Another post for the coaches


Dec 12, 2019

Here's an idea you DUMMY!

HOW ABOUT you figure this SHT out and get your FKN TEAM together during the week, and not take out your inability to motivate and discipline (coach) your players on the fans that paid money for and invested time in THE FRKN GAME THAT YOU WERE PLAYING SATURDAY.

How about you, as a head coach making 9M a year, stop being overwhelmed and overreacting during the game to stuff that doesn't matter on the field, and start focusing on the stuff RHAT DOES MATTER WHEN IT COMES TO THE ACTUAL COMPETITION DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF YOU?!! Maybe your players are overreacting and being undisciplined, getting false start and UC PENALTIES, because you're overreacting and being undisciplined...

If you want your WRs to stop getting really really stupid penalties, PULL EM! Get em out of the game until their heads are in it.

If you want to WIN GAMES and get players to do the little things outside of practice, maybe YOU SHOULD look at, consider, and do the little things IN PRACTICE so that you don't mismange them IN GAMES. Clock management. Comprehensive end of half offensive scenarios. Comprehensive end of game situations, 4 down situations/drives. Uptempo possibilities.

Maybe even putting an equipment manager in charge of making sure people have their shoes tied, and then not OVERREACTING BY KEEPING YOUR BEST BACK ON THE BENCH FOR ALL BUT A HALF DOZEN PLAYS. Why in the everlovin FK should ANYONE have to post things like this for a coach that makes 9 FKN Milion dollars per year!?!?

COACH YOUR PLAYERS ALL WEEK. Coach them well. Stay on them. Don't take plays off. Don't let things slide in practice or off the field. Make them run hills/steps, do extra drills, move sleds IN PRACTICE and after practice.

MANAGE YOUR PLAYERS IN GAMES. Put a captain on the guys that need that. Put an equip manager on guys that need that. Put a conditioning coach/trainer on guys that need their snaps and tweaks monitored. That's what you're being paid to do.

Put a hat/coat on guys (and put em on the bench) that can't keep a lid on their egos and emotions. Make them run hills/steps, do extra drills, move sleds IN PRACTICE and after the games of they cause UC penalties that hurt the team. Drop em on the depth chart in practice. Humble em. Pull your WR coach aside and tell him he'll be fined $Xk for every bullsht penalty his guys cause.

It's way past time to get your SHT together and stop costing us games.

If you can't do it, go talk Coach Brooks out of retirement to manage this team for you. The team is a reflection of its coach and Coach Brooks never had teams that looked less than business-like/professional on the field for a reason.

Here's an idea you DUMMY!

HOW ABOUT you figure this SHT out and get your FKN TEAM together during the week, and not take out your inability to motivate and discipline (coach) your players on the fans that paid money for and invested time in THE FRKN GAME THAT YOU WERE PLAYING SATURDAY.

How about you, as a head coach making 9M a year, stop being overwhelmed and overreacting during the game to stuff that doesn't matter on the field, and start focusing on the stuff RHAT DOES MATTER WHEN IT COMES TO THE ACTUAL COMPETITION DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF YOU?!! Maybe your players are overreacting and being undisciplined, getting false start and UC PENALTIES, because you're overreacting and being undisciplined...

If you want your WRs to stop getting really really stupid penalties, PULL EM! Get em out of the game until their heads are in it.

If you want to WIN GAMES and get players to do the little things outside of practice, maybe YOU SHOULD look at, consider, and do the little things IN PRACTICE so that you don't mismange them IN GAMES. Clock management. Comprehensive end of half offensive scenarios. Comprehensive end of game situations, 4 down situations/drives. Uptempo possibilities.

Maybe even putting an equipment manager in charge of making sure people have their shoes tied, and then not OVERREACTING BY KEEPING YOUR BEST BACK ON THE BENCH FOR ALL BUT A HALF DOZEN PLAYS. Why in the everlovin FK should ANYONE have to post things like this for a coach that makes 9 FKN Milion dollars per year!?!?

COACH YOUR PLAYERS ALL WEEK. Coach them well. Stay on them. Don't take plays off. Don't let things slide in practice or off the field. Make them run hills/steps, do extra drills, move sleds IN PRACTICE and after practice.

MANAGE YOUR PLAYERS IN GAMES. Put a captain on the guys that need that. Put an equip manager on guys that need that. Put a conditioning coach/trainer on guys that need their snaps and tweaks monitored. That's what you're being paid to do.

Put a hat/coat on guys (and put em on the bench) that can't keep a lid on their egos and emotions. Make them run hills/steps, do extra drills, move sleds IN PRACTICE and after the games of they cause UC penalties that hurt the team. Drop em on the depth chart in practice. Humble em. Pull your WR coach aside and tell him he'll be fined $Xk for every bullsht penalty his guys cause.

It's way past time to get your SHT together and stop costing us games.

If you can't do it, go talk Coach Brooks out of retirement to manage this team for you. The team is a reflection of its coach and Coach Brooks never had teams that looked less than business-like/professional on the field for a reason.
It's pathetic that fans have to point this TYPE OF CRAP out to a damn overpaid coach.
Ummm its not like Stoops is telling Wilcox to paint the Moon.
Tie your damn shoes if you want to play.
This aint rocket science!
I have to question how clueless one can be to not realize one's shoes are untied.

Not defending Stoops but just saying.

5/5 on rant BTW OP. Enjoyed the read.
Why does a guy have to come off the field to tie his shoe? It's not like losing the helmet or having blood on the uniform. Shoe retie takes what, 3 seconds?
So he gets upset and benches guys for not tying their shoes, but guys can commit drive killing personal foul penalties and continue to play? How does this make sense?