Anyone watch Survivor?

Creed Bratton

May 31, 2018
Lex Town
I have watched every season but thought I would go back and binge watch from the beginning since it's been 20+ years since it all started. A few things that stand out to me is first how much the game has changed from the beginning. There are way more food rewards and idols now than there was early on. In the beginning people would nearly starve to death because they rarely got a food reward. The second thing is that they really shortened it up after Covid. In the beginning it was 39 days and now I it's only 26. The third thing is, I don't know why but I only remember 2-3 of the contestants from most of those early seasons. I am currently on season 21 and the only person I remembered was Jimmie Johnson and that is only because he was the Dallas Cowboys coach. 🤣
It has been a long time since I watched Survivor. I remember that Rupert character from back in the day. He ran for governor in Indiana but lost to Mike Pence.
I'm a huge Survivor fan (must be more of us out there than I think for it to still be on TV). There are a couple distinct things I remember from the first season. They had raincoats that they could wear and Jeff didn't narrate the challenges at all (or very little). I don't think the challenges were nearly as physical (or elaborate) as they are now too.
How did Jimmie Johnson survive on a jungle island without hair products? And to the question, no. I watched part of the first season, got bored and never watched again. I will watch its spinoff Naked and Afraid if the female contestant is good looking.
He was voted off on day 6 and you could understand why he needs all that hair product because it looked like a lions mane on his head. 🤣
watched every season
my main complaint is all the "feels" that have been forced on viewers. everyone has to tell a sob story and cry.
the challenges are all the same or have the same elements.
the cast is always the same now; older people, younger people, nerds, etc.
the people that win could NEVER survive. they vote those people off first.
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@JDHoss can't stand it. Hates the new president, hates every post referencing "woke" and leaves a sarcastic laughing emoji. Poor guy is having a rough time. Just 3 and 7/8ths more years to go, LOL!!!

THE worst is Probst catering to all the woke contestants now (which is almost all of them since CBS is a joke).

Plenty of non-woke stuff to watch, lmao.
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I liked Boston rob and Rupert

I noticed on the promo some of the big brother/survivor are on deal or no deal island - is it similar to survivor or a lot different?
It's like a mixture of survivor, deal or no deal and big brother.

Every episode is Survivor type challenge, big brother type drama, and ends with 1 person playing a DoND game. If you win the DoND you pick who goes home if you lose you go home.
I haven't watched Deal or no deal island. I thought it was more similar to the Howie Mandel game show.
It's got a little bit of survivor feeling in terms of challenges (minor compared to Survivor), forming alliances, backstabbing, people being immune at the vote, etc. Plus Boston Rob was on last season and Parvati is on this season.
@JDHoss can't stand it. Hates the new president, hates every post referencing "woke" and leaves a sarcastic laughing emoji. Poor guy is having a rough time. Just 3 and 7/8ths more years to go, LOL!!!

THE worst is Probst catering to all the woke contestants now (which is almost all of them since CBS is a joke).

Plenty of non-woke stuff to watch, lmao.
On the contrary, I love it when people cry about "woke".
I read about a year or so ago that they shortened the season due to CBS trying to cut production costs.
It's got a little bit of survivor feeling in terms of challenges (minor compared to Survivor), forming alliances, backstabbing, people being immune at the vote, etc. Plus Boston Rob was on last season and Parvati is on this season.
Ya I think Boston rob is now on that peacock one called traitors
Survivor sucks. It's not "surviving" when there's anything you want off camera. I'm sure it's changed since Hatch won it but it's all about "me". These "reality" shows suck major ass. I much prefer Alone. It's the least fake reality show there is IMO. I blame The "Real " World from back in the day on MTV for all this reality BS.
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For the life of me I cannot understand how this show and other reality shows are still on the air. It’s frightening. The dumbing down of America.
No offense but not everyone is entertained by the same shows. I have no idea what you like or watch but if it entertains you then more power to you. I don't get why anyone would think that everyone has to like what they do and if they don't they are "dumb". If we were all the exact same person who liked the same music, movies, tv shows, sports teams, etc then this would be a pretty boring and bland world. I watch a lot of different things from documentaries, true crime shows and reality shows to different sports. If it's something I don't like I just turn the channel. I try not to be so pretentious as to think I am the only one it was intended for.
Long time fan the first 10 years , goes back to when my kids were ,,,,,,, kids .. now 30 and 28 .. too many add on this n thats , ruined a fine game .. but Alone is awesome
No offense but not everyone is entertained by the same shows. I have no idea what you like or watch but if it entertains you then more power to you. I don't get why anyone would think that everyone has to like what they do and if they don't they are "dumb". If we were all the exact same person who liked the same music, movies, tv shows, sports teams, etc then this would be a pretty boring and bland world. I watch a lot of different things from documentaries, true crime shows and reality shows to different sports. If it's something I don't like I just turn the channel. I try not to be so pretentious as to think I am the only one it was intended for.
You have to admit, there is enough scripting and direction that makes it less "reality".
Well, the best looking lady got voted out the first night, so that’s disappointing!
They don't have many good looking chicks anymore. They are trying so hard to be diverse that they are making it unwatchable. The early seasons are way better. What is funny if you go to any site that ranks the all time seasons the last 6-8 seasons, where they started making sure they were more inclusive, is consistently rated as the worst on every poll.
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They don't have many good looking chicks anymore. They are trying so hard to be diverse that they are making it unwatchable. The early seasons are way better. What is funny if you go to any site that ranks the all time seasons the last 6-8 seasons, where they started making sure they were more inclusive, is consistently rated as the worst on every poll.
I stopped watching when they had 1 hidden immunity idol and then when Russell Hantz was there they started bending the rules and he found it 5 different occasions all right before tribal council.

Then they started the second chance battle and decided when it was best for that person to come back.

It was better when it was a little more authentic but then they started forcing/scripting people moving on.

I know it’s “reality” tv that’s not real but it became more like watching a pro wrestling show.
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