band raisin GIF
No-brainer for me. I was 23 years old and down front on the floor about 15 people deep, between Daltrey and Entwhistle. This was not the tragedy concert ... it happened later, in 1979.
Paul McCartney put on an incredible show, completely blew my mind.

Honorable mentions:
Foo Fighters, Dave Matthews, Allman Brothers Band, Rolling Stones, Billy Joel with Elton John
Paul McCartney put on an incredible show, completely blew my mind.

Honorable mentions:
Foo Fighters, Dave Matthews, Allman Brothers Band, Rolling Stones, Billy Joel with Elton John
I saw Wings in Cincinnati in 1976. They played for four (4) hours.
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Rolling Stones, Rupp, '81
U2, Rupp, '87 (? - Joshua Tree tour)
Reckless Kelly, Boulder Theater, 2017
56 years of concerts, who can say? One of the most memorable was Jefferson Airplane in 1971 at Freedom Hall. I stopped off at home to say hi to the family. My grandmother asked to what did they deserve the honor etc. I told her and she said, "Oh is that the girl [Grace Slick] who broke her arm?" Grandma knew more about Jefferson Airplane than me!

My friends and I got to Freedom Hall and were walking around. There, in some good seats right off the floor, was a girl (PR) I'd briefly dated in high school. I'd had an amazing crush on her and thought she was incredibly beautiful, but even in high school, I could never bring an image of her to mind when I wasn't with her. (Still can't.) We saw each other seeing each other AND then I saw the guy she was with. He looked like the young Mitt Romney. What PR and Mittens Jr. were doing there baffled and tickled me. I had this tingling sensation. THAT's what she looked like. Of course. And that guy was the kind of guy she was looking for. I kept walking and immediately couldn't remember what she looked like.
Journey, 2 years ago in Charlotte. Granted I've not been to a lot of them in 55 years.