A change I'd like to see made.

No other sport takes out its best players because of fouls penalties or infractions (aside from things like targeting in football). Why you'd ever want to do this as a league is beyond me.
In soccer, receiving two yellow cards in the same match results in an immediate red card and the player being sent off, meaning they cannot continue playing in that game. This in the most popular sport in the world. Let the bashing of soccer as a sport begin.
To add to yours, I'd like timeouts
within 1 minute of the TV timeout will be considered the TV timeout. I hate back to back timeouts.
Wasn't there supposed to be this rule enforced already? Seem to remember them saying they were going to do this and it's of course gone away-like the rule of players NOT touching the ball after a made basket--and this non ending BS of throwing the ball to the official.
Wasn't there supposed to be this rule enforced already? Seem to remember them saying they were going to do this and it's of course gone away-like the rule of players NOT touching the ball after a made basket--and this non ending BS of throwing the ball to the official.
I'm not sure, but I just watched a game not long ago. The coach called timeout with 12:15 on the clock. They proceeded to lose the ball just under 12. TV timeout. The games just drag out so much.

I'm actually leaning to the side of doing away with free throws. Just give the team 2 points and move along.
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I'm not sure, but I just watched a game not long ago. The coach called timeout with 12:15 on the clock. They proceeded to lose the ball just under 12. TV timeout. The games just drag out so much.

I'm actually leaning to the side of doing away with free throws. Just give the team 2 points and move along.
You are 100% correct but I swear this was brought up about a timeout taken close to a TV timeout would just be included and they'd move past that "allotment" to keep game going. Just another rule that was never enforced. LOL

Just wipe away the Team Fouls at Halfway point of the Halves and you are fine. For some reason the Czars like Jay Bilas seem to think you have to have Quarters to enforce that--but it's really as simple as once the clock hits 10 min mark-both teams go back to 0 team Fouls. Nobody likes to watch FT contests. But CBB has that as their biggest issue. Want to score late in a CBB game? Drive to the basket and fall down. Or just drive to the basket like Tonje from Wisconsin repeatedly did without being touched or hit enough to be called for a foul and then watch on a review a Wisconsin player grabbing Richie Saunders by the jersey with his off hand and NOT called for a foul. LOL
You are 100% correct but I swear this was brought up about a timeout taken close to a TV timeout would just be included and they'd move past that "allotment" to keep game going. Just another rule that was never enforced. LOL

Just wipe away the Team Fouls at Halfway point of the Halves and you are fine. For some reason the Czars like Jay Bilas seem to think you have to have Quarters to enforce that--but it's really as simple as once the clock hits 10 min mark-both teams go back to 0 team Fouls. Nobody likes to watch FT contests. But CBB has that as their biggest issue. Want to score late in a CBB game? Drive to the basket and fall down. Or just drive to the basket like Tonje from Wisconsin repeatedly did without being touched or hit enough to be called for a foul and then watch on a review a Wisconsin player grabbing Richie Saunders by the jersey with his off hand and NOT called for a foul. LOL
I hate when the driver jumps into a stationary defender to draw a foul. Did I ever mention that refs are garbage at their jobs? They should be mandated to field questions after the game.
I've got a few hundred I'd like changed but mainly:

1. Coaches need to stay on the sideline- anytime they are on the court during live ball action is 2pts and the ball for the opponent.

2. Players need to QUIT with the throwing the ball to the official nonsense. FT or Shot is made--and guy on inbounding team has the ball and then throws it to the official--just inbound the damn ball and get on with it and if he does throw it--officials keep the count going and give them a 5 second call.

3. Wipe out team fouls at 10 min mark of the game.

4. Limit timeouts to 1 per Half--or you can carryover and have 2 per game. With 8 TV stoppages in a game-these timeouts are absurd.

5. Don't allow the ball to be inbounded into the backcourt on baseline OOB plays after team has established possession in the frontcourt. Coaches need to figure out inbounds play-it's part of their job-not to be rewarded by skipping it in practices and just being bailed out by having the entire court to utilize after you have ball in the frontcourt already.
I can agree with # 4 , the game is getting way to long as it is.
No timeouts after the ball is awarded to throw into play, inbound it or 5 seconds. The way the rule is now penalizes good defense.
Take away disqualification from fouls. People pay money to see their favorite players. Just shoot free throws without fouls being assessed. Thoughts?
Games would take forever if this was to happen. It would result in most shots taken in the lane ending up in fouls.
Continuation is horrible (“he was thinking about shooting it, so let’s reward him”, not quite there but getting closer, WTF).

Charges do/should exist. No more bully ball, causing players to charge their way to the goal with reckless abandon is just asking for more injuries. I think a middle ground would be it’s a charge if once defender is in position the guy with ball has not yet started his upward lift it’s a charge. So his foot/feet could still be on the floor when defender plants but be a block call.

Each coach gets 2 monitor reviews. If BOTH successful, then get a 3rd.

Keep fouls as they are, there should be a punishment for over fouling. Some argue “but NBA allows 6 fouls”; yes but NBA games are 20% longer thus permit 20% more fouls before ejection.

I’m ok if go to quarters, but don’t hate halves.
If halves, 1&1 start on 1st foul, but don’t go to 2shots until 12th.
If quarters, 1&1 on 1st, 2 shots on 6th.
Maybe if foul on offense then no FT until in bonus, but then is 1&1.

Fix the blocking/goaltending rule, so that they don’t call it when in doubt.

Please please call the foul when offensive player Hooks defender, illegal/moving screens, and when he initiates contact (no more bully ball, use skill to score).

Foul (1 shot tech, ball remains with who had it) on shooters for flopping. They can review these during timeouts and award the FT later, unless in final 4 minutes, then must be reviewed either immediately or next stoppage of play.
all of this ten thousand times and be sure to add :

NCAA need to make officials salaried employees and have a review process. There has got to be a complete revamping of the officiating process as it is done everywhere. Completely new people from the people that are in power over the NCAA process and various leagues with the crews that officiate games now everywhere. The entire system needs oversight and control.

The officiating is the biggest part that ruins the game of college basketball now, and has been for a long time.

Some of the rules like the current 5 foul rule don't work any longer, I still don't know why they play 2 halves, but I'm cool, with keeping it that way.... 4 quarters makes more sense, and a host of other changes. but I think it's indicative of the nature of the broken game as it stands right now. It's just a broken game.

March madness is really the only time of year anyone else even bothers to p[ay any attention to college basketball. I guess at least college football is still there to save college sports. Whatever college sports means these days.

Bottom line is : They need to make sweeping changes to college basketball. starting with officials and then other rules changes.
Without elimination the game would need the same pads and helmets that the football teams use. A team might score 120 and 104 of them be free throws. No one would ever make a lay-up again.

They could have a 3 minute penalty box for a player that fouls. You could sub in another player so theres five on the floor but the player that fouls sits for 3 minutes. OR the fouling player sits for 30 seconds and the team plays on with four player during the 30 seconds.
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Gotta have a foul limit. The old ABA used to have a rule (I believe) where you could play after you foul out but every foul over your personal foul meant 2 free throws and the ball out of bounds.