Anyone watching this Miami VT game?

Really a close call. From one angle it looked like VT came down with the ball. From another it appeared that the ball was jarred loose by a VT player's leg before the receiver had complete control. Wild ending. Could have gone either way. I don't see how you overturn that call when it was not clearly one or the other.
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Refs got it right finally IMO. Incompletion. He had the ball until his butt hit the ground or VT player then it popped out. He didn't maintain control all the way through.
Ov ershadows Tech had a sack that turned into a20 yard gain to the 1.
They are going to think about that game all week.
2-3 darkhorse who lost to Vandy.
I bet they collapse
After watching the replay several times, I think it was incomplete. The receiver was falling down as he attempted the catch, so he had to maintain control as he hit the ground, which he didn’t appear to do. The back angle seems to show the ball move pretty much the instant he hits the ground, and if he ever fully got it back, it certainly wasn’t before the Miami player touched it while being out of bounds, which would kill the play.

The refs made their job a lot harder by calling a touchdown on the field though. As hard as it was to find the ball on some of those replays, that initial call left some wiggle room for it not to be completely unreasonable to claim the play should have stood due to inconclusive evidence.