Arkansas AD statement on Cal 😀

The discussion was about where Cal left this program.

So yes, that is the lens that I am looking at it through.

Whether or not he’s a good fit for Arkansas is a separate discussion and you can ask his new boss his thoughts about that.
No, the discussion was mocking the Arkansas AD for saying something nice about the coach he just hired.
Earned Not Given
You're going to see just how big of a bull$hitter Calipari is. Some of us spotted it years ago but, he's going to reuse the same old tired slogans and stream of consciousness garbage there that he did here. He's a cross between a carpetbagger and used car salesman. Arky fans will love the spotlight...for a while. Then, if he fails to produce it will get old.
One more thing, Calipari at Arkansas and Calipari at Kentucky are NOT the same thing.
“By all accounts”

It’s a silly, poorly-worded statement, from an athletic director who is supposed to be in the know and who is to have performed extensive due diligence on a major hire.
That sounds like an AD that knows next to nothing about basketball.
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Yeah, it's a tale of multiple personality disorder with Calipari. If you look at his numbers from 2010 to 2015, you come away thinking this guy is the best coach in the NCAA. If you just look at his numbers from 2016 to 2019, you think he's a good coach who just can't seem to win the big game. If you look at his numbers from 2021 to 2024, you think he's just an average coach who can recruit but can't coach in-game very well. I'm sure Arkansas fans will be focusing on Cal's early years at UK. And why not? He had 4 Final Fours out of 6 years. He had a runner-up. He had a title. He had a team that was 2 wins from a perfect season. He had so much talent in those years, many are NBA all-stars today.

But we all know better- the Calipari we've come to know in the last 5 years is not the same guy anymore. Some of that could be from fans turning against him and his inability to handle criticism (he says he ignores it, but he soaks it in). Some of it has to do with team building through high school recruiting instead of transfer portal or just by keeping players year after year (and he sends them packing before they've finished unpacking, usually). But some of it also has to do with an issue Calipari has always had- and that's the fact that he's just not great at game prep (doesn't do video scouting with his team- just focuses on his own team's performance) and he's just not good in game situations. If his game plan works, he usually has enough talent to win, but if he has to adjust, he struggles and his team struggles- he doesn't zone unless it's in desperation, and his teams never know how to play it. Arkansas fans will find this out. They'll be positive for a while and give him a chance to do his thing, they'll love the talent he brings in, but if and when things don't work out and Cal starts shifting blame, talking with that coach speak, and about being young and guys not being "robots", Arkansas fans will see the issues.

I do wish Cal well except for when he plays UK. I don't hate him. He's a flawed guy with a big ego. And at this point, that isn't changing.
Damn, we had a moderator on this board who is an expert on just about everything. Who is more qualified to head the program than him?
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“By all accounts”

It’s a silly, poorly-worded statement, from an athletic director who is supposed to be in the know and who is to have performed extensive due diligence on a major hire.

What's he going to say? Lol

"While John Calipari has seriously underperformed the last 5 years, squandering top recruiting class after top recruiting class, and hasn't nearly been worth the money he's been given, we think things will be different here in Fayetteville."

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I’m over dragging the guy. His time here is done and he didn’t leave us in shambles or on probation. I don’t expect a career resurgence for him but he’s a big deal for a place like Arkansas.

There with you on that first part. He's gone as he needed to be. I'm taking the win and hoping we get a good hire that can really coach. Don't care what Cal does from here, just like I didn't care when he was at Memphis and UMass.

Arkansas did the best it could do after "missing" on its first choice candidates
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What's he going to say? Lol

"While John Calipari has seriously underperformed the last 5 years, squandering top recruiting class after top recruiting class, and hasn't nearly been worth the money he's been given, we think things will be different here in Fayetteville."


He can drop the qualifier of, “by all accounts . . . “

That’s a tell and it’s not a good one
They also said Cal told them they had the resources to recruit and retain players. Apparently we didn't have the ability to retain then.

Weird that Cal wouldn't mention to the AD him not WANTING to retain players that weren't content to sit the bench regardless of how well they played. Meeks STILL hasn't received that phone call from Cal....

Guess I'm not quite done, but ....damn
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I might get flak again for this, but Cal is one of a handful of active college coaches to have won a championship. He's one of two coaches to take three programs to a FF. I suspect, with a fresh start, he could make it 2? with Arky.

Did he? How many FFs were vacated because of ineligible players? I sincerely don't know
Did he? How many FFs were vacated because of ineligible players? I sincerely don't know
How many did Pitino have vacated because of hookers? Didn't Rose have the all-clear from the NCAA until they double jeopardy'd him? The Camby thing is fair. Seems like a theme, honestly.
Damn, we had a moderator on this board who is an expert on just about everything. Who is more qualified to head the program than him?
Yeah, you're a funny guy. You wouldn't want me to be the coach and I wouldn't want the pressure of trying to do it. Not sure how I managed to get you riled up. Have a blessed day lj bulldog. 😀
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I might get flak again for this, but Cal is one of a handful of active college coaches to have won a championship. He's one of two coaches to take three programs to a FF. I suspect, with a fresh start, he could make it four with Arky.

The past five years of mediocrity culminating in getting booted by fans and admin alike could help Cal shake the factors that mired him down here. Cal is a good coach. He just couldn't get out of his own way at UK, and that'll get any coach pulverized in the meat grinder we have here. It was time for a separation – there's no doubting that. For him, for us, and for the university.

I think he does well at Arkansas. The levity of his goodbye tells me he felt a huge burden roll off his shoulders. Personally, I wish him well, though I won't forget his snide comments and defensiveness when things went south. I don't see an issue with their AD's assessment. Besides, what's he going to say? "Well, we got a washed up geezer with the stubbornness of a mule. Woo pig sooie I guess."
I agree. I think a fresh start will reinvigorate him for a while. Only for a while.
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It is impossible to retain players when you call them in at the end of the season and inform them the new crop of incoming freshmen are going to play ahead of them.

Cal built this monster. Can't blame the fans or NIL for what he does.

I wonder how long it will be before he tells them, “we’re just young” 😂
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WAS. Thanks for the memories Cal but he's past his prime. Arkansas fans are happy and that is fine. Good for them. They aren't getting what they think they are.
You're going to see just how big of a bull$hitter Calipari is. Some of us spotted it years ago but, he's going to reuse the same old tired slogans and stream of consciousness garbage there that he did here. He's a cross between a carpetbagger and used car salesman. Arky fans will love the spotlight...for a while. Then, if he fails to produce it will get old.
One more thing, Calipari at Arkansas and Calipari at Kentucky are NOT the same thing.
Got that right! Dude don't care about championships. He said he was sad. Of course u are! u stunk up your redemption tour vs nba/scandals. You drove the hype train up here, and rode it all the way down.
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Anyone else watch that 1hr show SECN came up out if nowhere? I'm glad Cal is gone but dam the juice they have does make me miss the early days. If Drew is the guy will they do anything outside of a press conference? The guy just seems quiet and reserved. I hope they do so we can get a better feel about him. I mean this is multiple things on Cal and in studio. I would like to think the new Kentucky coach brings as much.
some idiot at Kentucky wrote Calipari a contract that singularly focused on him not getting the program into NCAA trouble and had NOTHING geared toward performance or structured with incentives for performance.

only an idiot would write a lifetime contract with a buyout so heavy it bankrupts your program if you fire him and NOT include the one thing the program cares about as cause.

You get what you pay for - Cal was given a contract that said "don't go to UCLA, you can do what you want here as long as we don't get in trouble" and whenever our AD said "hey Cal, maybe you want to think about winning? - he tells the AD to F' OFF, so our AD puts all his energy into (stealing from someone else), the rifle and pickle ball teams while he hides during basketball season. Seriously, Mitch has been a no show for 3 years - it took the donors walking away from the program for him to get involved - and it results in a painfully awkward joint interview where both men lied their ass off.

Whether you agree with the Arkansas AD's statement or not, they at least pushed two things - performance clauses that allow Cal to make more money than he did here, otherwise he makes less, and second - if he is talking about player retention, they know his achilles heel and have talked to him about it. They have made it clear to Cal what their priorities are.
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Compare Cal's 2009 contract

The $31.65 million deal making John Calipari the highest-paid coach in college basketball is packed with perks beyond his annual salary, including membership to the country club of his choice, two cars and incentives for reaching the NCAA Sweet Sixteen and Final Four and winning a national title.

Calipari agreed to leave Memphis and Tuesday night signed the eight-year contract to join the nation's all-time winningest basketball program.
some idiot at Kentucky wrote Calipari a contract that singularly focused on him not getting the program into NCAA trouble and had NOTHING geared toward performance or structured with incentives for performance.

only an idiot would write a lifetime contract with a buyout so heavy it bankrupts your program if you fire him and NOT include the one thing the program cares about as cause.

You get what you pay for - Cal was given a contract that said "don't go to UCLA, you can do what you want here as long as we don't get in trouble" and whenever our AD said "hey Cal, maybe you want to think about winning? - he tells the AD to F' OFF, so our AD puts all his energy into (stealing from someone else), the rifle and pickle ball teams while he hides during basketball season. Seriously, Mitch has been a no show for 3 years - it took the donors walking away from the program for him to get involved - and it results in a painfully awkward joint interview where both men lied their ass off.

Whether you agree with the Arkansas AD's statement or not, they at least pushed two things - performance clauses that allow Cal to make more money than he did here, otherwise he makes less, and second - if he is talking about player retention, they know his achilles heel and have talked to him about it. They have made it clear to Cal what their priorities are.
And clearly they have not paid attention to how he responds to that have they because they would not have taken him if they knew. I could tell in his goodbye message that he still completely focused on the kids instead of success. He's doing it his way and he's going to be fun to watch
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