Every school has transfers. The problem that folks have with Crean is that his transfers happen when we are oversigned...sometimes, but I get it and it is not a program highlight.
That transfer list from the op was a bit of a stretch; Robinson and Hollowell were run out of the program, but not to make room; more for their "extracurriclar activities". They should both be playing for a Colorado school. Roth had been at IU for four years and had stayed long enough for an undergrad and masters degree. Jurkin (insert joke as necessary) spent the last 18 months of his two years at IU unable to even practice because of shin fractures.
And, "just about as many graduate as are dumped for the oversign" would be a huge problem...if it were even remotely true. Thank goodness it is not. IU is going into this season as a top 15 team with three McD AA's in the starting lineup. If the oversign were kryptonite, or if IU oversigned without graduating the majority of its scholarship recruits that would not be possible.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled Tom Crean bashfest!