Antonio Cannon ...


Aug 15, 2003
Just read that you all pulled this guys offer. I used to work for a recruiting service and follow recruiting closely and my only question is why? This kid is a great prospect and I am shocked UK has pulled his offer especially considering its basically January. I can tell you that you are missing out on one helluva WR Prospect.
How are we suppose to know why? We have no idea about this kid's attitude, grades, etc.

If he had it pulled, then it was pulled for a reason, not because our coaching staff is mean.
Well I can tell you that the Daniel HS Staff is not happy and this will hurt your SC Recruiting. Not a problem pulling the offer but with one month left in Recruiting thats a short period for the kid to find another home. And by the way I was asking in case someone may know. Just a FYI - Your not the only person on the board.
Considering that there have been several other threads on the football board about it, it is safe to say that nobody here knows.

You are the one from South Carolina. Can't you tell us something? Why hasn't South Carolina or Clemson offered him?

Does he even have the grades? Why should we allow somebody who will not even qualify to count against our SEC-capped 28 LOIs?

Hurt our recruiting in South Carolina? I doubt it. That's a nice way to try to strike fear, but it's not going to work here, sister. Sorry that somebody got their feelings hurt, but if the Daniel HS coaching staff is not happy and they do not know why the offer was pulled, then Cannon is not being forward with them about something. If anybody knows, then it should be Cannon, and then his coaching staff, if he is truthful about what UK told him. I'm sure that UK did not call him and say, "Listen kid, it was a nice ride, but you no longer have one here. *Click*"
Read this thread, you car wash coont!****.png




This post was edited on 12/30 2:48 PM by 2Phat4YoEyez
Originally posted by 2Phat4YoEyez:
Read this thread, you car wash coont!****.png




This post was edited on 12/30 2:48 PM by 2Phat4YoEyez

And this coming from someone with a signature like yours lol. Well from what I took from the other thread if UK finds a better player they will pull your offer regardless how long you have been committed. Yeah that seems like a great idea. And also if you don't think this will hurt your SC Recruiting your a fool. I Coached for years in SC and I can tell you its already been making its way through the HS Coaches ranks.
This post was edited on 12/30 3:07 PM by roosterrizk1
Has Spurrier pulled any schollies since being at USC lite?

Child please. You're a fool > "your a fool"

What are you accomplishing here? GTFO, taint.
Originally posted by roosterrizk1:
And this coming from someone with a signature like yours lol. Well from what I took from the other thread if UK finds a better player they will pull your offer regardless how long you have been committed. Yeah that seems like a great idea. And also if you don't think this will hurt your SC Recruiting your a fool. I Coached for years in SC and I can tell you its already been making its way through the HS Coaches ranks.
This post was edited on 12/30 3:07 PM by roosterrizk1

Snitch, please! It is not a sig, it is a collage that is dedicated to 'cock-lovers like you.

Why won't you answer my questions? Why didn't South Carolina and Clemson offer him? You would think that those two schools would want a "helluva" football player in their own backyard, no? Will he even qualify?

"your a fool". Classic. With what school were/are you affiliated? Assistant or head coach? You jump to a lot of conclusions without knowing the story, don't you? That seems like a great idea.
Rooster, I'm sure that the coaches are upset and you have an obvious tie to that staff. But this happens all the time for many reasons. The coaches need to sit down with the kid or call the UK coaching staff if they truely don't know what's going on here. My guess is that they know the reason(s). My guess is that the same reason the major instate schools didn't offer is the same reason the offer was pulled. Maybe the coaching staff was a little more forthright with the home school, or the home schools have a few more resources in the area than UK. In any event we can all agree we don't like these types of situations.
This guy is a complete poser.

Someone asked you the question, why hasn't South Carolina or Clemson offered this kid?

Going by his Rivals profile, UK was his only offer. Maybe that offer was contingent on Cannon doing certain things?

Maybe South Carolina and Clemson need to worry about upsetting those instate high schools because they didn't offer this stud prospect? Its already making the rounds in Carolina. Evidently, South Carolina HS coaches are going to start steering their kids out of state.

You better use some of your significant clout and get Carolina or Clemson to offer Cannon before its too late.
Originally posted by TeoJ:
Has Spurrier pulled any schollies since being at USC lite?

Sorry for the rude reception, not sure what you said to deserve some of that. Or maybe it was something you said on another thread but ??? I know there are quite a few UK fans that are upset also, but it is a dog eat dog business, and the coaches can't give their side of it and your guy isn't (or maybe he is, completely factual or not, no one to dispute it). Maybe Joker knows a lot more about it than we do, and if the recruit is going to sit on the bench for four years then I wouldn't want to be here if I was him, and if he is as good as you say he won't have any trouble getting a ride somewhere anyway. A 5.6 3* that is a great player should have no problems UNLESS there is a qualifying or other problem. If there isn't them the good news for us is Joker must be planning on signing some great talent from your report.

The reason I linked the post above is I have a question, isn't Spurrier the one that had a lot of players that came up with "injuries" a few years ago so they had to drop football? I know it was one of the SEC schools, pretty sure it was him.

If you want to get upset over something you should get upset over the Vols and their OP "recruiters" that drove over 350 miles to see your high school football recruits, with a 22 year old coed interested in an 18 year old HS student. And I think they got one or two of them too, although I think the real target was Lattimore.

Then the gangbang where it took 7 more players to help a 6' 4" 320# DT subdue a 210# chubby guy, and had to kick him into unconsciousness to make sure he didn't whip them all, is more deserving of your ire. As far as I know none of them missed even a quarter and none of them faced any charges that I know of. That was a disgrace not just to college football but to the human race.

It IS a dog eat dog world in the SEC.

I am sorry this happened, but I'm not sure anyone has heard both sides of the story. I wish the best for Mr Cannon whatever the reason.
Committed to East Carolina. Also, like I said would happen, UK is no longer welcomed to Recruit at Daniel HS which is one of the top 3A Schools in SC. I like UK - so I am not trying to be a bearer of bad news - but as a HS Coach I can tell you this was a big mistake that will hurt UK's presence in SC.
Hey Rooster,
If you truly are a high school coach then you know Spurrier has pulled offers from South Carolina as well as Clemson from in-state prospects. So, just because we're UK the coaches in SC are going to make it hard on us. Hmmmmm. Plus, you still never answered the question of why the young man was never offered by South Carolina or Clemson. If you're gonna come on here and tell the Uk fans that the UK staff is burning bridges in SC then you need to be able to answer questions yourself.
While it's not true and what's being said never really holds up about being banned... Lets just say you're right, and we're "banned" from Daniel HS for pulling a guys offer who we don't believe will make SEC qualifying levels (you surely know those are different from NCAA levels, after all, Spurrier threatened to retire if USC kept bouncing his recruits out because they couldn't qualify to get into the university), a kid who had no other offers, lets say all that's true...

UK being banned at Daniel HS, a decent school but not great and not one we have a history in of getting guys out of, Your team is way, way worse off jerking Jonathan Davis's offer, a 4 star Will backer who was fully qualified, had great grades actually, was nationally a top 10 at his position player, and spurrier pulled his offer 3 weeks from signing day getting USC "banned" at Tucker. I'd much rather be in at Tucker than in at Daniel.

Also, I can't wait to see how USCe acts in a few weeks when their houston Nutt sized signing class gets their offers pulled ON signing day. Not near it, on it. It's not wise to sign more than you can admit, it's stupid to sign more than 25, it's stupid to go over our own imposed limit of 28, Spurrier has 30, and I'd venture he's not done. Even counting people you know won't qualify like we took with Farrington Hugenin or Tim Patterson last year, you take 30, you don't even get to let the kids sign and go Juco/grayshirt/prep, you take 30 like your high and mighty program and you can only sign 28, minimum 2 kids are gonna get their rides pulled on signing day... I sure hope they already know who they are.
bottom line is, SC's coach can afford to piss people off cause the kids will always want to play for the state school. UK, however, doesn't have many ins in SC, and cannot afford to develop bad relationships. Thanks for the info. Sorry our board has a couple of D-bags that insist on being jackarses to fans of other teams.
No, we insist on being D-bags to those who come to this site to try to stir up crap just to try to "scare us" over issues that have no known explanation.
Originally posted by How Blue Can You Get?:
bottom line is, SC's coach can afford to piss people off cause the kids will always want to play for the state school. UK, however, doesn't have many ins in SC, and cannot afford to develop bad relationships. Thanks for the info. Sorry our board has a couple of D-bags that insist on being jackarses to fans of other teams.

Tucker's in Georgia...
Rooster, you still didn't answer the question, WHY didn't South Carolina and Clemson not recruit this kid if he was that good? Or is your thinking that UK should be happy taking the leftovers in SC?
Didnt Cannon say he was commited to us then, then Southern Miss, then Us, then he was open considering other schools meanwhile we didnt want to dance around with this guy so we pulled it and focused on other recruits.