Anyone else like me wanting to cheer for all the SEC but struggle lately?

You find it harder lately to cheer for SEC team we have dominated forever that each pop up sometimes

  • I always cheer for our league SEC proud.

    Votes: 10 21.3%
  • I can't they're the enemy and deserve as much.

    Votes: 19 40.4%
  • I'm split, I want to. But they often forget their place.

    Votes: 18 38.3%

  • Total voters


Jan 30, 2018
Louisville, Ky (Behind enemy lines)
I use to cheer for all the SEC and still try to, but feel they forget. ARK and FL rose but never maintained. TN hasn't been to an FF in over 100 years.

We have been and always will be the heartbeat of the SEC. At least in my lifetime and I'm 48. We have more SEC titles than ever other team combined. Are the winningest program in the history of college bb and 2nd overall in titles.

They all seem to hate us so much nomatter what, and they are so thrilled at any demise they can witness. Tshirt night, superbowl you name it. But put some GD respect on that name. We are Alpha, the constant, the freakin North star. So enjoy the wins but no one thing is inevitable. We will always rise again.

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I was born in Orlando, Florida and lived there till I was 3. One of my older brothers, the one who gave me the kidney transplant graduated from Florida. All of my older siblings are at least 16 years older so they are hardcore Gator fans. So I've always rooted for Florida secondarily. My other older brother was a hero to me cause he was in the Marines and like I said he's a huge Florida fan. He served in the first Gulf War as well. But my mom, God Bless her, turned me into a UK fan with a quickness. So yes Florida or any SEC team playing Duke or any other Bluebloods.
I used to pull for any SEC team in the Big Dance, but lately I have become Kentucky ONLY. Can’t explain it, but I’m really developing an unhealthy attitude of wanting us to regain our Conference dominance and a dislike for the other teams. Maybe those dominant days are gone. So, this year I am smh towards any team other than the Cats. At 72 I have witnessed the glory years I guess. GO CATS!
I used to pull for any SEC team in the Big Dance, but lately I have become Kentucky ONLY. Can’t explain it, but I’m really developing an unhealthy attitude of wanting us to regain our Conference dominance and a dislike for the other teams. Maybe those dominant days are gone. So, this year I am smh towards any team other than the Cats. At 72 I have witnessed the glory years I guess. GO CATS!
I'm with you there, but when we are out I always like to see a conference foe do well. I picked the "I'm split" option. Gone are the days of Kentucky and everyone else in the conference. OTOH, we are THE team everyone loves to hate/beat. About the only thing I've ever agreed with Cal on was that we are everyone's Super Bowl. I want to get back to dominating the SEC again but it's much harder than it used to be to pull it off.
I don't like anybody that don't have this K E N T U C K Y across the chest
This right here I hate every other team in America! I can't root for the SEC because you know they don't want to see UK do good they want to see us fail in every aspect. If UK gets knocked out early lets hope that a no name team wins it all! Honestly though I'm not rooting for any SEC team I just hope they have a good showing in the NCAA tournament to make our 11 loses look just a little better!
I am really weird about this. If they are favorites in the early rounds, I tend to cheer against them because I love an underdog. But as the rounds go on and they are playing the Dukes, UNC, KU type teams, I cheer for them.
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LSU is the only other SEC team I can even tolerate. There was a day when I would pull for an SEC team over any other. Those days are over. Screw the SEC and it's corrupt assed administration.
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I think Vandy will have a hard time against St. Mary's but I will be pulling for Vandy. Think most of the SEC teams will win their 1st game.
Generally, root for most SEC teams outside of Tennessee, Florida, and Auburn although my wife is an Auburn grad and I’ve softened toward them SLIGHTLY. And I mean slightly.
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If the SEC doesn't do well like normal, we'll hear the inevitable groans that the SEC wasn't as tough as everyone thought so that will suck because I'm pretty sure that's what is going to happen. However, the conference cheats its way into trying to have as many teams win in the conference so they can get to the Big Dance by allowing football to be played on the basketball court. It's the only way teams like Auburn, A&M, & Miss. State can win enough to ensure they have a great resume so to watch the SEC fall flat on their face in the first weekend sans UK would be hilarious.

End of the day F Greg Sankey and F the $EC.
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I used to root for SEC teams but after watching the refs let SEC teams away with murder agains UK all year I don't think I can...unless the opponent is Duke, Kansas, UCONN, or the cheats.
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in basketball, I'd like to see the conference get better. If UT or Bama wins it all, I won't be disappointed. Of course I want uk to beat them, though when they are strong.

Football? Forget it. It's SEC. I hate them all. Bunch's sobs. They can all eat my ass-especially UT and Bama