Ashley Madison hack

He could be the first of many well known people to be exposed on that website. Who's next??
I don't really care..I think america has a weird obsession with ppls lives. For those that are married and are checking to see, that probably means you already have problems if your need to look.
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I agree. I don't get the satisfaction of ruining a normal person's life. Especially over something like that. If they're really a scum bag it's going to come out elsewhere. Lots of these accounts they're releasing aren't even active or are fake.

Ruining thousands of regular people's life is not how you gain fame. That's how you drive someone to kill you. They'll find these guys eventually.
Wow! That guy cannot catch a break. I would not be surprised if he takes his life and that's nothing to laugh about. He's hitting bottom. I don't sympathize with people that step out on their spouse (It makes you a douche especially when you have kids) but like Anthony said, it's not fun to ruin people especially when you think about that being someone's mom, dad, mother, or father.

You do, however, have to laugh at the self righteousness of the media, TMZ, and other members of the mob act when the attention is on someone else. I wonder how their lives would stand up if we got to investigate and anyone actually cared?
I'd you are cheating on your wife you deserve the sh*t storm that will come from all of this.

Wonder what % of these guys getting outed are fake accounts, single, etc? Wish they'd leave these people alone.
Yep, those Duggars are evil. That nicey nice fake bullshit. Those are the ones you have to watch out for.

Since there's about 20 of those heathen spawns, I bet three of them end up being serial killers.
^ more avatars though
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I saw that the Ky twitter account was suspended. Apparently a lot of accounts are government and military. They should be fired immediately, not for trying to have an affair but for being too stupid to use some random gmail account and a prepaid credit card.
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the world will no doubt be pretty disappointed if the only big fish hooked in this deal is a touching Duggar
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i read that like 90% of the paid accounts on that site were men, which means nothing but fake fishing profiles of women. so basically a list of a bunch of guys who paid to have an affair, but never did. moral of the store, stick to craigslist fellas.
Yep, those Duggars are evil. That nicey nice fake bullshit. Those are the ones you have to watch out for.

Since there's about 20 of those heathen spawns, I bet three of them end up being serial killers.


So far they have only had one outsider black sheep who has basically destroyed the entire family. That guy was not really a big part of the show but basically, was like a wrecking ball and wiped out their image, reputation, income, and TV fame in one big swoop.

The dad is probably thinking, "Maybe we should have given him to one of them gay couples."
i read that like 90% of the paid accounts on that site were men, which means nothing but fake fishing profiles of women. so basically a list of a bunch of guys who paid to have an affair, but never did. moral of the store, stick to craigslist fellas.

I have zero doubts that those are men considering it isn't that difficult for a woman to pick up a man. Basically these dating/affair sites are mostly just a bunch of men talking to each other. I think that is what the Internet mostly is…guys talking to guys pretending to be girls, cat pictures, and pornography. That sums up about 90% right there.
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I saw that the Ky twitter account was suspended. Apparently a lot of accounts are government and military. They should be fired immediately, not for trying to have an affair but for being too stupid to use some random gmail account and a prepaid credit card.

Its back now in a new account. Dropping .gov email accounts today.

So far they have only had one outsider black sheep who has basically destroyed the entire family. That guy was not really a big part of the show but basically, was like a wrecking ball and wiped out their image, reputation, income, and TV fame in one big swoop.

The dad is probably thinking, "Maybe we should have given him to one of them gay couples."
Yep. Mom and Pop kicked him right out of the family after it was found that he was diddling little girls that happened to be their daughters.
Yep. Mom and Pop kicked him right out of the family after it was found that he was diddling little girls that happened to be their daughters.

I mean, it was something that he did and his actions that caused the entire fiasco but I get what you're saying.
When you are a heinous monster like this Dugar frutloop is it seems as though they seek refuge in religion and then do very well in it once they size up the megaflora. Remember that charlatan in Cincinnati that was organizing a big thing to get rid of Larry Flint... a guy named Charles Keating that turned out to be a crook of gigantic proportions in the S&L scandal. Religion just attracts them like flies because it is based on bullshit and you have to be willing to ignore fact and reason to believe in it therefore the perfect hunting ground and cover for these types.
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I have zero doubts that those are men considering it isn't that difficult for a woman to pick up a man. Basically these dating/affair sites are mostly just a bunch of men talking to each other. I think that is what the Internet mostly is…guys talking to guys pretending to be girls, cat pictures, and pornography. That sums up about 90% right there.

The Internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.
i read that like 90% of the paid accounts on that site were men, which means nothing but fake fishing profiles of women. so basically a list of a bunch of guys who paid to have an affair, but never did. moral of the store, stick to craigslist fellas.

That's the funny thing. All these men are going to get busted for ATTEMPTING to cheat on their wife because there's no real women on there [laughing]
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Wow! That guy cannot catch a break. I would not be surprised if he takes his life and that's nothing to laugh about. He's hitting bottom. I don't sympathize with people that step out on their spouse (It makes you a douche especially when you have kids) but like Anthony said, it's not fun to ruin people especially when you think about that being someone's mom, dad, mother, or father.

You do, however, have to laugh at the self righteousness of the media, TMZ, and other members of the mob act when the attention is on someone else. I wonder how their lives would stand up if we got to investigate and anyone actually cared?
I've never cheated on my wife, have any intent to, nor am I dumb enough to sign up for something like AM.

That being said, this country has a bizarre mentality of judging other people when reality shows (no pun intended) that there are no perfect people and even fewer that would like their own lives and decisions put on exhibition. It's all fun and games until your gambling/porn addiction get put on display and you lose your job/family (hypothetically speaking, of course).
That's all that freedom our bible thumpers were lecturing us in the other thread about. You're free so long as you see things their way.. and if not, then not so much.
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I'm sure everyone would've figured it out. I saw someone mention it after his 2nd post. We should start a betting line on how long it takes this username to get banned.
I think awhile. The mods know its him. He had like 8 different accounts and let people know. Think that is a no-no. I am not defending him (kinda), but I think he adds something. Whether people agree, a lot do not, its still fun.
He still randomly posts under LordCrow so perhaps these are different user names for the separate identified personalities.
If anybody cheats on their spouse or boy/girl friend then I'm glad they get outted and scrutinized. People in this country can't keep from cheating and it's pathetic. If you wanna cheat then don't pretend to care for somebody else.

I look forward to seeing all the AM accounts.
This disguise is the equivalent of Crow's attempts at "new" accounts.