I just found this in the NCAA Bylaws. I heard a couple of people on local radio speculating that maybe the Appeals Committee will see things differently, won't be so offended by the salacious nature of the acts, and go easier on UofL. But the standard of review is "abuse of discretion." Which means the Appeals Committee can only reverse the decision if the Infractions Committee really screwed up, either getting a material fact wrong or getting a rule wrong or screwing up procedurally. It's not like a mere difference of opinion as to what the appropriate penalty should be can save Louisville. Penalties. Apenaltyprescribedbythehearingpanel,includingdeterminationsregardingtheexistence and weighing of any aggravating or mitigating factors, shall not be set aside on appeal except on a showing by the appealing party that the panel abused its discretion. The Infractions Appeals Committee may affirm a penalty for any reason in the record. (Adopted: 10/30/12 effective 8/1/13) Findings and Conclusions. A hearing panel’s factual findings and its conclusion that one or more violations occurred shall not be set aside on appeal except on a showing by the appealing party that: (Ad- opted: 10/30/12 effective 8/1/13, Revised: 7/31/14)
- (a) A factual finding is clearly contrary to the information presented to the panel;
- (b) the facts found by the panel do not constitute a violation of the NCAA constitution and bylaws; or
- (c) there was a procedural error and but for the error, the panel would not have made the finding or conclusion.