Anxiety on DL


Jan 4, 2022

Just wanted to see what everybody thinks about this. I get it, with todays sports climate and everything mental health is essential, but I can also see the other side that’s says everybody deals with anxiety and you have toughen up. What’s everybody thoughts on this

Just wanted to see what everybody thinks about this. I get it, with todays sports climate and everything mental health is essential, but I can also see the other side that’s says everybody deals with anxiety and you have toughen up. What’s everybody thoughts on this
doesn’t surprise me, everyone has a mental health problem now.
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doesn’t surprise me, everyone has a mental health problem now.
I get it mental health especially when it’s gets really bad is out of control and something that should always be talent seriously. The problem is people take advantage of the issue so they don’t have to do anything instead of actually having a mental health issue
I get it mental health especially when it’s gets really bad is out of control and something that should always be talent seriously. The problem is people take advantage of the issue so they don’t have to do anything instead of actually having a mental health issue
The problem is bad mental health issues are being ignored and acted like it’s normal and ok. Now people can claim anxiety and not do a thing if they don’t want to. Society is weak now and crumbling by the year IMO.
The problem is bad mental health issues are being ignored and acted like it’s normal and ok. Now people can claim anxiety and not do a thing if they don’t want to. Society is weak now and crumbling by the year IMO.
I doubt the guy is actively choosing to not play baseball over made up mental health issues.
I have a little bit of anxiety started when I give up drinking...

However all my worries disappear when I'm playing sports or distracted. But I definitely wouldn't consider mine severe.
Can’t believe that guy was on my champion fantasy league team. What a bum.

That reminded me of me texting a friend when Tua went down in Cincy.

Me: Wow. Tua.
Him: Sweet. I bet on Cincy.

I cringed and haven't talked to him since, lol.
In defense, anxiety sucks.
Yeah I suffer from it, it’s been a constant battle over my life. The worst part is when people don’t respect the realness of it and are dismissive and ridicule you. So not only are you struggling with winning against your brain but you’re struggling to be in a world where people call you weak and pathetic and taking advantage of a situation.

I doubt these same people would call people with amputations or birth defects these same things because they are visible.

I’m glad the climate on mental health is changing, and quickly. We need more compassion and less calling people weak and assuming people are taking advantage of something and/or faking something.
I'm somebody who actually has anxiety disorder and am currently on medications for it. Tell ya what, I've had three kidney stones without pain medication and would rather have another than slip into that dark hole I used to be in.

Speaking from experience, if Meadows really has anxiety, I 100% can see why he'd need to skip some games. Like, I was shaking at night, couldn't sleep, couldn't think straight, feeling sick, feeling down, etc. Sometimes, it gets BAD.
I think there’s a wide spectrum of people. Some might use (abuse) the current climate of mental health issues to their full advantage, and use it as a lame excuse. Others may be seriously suffering, and in years pass would have just be called a pussy and told to suck it up, but what they really needed was counseling or meds or rest or some combination of the three. I think we need to take people at their word if they say they’re having anxiety issues.
I'm somebody who actually has anxiety disorder and am currently on medications for it. Tell ya what, I've had three kidney stones without pain medication and would rather have another than slip into that dark hole I used to be in.

Speaking from experience, if Meadows really has anxiety, I 100% can see why he'd need to skip some games. Like, I was shaking at night, couldn't sleep, couldn't think straight, feeling sick, feeling down, etc. Sometimes, it gets BAD.
Glad you sought out help brother!
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I'm somebody who actually has anxiety disorder and am currently on medications for it. Tell ya what, I've had three kidney stones without pain medication and would rather have another than slip into that dark hole I used to be in.

Speaking from experience, if Meadows really has anxiety, I 100% can see why he'd need to skip some games. Like, I was shaking at night, couldn't sleep, couldn't think straight, feeling sick, feeling down, etc. Sometimes, it gets BAD.
No doubt the time where you can’t get out of your own head and fell like there is no way out are the hardest, it’s just crazy to me that there are some people out there that try to take advantage of mental health
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No doubt the time where you can’t get out of your own head and fell like there is no way out are the hardest, it’s just crazy to me that there are some people out there that try to take advantage of mental health
Exactly. I think you said you were a younger guy? I am, as well. There are a lot of younger fellas faking anxiety/depression or over exaggerating it to get out of doing things or be the "cool kid." It's a lot of those Tok Tickers or whatever, lol. It makes life harder on me to seek help because how can I prove I'm not faking it, too? Glad I got help, though. My doctor was awesome.
Exactly. I think you said you were a younger guy? I am, as well. There are a lot of younger fellas faking anxiety/depression or over exaggerating it to get out of doing things or be the "cool kid." It's a lot of those Tok Tickers or whatever, lol. It makes life harder on me to seek help because how can I prove I'm not faking it, too? Glad I got help, though. My doctor was awesome.
For sure, I had somebody I know fake mental health issues to get out of work because they were behind and wanted to work from home instead of the office, it makes me mad because I know somebody who legit has a really bad mental health spells and how people can take advantage of a serious issue is crazy to me
Anxiety is a real thing but as 80 said, we sometimes do it to ourselves. In the past, I've had anxiety and put myself in knots just for a dentist visit for something simple. It wasn't the worry of what he might find. It was the change in routine, wondering how many others would be in the waiting room, how long I may have to wait, and just trying to play the part of somehow keeping up a conversation with the dentist as he's looking into my mouth. As George from Seinfeld once said, "I'm not sure there's ever been a meeting where I wanted the other guy to show up."

Having said that, society can sometimes get a bit silly. Our workplace has a "quiet room" now. No one uses it and when it was installed, it was mocked. But you can't really win. We preach mental health when violence occurs or someone commits suicide, but as blubo just proved, John Fetterman takes recommended time away because of depression, andddd he's mocked and made fun of for doing so. So yeah, basically, we're all just jerks in the long run and whatever we preach to each other ends up being fake nonsense that none of us actually mean.
I'm somebody who actually has anxiety disorder and am currently on medications for it. Tell ya what, I've had three kidney stones without pain medication and would rather have another than slip into that dark hole I used to be in.

Speaking from experience, if Meadows really has anxiety, I 100% can see why he'd need to skip some games. Like, I was shaking at night, couldn't sleep, couldn't think straight, feeling sick, feeling down, etc. Sometimes, it gets BAD.
Same here. I am a fellow anxiety disorder warrior. I battle it and a couple of other issues every day. This is no joke. I wish you well. If anyone needs to talk, message me.
Anxiety is a real thing but as 80 said, we sometimes do it to ourselves. In the past, I've had anxiety and put myself in knots just for a dentist visit for something simple. It wasn't the worry of what he might find. It was the change in routine, wondering how many others would be in the waiting room, how long I may have to wait, and just trying to play the part of somehow keeping up a conversation with the dentist as he's looking into my mouth. As George from Seinfeld once said, "I'm not sure there's ever been a meeting where I wanted the other guy to show up."

Having said that, society can sometimes get a bit silly. Our workplace has a "quiet room" now. No one uses it and when it was installed, it was mocked. But you can't really win. We preach mental health when violence occurs or someone commits suicide, but as blubo just proved, John Fetterman takes recommended time away because of depression, andddd he's mocked and made fun of for doing so. So yeah, basically, we're all just jerks in the long run and whatever we preach to each other ends up being fake nonsense that none of us actually mean.

I see FOX news talk about Fetterman all the time. Over and over they say they feel bad for him that your party has pushed him into depression so they could keep the majority. I’ve never seen a single person on fox mock him. PS, Name one Republican that forced him to run.

I see FOX news talk about Fetterman all the time. Over and over they say they feel bad for him that your party has pushed him into depression so they could keep the majority. I’ve never seen a single person on fox mock him. PS, Name one Republican that forced him to run.
Oh good, this is your contribution to a thread about anxiety and mental illness? To tag and defend your online buddy who posted a shitty political meme? Glad your priorities are in order. You guys are like the dog from Up. No actual conversation, just buzz words and quick turns to "look over there!"

Just wanted to see what everybody thinks about this. I get it, with todays sports climate and everything mental health is essential, but I can also see the other side that’s says everybody deals with anxiety and you have toughen up. What’s everybody thoughts on this
I didn’t realize just how crippling anxiety was until I met my wife. She has it bad and is medicated for it. Still is absolutely crippling for her at times. I hope Austin gets the help he needs and gets back in a good space to play.
Yeah I suffer from it, it’s been a constant battle over my life. The worst part is when people don’t respect the realness of it and are dismissive and ridicule you. So not only are you struggling with winning against your brain but you’re struggling to be in a world where people call you weak and pathetic and taking advantage of a situation.

I doubt these same people would call people with amputations or birth defects these same things because they are visible.

I’m glad the climate on mental health is changing, and quickly. We need more compassion and less calling people weak and assuming people are taking advantage of something and/or faking something.
I deal with it too. Talk about emptiness and feeling alone.
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Anxiety is a real thing but as 80 said, we sometimes do it to ourselves. In the past, I've had anxiety and put myself in knots just for a dentist visit for something simple. It wasn't the worry of what he might find. It was the change in routine, wondering how many others would be in the waiting room, how long I may have to wait, and just trying to play the part of somehow keeping up a conversation with the dentist as he's looking into my mouth. As George from Seinfeld once said, "I'm not sure there's ever been a meeting where I wanted the other guy to show up."

Having said that, society can sometimes get a bit silly. Our workplace has a "quiet room" now. No one uses it and when it was installed, it was mocked. But you can't really win. We preach mental health when violence occurs or someone commits suicide, but as blubo just proved, John Fetterman takes recommended time away because of depression, andddd he's mocked and made fun of for doing so. So yeah, basically, we're all just jerks in the long run and whatever we preach to each other ends up being fake nonsense that none of us actually mean.
Fetterman legit has issues that he shouldn’t be in office for.
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I didn’t say him specifically but I tell you this, nobody when I grew up took off for anxiety.
People when you grew up also used to have conniption fits and mental breakdowns when a black family moved into their subdivision lol. Your generation is the most mentally weak generation in the history of the US
People when you grew up also used to have conniption fits and mental breakdowns when a black family moved into their subdivision lol. Your generation is the most mentally weak generation in the history of the US
First off you have no idea my generation and I can tell you’re definitely a millennial or Gen Z bum.
Oh good, this is your contribution to a thread about anxiety and mental illness? To tag and defend your online buddy who posted a shitty political meme? Glad your priorities are in order. You guys are like the dog from Up. No actual conversation, just buzz words and quick turns to "look over there!"
Wrong. Well before you went political and for some reason brought Blubo into it, I contributed to this thread by showing compassion for the baseball player. Enjoy your day.
Our society creates a lot of mental health issues, and unfortunately we don't do a good job of treating mental health.

Yep. The real question is why thats the case. Too much money in the treatment though so this is a question that will never seriously get asked
I have sympathy for people who really suffer from this affliction. Disordered anxiety is something that should be treated. IMO social media has made a lot of people think they too suffer from the same thing. Parts of life are extremely uncomfortable and hiding from them benefits no one. Anxiety is normal, natural and something to be understood, not to hide from.
If it persists can you cut him like you would another player with injury (health) problems?
I didn’t say him specifically but I tell you this, nobody when I grew up took off for anxiety.
You are right, they all just lost their jobs or committed suicide because no one thought their problems were real. Unfortunately, I have had several close to me deal with serious anxiety, depression issues that led to suicide because they were told to "quit worrying about it" or "just move on". A major league baseball player is not using anxiety as an excuse to get a few days off work and take a vacation. While I'm sure some people may do that, they are assholes and have less to lose than a major league baseball player. To discount someone that is actively seeking help for this condition, and is willing to have it publicized subjecting him to ridicule by fans and the public, is just ignorant and selfish. I hope those of you that are critical never have to deal with this.
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