Any else have issues with Amazon Delivery?

Funny enough, there have been some delays in various things I've ordered recently. Amazon is taking slightly longer than usual.. and Home Depot "ship to store" has been atrocious. I have to wonder if some of this isn't due to rising costs, layoffs, etc.
Works great for me. Can't stand wandering big box stores looking for shit. I'll gladly pay a little extra to have my weekend/leisure time back. I will say I've definitely run into times when instacart was a better option but for the most part can't complain about either service.
Door bell cam SHOULD stop any front porch pirates. I have never had anything jacked from my porch.
Imagine the days when you actually KNEW your drivers who made these deliveries. I think now they rotate about 9 or 10 a week

This is the problem for me. Timeliness is not an issue but thats probably because they just deliver stuff wherever. About 10% of mine says they are delivered but never show up. Interestingly almost all of them are signed for, which is not a requirement at all, and theyre all signed for by random names that i obviously dont know.

I can't tell if the drivers are involved in some kind of theft ring, because it is always the same electronics size boxes now im thinking about it, or if they are just slinging packages wherever because of volume and unfamiliarity with the area. If its theft, hope they enjoy my dish soap or whatever other inane household items that just happen to come in those size boxes.
Yeah. The only gripe I've ever had with Amazon delivery is the drivers ringing the door bell when they leave a package.

Other than that, it might be the most enjoyable buying experience I've ever had. Actually Logan's in Lexington is about the only thing that beats it, tbh.
I wish they would ring my doorbell when they drop it off. I've been busy doing something and not knowing I had a package sitting on the porch for hours. Mostly stuff ordered by family members that don't tell me they ordered something.

My doorbell camera goes off (from motion) a number of times a day. So I don't always check it. I live on a dead end street and made it so it picks up out to my mailbox. Hoping it catches someone on camera that commits a crime on my street (if it were to happen). We need more eyes on the streets these days.

To the original topic, I never really have any delivery issues. I get packages the next day quite often and usually no more than 2 days. Delays can happen though. I'm sure you've been out on the road and got caught up in delays. Well these drivers (especially the truck drivers) have to deal with delays daily. So I cut them some slack for bringing packages to my front door.

If the package is important and I am worried that it might get stolen or left out in the rain, I sometimes have it delivered to one of the lockers at the Amazon that's like a mile from my house. Those lockers are nice if you worry about when it will show up or if it might get stolen. I have about 3 different places I could go to near my house for those.
So I just received message from Amazon that the order is expected by 10pm TOMORROW NIGHT. Package is literally 15 minutes from me. WTF???

I decided to just go ahead and cancel the multiple orders. I've no interest in waiting around all day tomorrow for this shipment. This happens A LOT for my husband and I, not sure why when we live in the Northern Kentucky area where Amazon is a big thing. I'm afraid we're going to see more and more of this type of behavior from Amazon being that there is less and less competition.

It happens often to us. It's gotten worse over the last 10 yrs.

At first they screwed with our orders/delivery times to get us to subscribe to Prime. Delayed shipping items that were sitting in their local hub by DAYS. One of the next times they did that, I ordered it direct from the manufacturer, who matched the price and got it to me quicker.

Once we subscribed to prime things got more convoluted. The "Prime" shipping rarely gets to us as quickly as regular, free shipping. They say it will take a week if you don't have Prime, but it's not accurate at all. It's all just BS.

We order from them only when we don't need something quickly.
Sounds like a bitch move

If I was revenge minded, I'd not cancel the orders and just return everything to the local Whole Foods or Kohls if they are still drop off locations. They used to give full refunds if you did that.
Speaking of Amazon deliveries, here's a couple photos of Royal Mail facility, Lerwick, Shetland. Facility located 160 miles off coast of mainland Great Britain.

Yeah, Brits order a buttload from Jeff Bezos too.

