Originally posted by cal=8:
Originally posted by caneintally:
Yes plenty . I think we have a better shot then most . I think our chances with Ingram are being overplayed here and our chances with Newman are being down played big time. But that is one man's opinion .
It's kinda like the Twins going to Maryland.. I was thinking theres no way they go there.. I can't believe a guy as good as Newman would go to State.. I mean, I get that Howland's there and he'd be the point but Miss State! Who else are they bringing in? It's not an assist if you don't have the cast to finish the play..
From a business standpoint it's a bad call.. Come to KY Newman and you'll be where you belong.. In the company of greatness!
This post was edited on 4/20 10:14 PM by cal=8