Another IU player Creaned..

Every school has transfers. The problem that folks have with Crean is that his transfers happen when we are oversigned...sometimes, but I get it and it is not a program highlight.

That transfer list from the op was a bit of a stretch; Robinson and Hollowell were run out of the program, but not to make room; more for their "extracurriclar activities". They should both be playing for a Colorado school. Roth had been at IU for four years and had stayed long enough for an undergrad and masters degree. Jurkin (insert joke as necessary) spent the last 18 months of his two years at IU unable to even practice because of shin fractures.

And, "just about as many graduate as are dumped for the oversign" would be a huge problem...if it were even remotely true. Thank goodness it is not. IU is going into this season as a top 15 team with three McD AA's in the starting lineup. If the oversign were kryptonite, or if IU oversigned without graduating the majority of its scholarship recruits that would not be possible.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled Tom Crean bashfest! ;)
Spring Creaning is funny, I don't care who you are.
I'm guessing the Hoosier is going to tell us all the kids in his list graduated.

It's an attempt to talk academic smack. IU fans have two things to fall back on: Talk smack about academics (as if IU is Harvard) on a sports forum; talk about how awesome they were 30 and 40 years ago.
Every school has transfers. The problem that folks have with Crean is that his transfers happen when we are oversigned...sometimes, but I get it and it is not a program highlight.

That transfer list from the op was a bit of a stretch; Robinson and Hollowell were run out of the program, but not to make room; more for their "extracurriclar activities". They should both be playing for a Colorado school. Roth had been at IU for four years and had stayed long enough for an undergrad and masters degree. Jurkin (insert joke as necessary) spent the last 18 months of his two years at IU unable to even practice because of shin fractures.

And, "just about as many graduate as are dumped for the oversign" would be a huge problem...if it were even remotely true. Thank goodness it is not. IU is going into this season as a top 15 team with three McD AA's in the starting lineup. If the oversign were kryptonite, or if IU oversigned without graduating the majority of its scholarship recruits that would not be possible.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled Tom Crean bashfest! ;)

Spring Creaning. They happen every year. Go ahead, though. Defend it. We want Crean to keep the Creaning process in full force at IU. For the love of God, please keep defending Tom Crean.
...just about as many graduate as are dumped for the oversign" would be a huge problem...if it were even remotely true. Thank goodness it is not. ...

Now, back to your regularly scheduled Tom Crean bashfest! ;)
How can you say it is not "remotely" true when every year since I can remember, more than two players have been Creaned? And tossing a player because he was hurt is the ultimate example for the players against the NCAA. I'm guessing that IU is definitely not a program for the players. It is definitely run in a way that benefits only IU and appears to consider the players as tools to be used and/or discarded.
HoosierfanJM- please summarize each one of those player's business careers. Because you're apparently so into their education and getting degrees you should easily be able to recap each one of their individual business successes. If you can't, I am led to believe you actually don't care and it's just a cover to make yourself feel better about the terrible state of your program.

Every player Csl has brought in has either graduated or been drafted by the NBA. I don't know how anyone could possibly have a problem with that.
He's a clown and a damned disgrace to treat kids this way. Everyone on earth knew recruiting Jeremiah April was idiotic when it happened last spring -- except Crean, and of course April and his family. The kid tweeted out how proud he was to be part of Hoosier Nation. Well, somebody should have told him he was as disposable as toilet paper to the lunatic running that program, just like Max Hoetzel and Stan Robinson and Jeremy Hollowell and Austin Etherington and Peter Jurkin and Remy Abell and Matt Roth and on and on.

Barring injury, Clappy has a team that could reach the Sweet 16 -- Indiana's ceiling every year but one since soon after Bill Clinton was sworn in the first time. Then he'll lose everything pretty much and be faced with rebuilding with the reputation as a nut and a Creaner. Good luck with that. I think 1987's distinction in Hoosierdom is safe for the rest of the Crean era.

Clappy is not just a clown, he is the circus monkey. He is on loan from Barnum and Baily, and they hope IU keeps him for good.
Every school has transfers. The problem that folks have with Crean is that his transfers happen when we are oversigned...sometimes, but I get it and it is not a program highlight.

That transfer list from the op was a bit of a stretch; Robinson and Hollowell were run out of the program, but not to make room; more for their "extracurriclar activities". They should both be playing for a Colorado school. Roth had been at IU for four years and had stayed long enough for an undergrad and masters degree. Jurkin (insert joke as necessary) spent the last 18 months of his two years at IU unable to even practice because of shin fractures.

And, "just about as many graduate as are dumped for the oversign" would be a huge problem...if it were even remotely true. Thank goodness it is not. IU is going into this season as a top 15 team with three McD AA's in the starting lineup. If the oversign were kryptonite, or if IU oversigned without graduating the majority of its scholarship recruits that would not be possible.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled Tom Crean bashfest! ;)
You have to be seriously naive to believe that Crean is anywhere near being a good coach but hey I hope he stays another 50 years at IU.
Every player Csl has brought in has either graduated or been drafted by the NBA. I don't know how anyone could possibly have a problem with that.

Good point. They are collegiate athletes. How many Cal UK recruits have graduated? Which ones? I may have missed something here. Please explain.
Hood was not a Cal recruit.
Miller was not a Cal recruit.
Polson was brought in as a walkon.
Knight does not have a degree.

Poythress is a fine example of a student athlete.

That's one. Any more? In how many years?
And in what way is that degree relevant? Our players stay in excellent academic standing with conference leading academic statistics. John Wall alone will make more money in his career than all of your players combined who earned their degree. The goal of college is to prepare you for a career. Our school is more effective at doing that than yours is as it pertains to our respective basketball programs.
And in what way is that degree relevant? Our players stay in excellent academic standing with conference leading academic statistics. John Wall alone will make more money in his career than all of your players combined who earned their degree. The goal of college is to prepare you for a career. Our school is more effective at doing that than yours is as it pertains to our respective basketball programs.

I'm sure he won't reply to this, but everything you say is true. People get so wrapped up in degrees, they don't necessarily see the end result. If John Wall wanted a 'CAREER' in basketball, he achieved it.

Athletes who want degrees are always welcomed back if their pro career doesn't pan out.
I'm sure he won't reply to this, but everything you say is true. People get so wrapped up in degrees, they don't necessarily see the end result. If John Wall wanted a 'CAREER' in basketball, he achieved it.

Athletes who want degrees are always welcomed back if their pro career doesn't pan out.

Of course I can respond; it's a good discussion. In my opinion (and that's all this conclusion is) the purpose of college is to work toward a college degree. The NCAA has set up a system where kids like Wall who wanted to go straight to the pros couldn't. In my opinion, UK has more of that dynamic than any other team; a large majority of their rotation players. And for me, that is distasteful. I don't like Crean's use of the oversign, but at least we have a majority of players who get to the college finish line

I fully agree that (unlike UNC for instance) UK keeps players in good academic standing for as long as they hang around.
Cal honored Hoods committment, I consider him a Cal recruit. Its a lot harder to get a degree when you are playing 82 basketball games a year as a job.
you'd take our recruits in a second and be very happy. distasteful, lmao. jealousy defined.
you'd take our recruits in a second and be very happy. distasteful, lmao. jealousy defined.
Hoosiers are just going through mental gymnastics at this point to justify the state their program is in. They commend Crean for graduating players because they don't want to accept that their program leads the nation in dismissing players if their on-the-court performance doesn't live up to what is expected of them by Tommy boy. It's the same type of blind-support the Nazis had amongst the German populace.

I'd argue the Nazis produced more good than Hoosiers do, though.
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Lol...proud IU alum. You are a good poster Md55. Certainly don't hate UK; love the rivalry and the banter, but I have a problem with the NCAA rules that Calipari has stretched to the max.

And yes, the quiz is a bit self serving, but it is the answer to the question that is begged for regarding how IU gets quality kids even with Crean's annual oversign.
pray tell, how has cal stretched ncaa rules?
It WAS a good discussion.

It is not anymore.

RR can take this one from here; dont care to participate after reading that line.
Oh, come on chief. It's good-natured ribbing. I hate your program more than any in the nation by far but you're a relatively respectable poster around these parts.

Was the Nazi joke too soon? Should I wait another 80 years?
how bout answer my question Hoosier?

cal is stretching the rules and doing things distastefully? lol
An IU basketball player making it to graduation under Crean is quite an accomplishment.

Think about it... that means the player:
  • Made it through three spring-creaning cycles.
  • Managed to not get ran over by a car driven by a teammate.
Those are not good odds! Congratulations to the IU seniors.
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Of course I can respond; it's a good discussion. In my opinion (and that's all this conclusion is) the purpose of college is to work toward a college degree. The NCAA has set up a system where kids like Wall who wanted to go straight to the pros couldn't. In my opinion, UK has more of that dynamic than any other team; a large majority of their rotation players. And for me, that is distasteful. I don't like Crean's use of the oversign, but at least we have a majority of players who get to the college finish line

I fully agree that (unlike UNC for instance) UK keeps players in good academic standing for as long as they hang around.

Exactly how did the NCAA "set up a system" to deny kids to go straight to the NBA after high school? Typical hoosier spin. IT'S AN NBA RULE! And the purpose of college is to prepare people for a career; if a degree is earned, or required, then fine. If not, then mission accomplished. I submit that even 1 year in college is helpful as a life lesson for these kids. And yes, they do go to class, contrary to your wasted, washed up hulk of a poor excuse for a man, former bully and all-around-jerk Bobby Knight.

By the way, where's the righteous indignation that Texas is ruining college golf? Jordan Spieth (heard of him?) left UT after his freshman year to pursue a career as a professional golfer. Oh the horror! The fact that this happens across the country in not only sports but business matters not to you. It's all about keeping you entertained as a fan for 4 years not what's best for the kid. Selfish fans are the problem. I'm glad UK has a coach who does the right thing for the kids. Players first actually means something.
By the way, where's the righteous indignation that Texas is ruining college golf? Jordan Spieth (heard of him?) left UT after his freshman year to pursue a career as a professional golfer. Oh the horror! The fact that this happens across the country in not only sports but business matters not to you. It's all about keeping you entertained as a fan for 4 years not what's best for the kid. Selfish fans are the problem. I'm glad UK has a coach who does the right thing for the kids. Players first actually means something.
Texas is ruining college golf.
I remember Cal saying something like...
Stanford is ruining golf because they let Tiger Woods leave his freshman year.

Actually, Tiger was a 2 and done; left after his sophomore year. And what quote of Cal's is that? Sounds like you're confused, living up to the paradox in your name.
It;s from his book, I just got the quote mixed up.

"I don’t remember an uproar when Tiger Woods left Stanford for the PGA Tour. Neither Bill Gates nor the late Steve Jobs made it all the way through college. We’ve had swimmers turn pro and pass up college.”