Are we allowed to boo?

There was a time not so long ago when I would have vehemently said "NO!" to this question. And while it's not something I would do personally, I don't have a problem with anyone who wants to if they felt compelled. I guess NIL has changed quite a few things hasn't it?
Is that booing going to buyout his contract, ensure a great hire, show support for current players, and create a better atmosphere for current players and recruits? If so, then let the boos fly.
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Be careful Greg popovich might white guilt you for booing…and Cal is right about the same wjtb his white guilt-ishness and taking people heart and such
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The more I think about it, the more NIL has changed my answer to this question.
They are getting paid like pros, they probably should get boo'd like pros when they play like crap.

And boo Cal during intros for all I care.
The more I think about it, the more NIL has changed my answer to this question.
They are getting paid like pros, they probably should get boo'd like pros when they play like crap.

And boo Cal during intros for all I care.
They may get paid like pros, but how does that booing help with player retention and recruiting? I realize that it's not the fan's job to recruit, but if there are competitive offers for NIL and the player doesn't feel welcome at home, why stay and/or go to that program?
Since the player's are paid, can we boo poor performances or call out bad play on here? Thoughts?
As a general rule I would say no, as nothing good can come from it. Criticizing players publicly, serves only to satisfy some momentary frustration but will do more harm, in the long run, than good and certainly creates a reputation any fanbase would not want.
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I'm usually not in favor of it. I wouldn't be on board with booing a player individually (unless it was an obvious behavior issue). But a little boo throughout Rupp after a horrible stretch or ridiculousness of selfish/bad few min probably wouldn't be the end of the world.

Basically, I say it's not my thing, but there may be times when it's warranted.

EDIT; we may get to a point where I wouldn't mind some obvious murmurs when Cal is introduced pre-game.
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As a general rule I would say no, as nothing good can come from it. Criticizing players publicly, serves only to satisfy some momentary frustration but will do more harm, in the long run, than good and certainly creates a reputation any fanbase would not want.
That John Calapari quote says it all..... These early games aren't important to him. Somehow he thinks he's coaching for the NCAAs, the long view....

However, what he doesn't get is that if he can't coach himself into a win in these early games, his same flaws will not allow him to adjust/coach himself into NCAA wins when he has close games in the tournament...

That's been painfully obvious over the years...
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The question really is what recourse do fans have when the product they are paying for is substandard or below quality? Not like you can ask for a refund...

Going to games is ridiculously expensive nowadays. Losses happen, however, the way in which they happen should serve as the determining factor for whether or not a fan should boo.

As for the game against UNCW, if I was there, I would have most definitely boo'd in the first half. Not because UK was losing, but because the quality of play was substandard. Majority of the players were going through the motions, and lacked intensity and a fight. To me, looked like they were playing for themselves and were not giving maximum effort on the court. To me, that is boo-worthy 100% of the time. If they were playing for each other and at a maximum intensity but were still losing because UNCW was just jacking up shots and they were going in, that is one thing.

But all of us who watched the game, or were there in person, know that was not the story.
They may get paid like pros, but how does that booing help with player retention and recruiting? I realize that it's not the fan's job to recruit, but if there are competitive offers for NIL and the player doesn't feel welcome at home, why stay and/or go to that program?
First of all I expect it rarely would happen, but If a player doesn't come or stay at UK because he might get boo'd, then he's probably too soft to help us win a title anyway.

And if he is passing up the opportunity to be at this legendary program and all the good that comes with it, because fans may boo his subpar performance while he cashes $250k in NIL money, then boo friggin who.

These kids are not the same kids from just 4-5 years ago. They are getting paid more for a couple of months work than a lot of us get paid in a year. They voice their opinions about our history, social issues, can choose not to play, and they can leave during or after the season with no penalty whatsoever.

Don't think it's asking too much to get an occasional boo when they have repeatedly done something bad on the court. And it would take something repeatedly to happen for the first boo to happen. And that more than likely would be a selfish type play.
It looks like everyone is in agreement that Cal deserves boos but not quite sure about players. Maybe a team boo in a timeout after a bad stretch could be warranted?
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Trying to imagine why anyone would boo something that they really like and enjoy. Cheer or remain silent.

But that’s just me I guess!
Who really liked and enjoyed the substandard product they saw on the court in the 1st half? What is there to like or enjoy about that effort?

If you buy bread you really like and enjoy but go home and find out there is mold on it, are you just going to remain silent? No, you go back to the store and either exchange it or get your money back...what recourse do fans have if they go to the game but the product sucks because of lack of effort and intensity?
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That John Calapari quote says it all..... These early games aren't important to him. Somehow he thinks he's coaching for the NCAAs, the long view....

However, what he doesn't get is that if he can't coach himself into a win in these early games, his same flaws will not allow him to adjust/coach himself into NCAA wins when he has close games in the tournament...

That's been painfully obvious over the years...
The odds of Calipari "coaching" another UK team to a Title is very small because it's not his goal. He will tell you it is but it's not. At UK he has every advantage, but he's embarrassed by his wealth of resources here at UK and feels he needs to virtue signal to his coaching fraternity that he's unwilling to bludgeon them with a stack of UK titles. Considering the wealth of talent he's ushered through Lexington, his tenure here must be considered a total failure, if and only if, his true goal was to genuinely try to win a title every year. I don't believe that is his goal ... at all. He's either a liar or the absolute worst coach in a generation ... a fraud.
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Trying to imagine why anyone would boo something that they really like and enjoy. Cheer or remain silent.

But that’s just me I guess!
Because it sends a message. Doesn't need to be an ugly personal attack. More of a 'get your head out of your arse' kinda thing. Buddies will absolutely tell their buddies if they are playing or performing like crap. You just need to be mature enough to acknowledge the criticism is probably warranted and get your ish together.
Absolutely. I'd have booed last Saturday if present.

Same goes for football when they lose at home to vandy last year.

They get NIL and are paid adults. They aren't kids. These so called kids make more n their short college playing careers than some on here do in 10 to 15 years.
UK fans have a long history of booing UK players. Jerry Hale got booed every time he checked in. It's such an endearing feature of our fans.
If they’re getting paid to play then i think booing is perfectly acceptable.
The name on the front of the jersey is no longer the motivator behind their performance.
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Sorry, I can’t bring myself to boo an 18-22 year old kid based on performance. Whether they are getting paid or not doesn’t matter. Boo Cal all you want; he is a grown adult.
Wait...since when are 18-22 yr olds considered kids? Did I miss when that happened, legally speaking....
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Sorry, I can’t bring myself to boo an 18-22 year old kid based on performance. Whether they are getting paid or not doesn’t matter. Boo Cal all you want; he is a grown adult.
agreed....If Cal continues to get boo'd enough for continued losing, he'll either adjust and try to win..... or things will just get plain ugly...
I don't see any reason to boo one of our guys other than an extreme situation ie starting a fight and being in the wrong or flagrant bad attitude and melting down on court like Hagans did at Tennessee. These guys are paid so extreme examples like that it wouldn't matter to me if we booed.

Just poor play like with Askew and Boston....ehhh. Thats tough. Would think the correct thing would be to boo Cal for playing them when they obviously shouldn't be out there.

Cheering and booing the coach is always fair game. Period.

As far as criticizing players, doing it on here is fine by me. These are young men. Everything isn't always sunshine and rainbows. But leave them alone on social media. I feel that way about pros too. Not because they're above it, but no one wants to hear or read that crap from people.
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