Anyone here have bradycardia?


Feb 15, 2013
I wore a heart v monitor 3 days and just got told I have bradycardia, as my heart beat got into the 30s multiple times. Anyone have it and what do they do for it? Any answers would be greatly appreciated.
They’re probably going to talk to you about a pacemaker, and if you’ve had any syncopal episodes, they may recommend it soon. It sucks and unfortunate but you will likely feel better with a little more energy.
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They’re probably going to talk to you about a pacemaker, and if you’ve had any syncopal episodes, they may recommend it soon. It sucks and unfortunate but you will likely feel better with a little more energy.
Yeah Ive been struggling having energy for a while. Thank you for the reply. I'm telling ya, my body has went to shit from 35 to today at 39. I've already had a kidney transplant and now this. I'm not overweight or even close.
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Are you on beta blockers , or Calcium channel blockers ?
No, why? I wore a heart monitor last Wednesday through Friday and they literally called me right before I made this thread and told me my heart hit 34 multiple times and that I have bradycardia. I have to see the cardiologist Thursday. Being that low scares the shit outta me bro. Any info would help brother.
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I’m a pharmacist — those two , along with digoxin slow down the heart - for people whose rhythm was too fast — but sometime the the body can overreact to the medication and you get too slow
I’m a pharmacist — those two , along with digoxin slow down the heart - for people whose rhythm was too fast — but sometime the the body can overreact to the medication and you get too slow
Ah, I see. Nah I take nothing but thanks for trying to help.