one of the most unintelligent questions any student of historical literature might ask would be something along the lines of why did 19th century writers like to write so frequently about social injustices, merchant corruption, class inequality, nobility immorality, false bourgeoisie, and so on?
The reason that would be an incredibly unintelligent question - stupid for all time - is that the most entry-level of literature students already should know that 19th century writers were determined through the influence of both fiction and non-fiction works to achieve further change as the collapse of European political and social structures continued.
Collapse of the unc structure is exactly what is happening - precisely due to their long standing immoral codes and false pretenses. And if you are not already aware that our writing is in wild anticipation of that Great Blade falling across the back of your neck before your heads roll for the blooded basket then your too are asking one sensationally stupid question, my friend. Please, ask more. Keep asking. Purveyor of free entertainment that you are.
It will be a far better thing that you do, than anything you have ever done (but I doubt you will rest well). many apologies to CD