Be careful if you try to join House of Blue


Oct 30, 2014
I tried to rejoin HOB a while ago and it was an incredibly difficult process. Tried to sell me music which I had to uncheck. Then sent me to a page selling me music for 49 bucks a month . I did not check anything and simply pressed back to return to the previous screen. Immediately got a fraud alert from my credit card company saying I had been charged 49 bucks and it looked fraudulent. They declined the charge .Rivals now has my credit card info but my card company insisted on canceling the card and sending me a new one, .

Lot of hassel for trying to simply spend a hundred bucks and upgrade to HOB. Be careful.
I tried to rejoin HOB a while ago and it was an incredibly difficult process. Tried to sell me music which I had to uncheck. Then sent me to a page selling me music for 49 bucks a month . I did not check anything and simply pressed back to return to the previous screen. Immediately got a fraud alert from my credit card company saying I had been charged 49 bucks and it looked fraudulent. They declined the charge .Rivals now has my credit card info but my card company insisted on canceling the card and sending me a new one, .

Lot of hassel for trying to simply spend a hundred bucks and upgrade to HOB. Be careful.
Interesting, I’d like to hear others takes who have tried or maybe a mod could look into it?
Why pay for HOB to hear information 15 minutes sooner than everyone else.
I've considered it just because it weeds out a lot of trolls and, ostensibly, crappier posters. Plus, I'd value a few solid opinions based on hearsay within the program and from better informed folks versus "My pappy's great-aunt's lawncare specialist's friend said *insert BS here*."

Not saying I'm going to get a subscription, but I've definitely considered it.
I’m a premium member. A lot of good recruiting info from solid analysts. Great discussion on the forum with the exception of one dude who’s evidently retired military and doesn’t have a life outside HOB and spends every waking second throwing his weight around.
I've considered it just because it weeds out a lot of trolls and, ostensibly, crappier posters. Plus, I'd value a few solid opinions based on hearsay within the program and from better informed folks versus "My pappy's great-aunt's lawncare specialist's friend said *insert BS here*."

Not saying I'm going to get a subscription, but I've definitely considered it.

I joined the KSR+ site and it is far less argumentative. There are a few arguments but for the most part you can make it through a whole thread without incident. Imagine that here? 🤣
I’m a premium member. A lot of good recruiting info from solid analysts. Great discussion on the forum with the exception of one dude who’s evidently retired military and doesn’t have a life outside HOB and spends every waking second throwing his weight around.
Yep. Lots of info that never makes it to this board.
I've considered it just because it weeds out a lot of trolls and, ostensibly, crappier posters. Plus, I'd value a few solid opinions based on hearsay within the program and from better informed folks versus "My pappy's great-aunt's lawncare specialist's friend said *insert BS here*."

Not saying I'm going to get a subscription, but I've definitely considered it.
I have one and it doesn’t weed out all the bad people. True, a bit less than the free board. I enjoy Rowland and his articles.
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I've considered it just because it weeds out a lot of trolls and, ostensibly, crappier posters. Plus, I'd value a few solid opinions based on hearsay within the program and from better informed folks versus "My pappy's great-aunt's lawncare specialist's friend said *insert BS here*."

Not saying I'm going to get a subscription, but I've definitely considered it.
There was a thread recently from HOB that was moved to the Paddock. It was as shitty of window dressing as you’d find anywhere!
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I joined the KSR+ site and it is far less argumentative. There are a few arguments but for the most part you can make it through a whole thread without incident. Imagine that here? 🤣
Yeah I paid the $1 promotional price for KSR+ a couple weeks ago hoping to get any scoops on the Cal situation. I'm not renewing when the month is up, but there definitely seems to be less sniping at each other on their board. And the KSR writers are very active which can be a catalyst for quality discussion. With that said, RR is home for me! For one thing it's less active than this board, which makes sense for a paid platform.
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Why pay for HOB to hear information 15 minutes sooner than everyone else.
This. I tried it once in my younger stupider days, and promptly realized it was nothing but a worthless waste of money. Everything said there gets posted here within no more than an hour at the most.

Those suckers are paying for nothing … unless just being able to say they belong to the “premium” board means something to them.
This. I tried it once in my younger stupider days, and promptly realized it was nothing but a worthless waste of money. Everything said there gets posted here within no more than an hour at the most.

Those suckers are paying for nothing … unless just being able to say they belong to the “premium” board means something to them.

The gold banner tho.
I rejoined a few weeks ago mainly to hear what was going on behind the scenes with the whole Mitch/Cal thing. It’s true you don’t really get any info on what’s going to happen that you can’t get here. But you do often hear WHY said things happened. The behind the scenes stuff is always interesting. And Sisk’s analysis is really incredible. If you just want info and general discussion, Rafters is fine. But HOB just goes a little deeper.

Oh and far fewer trolls. People aren’t going to pay money just to be an ass.

As to the OP, I has zero problem signing back up. No weird music add ons or anything.
Matt's very stingy, except when he's stealing information.
Alow down there with the hater post. He was talking about HOB content not making to Rafters. Nothing about KSR. Swinggggg and a miss. Whiffed pretty bad on that take.
This. I tried it once in my younger stupider days, and promptly realized it was nothing but a worthless waste of money. Everything said there gets posted here within no more than an hour at the most.

Those suckers are paying for nothing … unless just being able to say they belong to the “premium” board means something to them.
“Premium” doesn’t mean squat to me. I belong to a few other premium boards as well. All info is good info in my experience
I stopped HOB after the 9 win season …. I can’t justify the money to just be heart broken by UK …. But kudos to those keeping these boards going and guys like Rowland employed by having memberships
Wait one day, you get the important news.
Yes, I left HOB a while ago, but one thing I miss is that it's at least somewhat orderly with very little to no riff raff or other fans posing and creating unnecessary conflict just to "liven" up the board. I still won't pay, but there's more to a subscription message board than just insider info.
Yes, I left HOB a while ago, but one thing I miss is that it's at least somewhat orderly with very little to no riff raff or other fans posing and creating unnecessary conflict just to "liven" up the board. I still won't pay, but there's more to a subscription message board than just insider info.
I like the chaos. Makes it interesting. Then again, I try not to take things too seriously. Of course, sometimes it gets the best of me.
I rejoined a few weeks ago mainly to hear what was going on behind the scenes with the whole Mitch/Cal thing. It’s true you don’t really get any info on what’s going to happen that you can’t get here. But you do often hear WHY said things happened. The behind the scenes stuff is always interesting. And Sisk’s analysis is really incredible. If you just want info and general discussion, Rafters is fine. But HOB just goes a little deeper.

Oh and far fewer trolls. People aren’t going to pay money just to be an ass.

As to the OP, I has zero problem signing back up. No weird music add ons or anything.
I don't really have bias either way about the premium boards. As a general rule I take everything I read on here with a grain of salt. Some people seem to think because they are told something or read something on here that it is fact. I'm always skeptical that the behind the scenes stuff you read about is anything more than rumor and innuendo. I don't think very many people know what actually goes on behind the scenes or the thought process that led to a certain decision. The ones that do know don't talk or they would be excluded from future information.
I’m a premium member. A lot of good recruiting info from solid analysts. Great discussion on the forum with the exception of one dude who’s evidently retired military and doesn’t have a life outside HOB and spends every waking second throwing his weight around.
Who is that? I’ve been a member for years and never noticed him.
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Yeah I paid the $1 promotional price for KSR+ a couple weeks ago hoping to get any scoops on the Cal situation. I'm not renewing when the month is up, but there definitely seems to be less sniping at each other on their board. And the KSR writers are very active which can be a catalyst for quality discussion. With that said, RR is home for me! For one thing it's less active than this board, which makes sense for a paid platform.
Honestly, NOT having to deal with some of the absurd posters on here might, jusssssst might, be worth a paid subscription somewhere else. But with that said, in the world of Twitter and podcasts, info is going to leak out for free pretty soon. They always want to be the first to drop breaking news on Twitter.

As far as discourse and debate, this free board gives you exactly the quality you pay for!!! haha
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I've considered it just because it weeds out a lot of trolls and, ostensibly, crappier posters. Plus, I'd value a few solid opinions based on hearsay within the program and from better informed folks versus "My pappy's great-aunt's lawncare specialist's friend said *insert BS here*."

Not saying I'm going to get a subscription, but I've definitely considered it.
HOB has a lot more of what you speak of in your first sentence than RR. They refer to RR as a cesspool. Most of the posters just pay extra so they can attack anyone and everyone. I’m canceling my subscription after it expires this year. Website sucks most of the time.
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