A fairly in-depth look at Mark Pope's record while at BYU.

Are u not good with the hire? I'm not looking to bash you just genuinely want to know where you stand.
It may not work out here. Just don't get caught up in his prior stops because this first roster is already better than any he's had, in 3 weeks
I'm fine with the hire. I like his energy, I like his passion and love for UK, I love how he's very candid with the fans. I like how he seems to be one of us. Polling us on uniforms, asking us if we're fine with a st johns home and home. We've needed that at UK. Too long have we been shut out from our program. He seems smart and savvy. But I'm waiting to see how he does in game, before I pass judgement off. Will the job eat him alive? Will he embrace it and use the pressure to build a beast? Time will tell. I think Mitch was a little stupid to not go after Oats hard. But that's in the past.

I will say he has put together a killer staff. And if he adds Cody Toppert it's way better than whatever the hell Cal had here. With old friends and drinking pals.
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What options do we have? Pope has to be good or we're screwed. So i'm supporting him.
I hope he either does amazing or Billy level bad. The worst thing that can happen is more 23-12 seasons and 6-9 seeds where we are never a threat but he’s not bad enough that Mitch will fire him.
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I hope he either does amazing or Billy level bad. The worst thing that can happen is more 23-12 seasons and 6-9 seeds where we are never a threat but he’s not bad enough that Mitch will fire him.
I think this is a fair assessment. I agree. Don't want to be slow bled to death.
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