Getting one for Christmas to mess around with a little fabrication. Going to use it for various projects. Just getting a starter one for now to see how it goes. This is the one I picked that is a good price with decent features for a beginner.
I've been playing around with Blender trying to learn how to do some 3d models. Just getting a head start on things before I get it. I already have a few prints in mind but will probably have to slow it down and not get ahead of myself.I have an Ender-3 Max Neo we got it last Christmas along with a ton of filament. I introduced my kids to tinkering with 3D modeling at age five and my son made some cool little guys on TinkerCAD as a 2nd grader.
Along with modeling and fab skills, he’s also picked up some supply chain / expectation management acumen after promising prints to his buddies before I had time to help him print them. 😛
Some tips for the Ender:
1) It can’t read large memory cards - it has a fairly low maximum size.
2) File names have to 8 characters or less.
3) Ambient room temperature and drafts are a factor.