Arkansas Fan wants Cal GONE

Happy Dance GIF by Fort Wayne TinCaps
I’ve been waiting for these, I can’t wait until they win a couple big games after it looks like they are dead. Then the national media will hype them up as a dark horse finding their groove late. Cal says “This is the goal all year, to get these guys in a good place for a march.” Then the inevitable SEC T one game exit and a great March bracket draw. Then we get to watch as they lose first round to an 10 or 11 seed.
What is it with driving and posting? Everybody wants to be seen driving
Probably the same type of idiot that sits at green lights, like what happened on our way to Walmart tonight. The car just SITTING there. I wasn't in the turning lane with that car, but I held down on the horn anyway. Bunch of fumducks on the road anymore.
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Rewatching the UK/Fla game. So nice not watching that Gawd awful weave and sh***y, stagnant offense like we had under Cal.

I caught a little bit of the Arkansas/Tennessee game earlier after our win against Florida before leaving for a family party. I wasn't even surprised when they were down by about 15 when I left the door. It's really nice being on the other side of Cal ball.
*******************************************************BREAKING NEWS*********************************************************

Ar-Kansas just awarded Cow a Whole Hog, ah or was that a Whole Life contract.....

Cow is a Hog fer life!!!!!! A whole HOG...
Cal said in his post game that they didn't have a shoot around prior to the game.
Right there you go. Straight from the ole' ball coach. I can understand, Coach Cal. I don't think I have any more questions. Thank you for your time. Good luck in the next game.

As for the video of that guy above .... road rage is a terrible waste of rage.

Go Big Blue !

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