

Gold Member
Oct 21, 2003
Newport, KY via Harlan, KY
I’m sure a few people around here have already been in the same position as me, my son was diagnosed about a year ago (he’s about to turn 5 in April).

We first noticed his speech delays and promptly enrolled him in the “First Steps” program available through the state of KY. He has also been participating in some behavioral therapy since October of 2024 after we got his diagnosis in January of the same year.

What are some of the best practices or strategies that you know of when trying to be a parent? He’s really taken off with his development over the past few months and is really smart for his age, yet he often struggles with the social aspect of life.

Thanks for any advice or input into this process, sometimes it feels as if you’re on an island by yourself when dealing with these things.
I’m sure a few people around here have already been in the same position as me, my son was diagnosed about a year ago (he’s about to turn 5 in April).

We first noticed his speech delays and promptly enrolled him in the “First Steps” program available through the state of KY. He has also been participating in some behavioral therapy since October of 2024 after we got his diagnosis in January of the same year.

What are some of the best practices or strategies that you know of when trying to be a parent? He’s really taken off with his development over the past few months and is really smart for his age, yet he often struggles with the social aspect of life.

Thanks for any advice or input into this process, sometimes it feels as if you’re on an island by yourself when dealing with these things.
Our granddaughter is Autistic, 9 years old, mostly non verbal. The best thing for her has been getting her in school. She has great teachers and her social skills have improved a lot. Also about two years ago, we started working with her on her ABC's and she has improved greatly on pronouncing them. If you have a school that has a good special needs class, please give it a try! One thing that we have noticed is that, she has gained some friends her age that really watch out for her, I really think that they would hurt someone is they do anything to our granddaughter!!! One more thing, if you can and he is non verbal, look up words in sign language, she uses that also. Also as he advances there is In pads that he can type in what he is trying to say. Our granddaughter is also very smart, she can do things on a phone or In pad that we can't do!! Any questions I'll try to answer if possible. Most of all, be patient.
This is really general but my son is on the spectrum and he has really come a long way ( he's 17 now). He is verbal, smart, but his social skills are awkward. He is getting a better handle on things (demeanor, mannerisms, personality is a lot like Ben Affleck's character in "The Accountant" minus all the ass kicking.) .

If I knew now what I wish I had known before is that routine is so important. When he was in elementary school my wife and I we're at the end of our rope. It was a nightmare because we had known almost from his toddler years he was not like other kids, and our pediatrician, who was a family friend, rejected autism labels and kept telling us he'll grow out of a lot of things and then the first psychologist he saw gave him an oppositional behavior ADHD diagnosis and just kept insisting we medicate him but it did nothing but make him a zombie as a 3rd-4th grader but he was failing everything but this was not an angry kid, destructive kid, he just couldn't communicate with people. He had no friends. His teacher was close to retirement and we talked and talked with her but she kept saying he ignores her and refuses to work but he wasn't a distraction to others.

Then one day she put him outside the class for not doing work again and he had a stemming incident where he started hitting himself and we got called and Communicare got called and we had to take him there that night with the possibility that he might have to stay there awhile. It ended up being a blessing in disguise because the counselor at Communicare was the first person who seemed to understand what was going on and he helped us with a plan, he contacted the school and consulted with him needing an IEP, and a lot of other things, it's hard not to tear up talking about all this because it was just like the trajectory of everything changed that day.

Having a plan for him, with the school personnel that understand how to work with and at home and a way to implement it which him is/was huge. When Covid hit, that was quite a setback but he's mostly a B student now in regular classes but he still has the IEP. He is very sensitive about people using the "A"- word and has a teacher he meets with during a study period but freaks out at being taken out of class for individual instruction because he doesn't want people to look at him weird. He has friends now and has come a long way.
Our granddaughter is Autistic, 9 years old, mostly non verbal. The best thing for her has been getting her in school. She has great teachers and her social skills have improved a lot. Also about two years ago, we started working with her on her ABC's and she has improved greatly on pronouncing them. If you have a school that has a good special needs class, please give it a try! One thing that we have noticed is that, she has gained some friends her age that really watch out for her, I really think that they would hurt someone is they do anything to our granddaughter!!! One more thing, if you can and he is non verbal, look up words in sign language, she uses that also. Also as he advances there is In pads that he can type in what he is trying to say. Our granddaughter is also very smart, she can do things on a phone or In pad that we can't do!! Any questions I'll try to answer if possible. Most of all, be patient.
This is spot on. I don’t have an autistic child, but I teach and have taught quite a few. Public schools are great for the kids on the spectrum and just being around kids both on and off has made a big difference on both sides. There’s nothing sweeter than seeing my students support their friends, and not in a patronizing way at all. To them, ______ is no different than them, he just makes noises sometimes or needs a break from the classroom from time to time. Our society has messed up a lot of stuff, but taking care of exceptional kids is very well done, if you ask me. As for advice, find out what the kids really love (which changes from minute to minute for five year olds, but becomes more apparent as they mature) and use that as a frame to introduce scholastic and social aspects that you think they need to make more progress.
This is spot on. I don’t have an autistic child, but I teach and have taught quite a few. Public schools are great for the kids on the spectrum and just being around kids both on and off has made a big difference on both sides. There’s nothing sweeter than seeing my students support their friends, and not in a patronizing way at all. To them, ______ is no different than them, he just makes noises sometimes or needs a break from the classroom from time to time. Our society has messed up a lot of stuff, but taking care of exceptional kids is very well done, if you ask me. As for advice, find out what the kids really love (which changes from minute to minute for five year olds, but becomes more apparent as they mature) and use that as a frame to introduce scholastic and social aspects that you think they need to make more progress.
75, there is one thing that drives our daughter crazy, funny crazy. Our granddaughter will only eat a grilled cheese here at our house. They buy the same bread and cheese to make it at their house, she will not eat it!! Funny story, one night they decided to make her a grilled cheese, fixed it, cut it up like we do and gave it to her, she looked at it and gave it back to her dad. He waited a few minutes and took it back to her, she looked at it and gave it back to him. Again he waited a few minutes and gave it back to her. This time she took it to the trash can and threw it away!!!😂😂😂😂😂
75, there is one thing that drives our daughter crazy, funny crazy. Our granddaughter will only eat a grilled cheese here at our house. They buy the same bread and cheese to make it at their house, she will not eat it!! Funny story, one night they decided to make her a grilled cheese, fixed it, cut it up like we do and gave it to her, she looked at it and gave it back to her dad. He waited a few minutes and took it back to her, she looked at it and gave it back to him. Again he waited a few minutes and gave it back to her. This time she took it to the trash can and threw it away!!!😂😂😂😂😂

My son refuses to eat any cookies that aren’t in circular form. We ordered some Papa John’s a few months ago and got their chocolate chip cookie that’s cut into triangles, he would not touch it. 😂
I’m sure a few people around here have already been in the same position as me, my son was diagnosed about a year ago (he’s about to turn 5 in April).

We first noticed his speech delays and promptly enrolled him in the “First Steps” program available through the state of KY. He has also been participating in some behavioral therapy since October of 2024 after we got his diagnosis in January of the same year.

What are some of the best practices or strategies that you know of when trying to be a parent? He’s really taken off with his development over the past few months and is really smart for his age, yet he often struggles with the social aspect of life.

Thanks for any advice or input into this process, sometimes it feels as if you’re on an island by yourself when dealing with these things.
Don't stress, focus on how to leverage his skills.
Autism also brings relentless focus on certain behaviors. If you can divert that stream to reading (or math), it fills the void and brings the kid a lot of satisfaction.

For what it's worth, I've met a number of true geniuses -- every single one was autistic
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I keep think I can get my son to realize he is behind socially and guide him through being normal. Hasn’t caught on yet and he’s 16. But I feel like he might be a late bloomer and could catch up, just a bit later than everyone. So not giving up may be the key. They do get picked on a lot in HS no matter what anyone says.
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My nephew is 28 and has autism. He'll always be dependent on my sister and BIL but he has adapted well. I'll agree with the previous poster. Early on they kept him doped up and he was almost zombie like. Once he got the proper care and education he was a whole new person. He has had a job for several years and loves life. Fine young man.
My daughter could not walk or talk, First Steps program was a God send. They gave her occupational and physical therapy. She finally was walking and forming words.

Then she transitioned to PreSchool where even with social problems the teacher finally reached her by teaching her letters and numbers by music.

That was when I started to see a change, but, still having meltdowns in school. Found a doctor who specializes in Autistic children he stated behavior can be affected by food allergies. He stated autistic children will have an allergic reaction with milk consumption causing them to throw meltdowns or uncontrollable fits. So I took all milk away and soon she was a different child emotionally.

School programs for special needs children are necessary. She had her plans to help her in school. She had music at home to learn to relax, less anxiety to deal with school and life. She learned to read. Big, Big event as it was finally something that gave happiness besides music.

If you find the right teachers, there is hope and they can have a better type of life.

It does take a village to raise a child. If I hadn’t had such wonderful group of teachers along the way I know her life would be so very different.,
Found a doctor who specializes in Autistic children he stated behavior can be affected by food allergies. He stated autistic children will have an allergic reaction with milk consumption causing them to throw meltdowns or uncontrollable fits. So I took all milk away and soon she was a different child emotionally.

We absolutely avoid any of the food dyes in food for the same reason (Red 40, Yellow 5, etc.). I can definitely see a difference when he consumes any of them. I haven’t heard about the milk allergy, but I will have to look into that. Thanks.
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There use to be a Pediatrician for Autistic children in Louisville. Also, I had her evaluated at a place in Kosair hospital. It was called the Child Evaluation Center. I will go on and say she had other disabilities than just a form of autism.

Child Evaluation Center Dr Judith Axelrod. I believe was her name. This was years ago but I think she is still around in Louisville.
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We absolutely avoid any of the food dyes in food for the same reason (Red 40, Yellow 5, etc.). I can definitely see a difference when he consumes any of them. I haven’t heard about the milk allergy, but I will have to look into that. Thanks.
This is surprising probably true. Lots of good research has been done on autism and gut-brain axis.
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Sort of a tangent, but the new stuff they are discovering about the abilities of people with Autism is 🤯

This is some really interesting stuff
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I’m sure a few people around here have already been in the same position as me, my son was diagnosed about a year ago (he’s about to turn 5 in April).

We first noticed his speech delays and promptly enrolled him in the “First Steps” program available through the state of KY. He has also been participating in some behavioral therapy since October of 2024 after we got his diagnosis in January of the same year.

What are some of the best practices or strategies that you know of when trying to be a parent? He’s really taken off with his development over the past few months and is really smart for his age, yet he often struggles with the social aspect of life.

Thanks for any advice or input into this process, sometimes it feels as if you’re on an island by yourself when dealing with these things.
Biggest thing is to be patient and loving. My son was diagnosed when he was young. He is 26 now. About 4 years ago he started suffering seizures and Autism is the cause. He has only had 1 major one, but weekly he will suffer Grand Mal seizures. Flashing lights, or something simple can trigger them. It is always easy to see them coming. He gets a little distant, low energy, then loses appetite. When he loses appetite he is starting to suffer one. He started having the seizures out of the blue about 4 years ago. He is on several different medications to help combat them, but nothing prevents them. Usually last about a day, he will sleep several hours, when he wakes up, he is fine. It is hell dealing with it and he often gets frustrated with them. It flat out sucks and as a parent not being able to do a damn thing about them but wait it out is the worst feeling ever.

The first one he had was a serious one, foaming out of the mouth, unresponsive, not able to comprehend. Our dog may have actually saved his life. My wife and I was in the kitchen drinking coffee, and our dog came almost to the kitchen, stared at us, then walked toward my sons room, he did that a couple of times and the last time he kind of turned his head as if to say "come on, follow me" type motion. We looked at each other and knew something was up. We followed him into my sons room and found him. Since then, the dog will sleep in his bed with him cuddled up very close to him every night. I guess it is a feeling of protecting / looking out for him. Anyway, long post, but just wanted to share my experience with Autism and seizures.

Good luck with it, and do not take ANYTHING for granted.
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I’m high functioning autistic but was undiagnosed as a child and didn’t put it all together until my 30s. There is the obvious social anxiety especially with new situations/activities that you will need to be there and be supportive of but dont be afraid to push them to try new things. Part of being autistic is learning how to live with it and the more you are exposed to at a young age can be really beneficial as you get older - dont feel like you need to shelter them and really encourage them to be independent. At the same time I was very prone to meltdowns and just completely shutting down when I was younger so there will be a learning curve as a parent as far as what buttons to push to get results. A lot of times I just needed space and some time to think about it, a little patience can go a long way.

Also pay attention to interests your child may have, part of autism can be having limited things you truly enjoy but if you hone that in on the right thing you can really crush it. Career wise there was a lot of trial and error but I was eventually able to get into a role in process creation and data management where the fact I think about things a little differently has been hugely beneficial.

It was probably around 5th grade or so when I really started to realize I was little different and straight up I did feel like a weirdo at times and no doubt missed out on things growing up because of it. But as I started maturing that switched and I became interesting and mysterious and people really started come to be for my perspective on things. It took a while to get here but at this point in life I would not have it any other way.