Arkansas fans

How would you know, it's not possible here. I guess I'm an optimist and thought maybe, just maybe, this would be different. There were several hog fans in the blocked thread that were very complimentary and got the same treatment. It's hard for most of you to see past the nose on your face, after all, you guys were born there and I was born here, so of course I know nothing about the game of basketball. It's stupid. Surround yourself with like thinking individuals and you won't ever grow as a person, I like to explore a bit. Thanks for helping me to know this isn't the place for it
That would be the self-righteous part.
I really dont get the fans that cheer for "SEC" during the tournament. I hope they all lose in the first round. They are jerks all year and then all of a sudden we expect to cheer for them because they are in our conference?

Hope we win by 30 today
It has to be less than 30 because Arky fans do not have that many fingers and toes.
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"Insecurity at its finest". No that's not a baiting remark. Have you been banned or blocked? Has this thread been locked? It does happen but very infrequently particularly compare to most sites. We have several regulars from other teams that we share respectfully conversations with and many trolls and drive by baiter who we call them on it. If anyone sounds insecure my friend it's you,
Just to know I've got this straight. Vandy was tired and Bama wasn't, even though they both played 3 games in 3 days. Good explanation, it had nothing to do with how Arkansas played. Most Arkansas fans are fans of Monk, and likewise, most Arkansas fans really don't like Kentucky.

Come on over to our board and you will be treated with hospitality. Threads won't be locked and posters won't be blocked. Insecurity at its finest here, but we will discuss basketball if you like.
I smell bar-b-que
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Come on over to our board and you will be treated with hospitality. Threads won't be locked and posters won't be blocked. Insecurity at its finest here, but we will discuss basketball if you like.

LOL....go read some of the sh!t on your board. Hospitality? LOLOLOL. Trashy team, coach AND FANS!!!

Did I hear someone say that there are complaints refs here? There's enough complaints over on hogville to fill the stadium.
I read the locked thread. Didn't really see anything that was banable, but I'll take your word for it. I admittedly don't care about Kentucky enough to hang around your board much except during March. Seems like a nice place but I wouldn't call it friendly to outsiders. It is interesting to see the threads on the refs and how the NCAA committee hates you haha, I guess those threads are on every board

You can kindly, gtfo.
Just to know I've got this straight. Vandy was tired and Bama wasn't, even though they both played 3 games in 3 days. Good explanation, it had nothing to do with how Arkansas played. Most Arkansas fans are fans of Monk, and likewise, most Arkansas fans really don't like Kentucky.

Come on over to our board and you will be treated with hospitality. Threads won't be locked and posters won't be blocked. Insecurity at its finest here, but we will discuss basketball if you like.

Yeah, like the thread where they claim that Fox deserved the shiv to the face because of some hand movement Monk made earlier? Like where the most active thread says that it's GREAT that your players hard foul when they can't win, because they WANT a thug reputation? You mean THAT hospitality? You suck.

Pigs are the dirtiest program, with the dirtiest players, and the dirtiest fans. Most importantly, they have the dirtiest coach in college basketball, because all cheating is ok by him and his toilet mentor Big Cheat Pock Marks, encourages all this 'well, we lost so we will punch you in the face, trip you, knock you down, because we is TOUGH, see?.' No WONDER know one wants to play for that dirty little team with no real history to speak of in twenty years. I think a move back to the Southwestern conference would be the best idea for that backwater nothing program. The very first thread says YOU WILL BE BLOCKED,so the 'Welcome' bullsh1t is a lie from your trolling mouth.

Every year, I swear to God that there can no worse fans than Florida, and then we play one game with the Pig Sty Five, and I need a shower with bleach.
One more for the road. I actually named my goldfish after an Arky player. Meet Portis. :)

I thought he was more like Admiral Ackbar...

With all the ridiculousness ("controversy") of Monk "spurning" Arkansas to go to Kentucky, you'd think they'd make sure their entire roster was Arkansas natives

Six are from Arkansas; seven out of state.

It has to be less than 30 because Arky fans do not have that many fingers and toes.
I stopped cheering for the other teams back in the '70's. The other SEC schools hate us and aren't shy about telling if you ever encounter one. The only fans worth a dime are the Alabama fans and I actually had a couple tell me they were pulling for us during the 2015 run. In the past 30 or so years I've been verbally assaulted by fans from Tennessee, Mississippi State, Arkansas and Florida. Could care less if any other SEC team won another basketball game.

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