The justification. My favorite part. They were 10-8 in the conference. T6. That's all that matters.
No, but playing 22 mins/game certainly hurts your production numbers. And that's what gets you on the team.
If my aunt had male genitalia, she'd be my uncle. Not even really sure that still fits in 2025, but I'm rolling with it.
Um, okay. His numbers bore it out. And Vandy only got the one player.
So, again...We are back to this. The team that went 15-3 and won the league outright, the league that could go down in history as being the best overall league ever, is going to have one player. Why? Because you don't like a guys actions. But the team that finished 5 whole games behind them and T6 is going to have three dudes? Before you type, or maybe even before you think, read this whole paragraph again. Super slowly. Then reflect on just how dumb that belief is.