Any word on how CJ Conrad is recovering?

Kooky Kats

Gold Member
Aug 17, 2002
anyone know how he's progressing? If on track for fall practice?

This kid maybe the lynchpin for getting to a bowl. We need him healthy.
I hope CJ is recovered and ready to go but I have to disagree about him (or any true frosh) being our lynchpin!
I hope CJ is recovered and ready to go but I have to disagree about him (or any true frosh) being our lynchpin!

Maybe, but there's hope. The last two times that we had very good offenses, the TE position was a major reason why.
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Maybe, but there's hope. The last two times that we had very good offenses, the TE position was a major reason why.

TE is a very vital position, especially one with the versatility of Conrad, who does have the ability to effectively play out on the perimeter, as well as in the middle of the field. Having a receiving threat like him will present a lot of opportunities. Mismatches downfield (for Towles to capitalize on), a quick safety valve in case defenses bring the heat, and if you send him in motion out to the perimeter of the field, it opens things up for Boom (or our other backs) inside, who typically still run effectively when defenses stack the box against us.
He also provides a blocking presence for us, now that he picked up that 20 pounds or so since he got on campus (again, can help create mis-matches downfield).