8 year anniversary of Heath Ledger's death.

I've still never seen the Batman movies. Well, I take that back... Last Batman movie I saw had Michael Keaton in it and I was a frosh in HS... I guess once my nads grew hair, kids movies just didn't do it for me anymore.
I've still never seen the Batman movies. Well, I take that back... Last Batman movie I saw had Michael Keaton in it and I was a frosh in HS... I guess once my nads grew hair, kids movies just didn't do it for me anymore.

The new Nolan Batman films made me dislike the Tim Burton Batman films. You might enjoy the new ones. More adult themes.
^ Cold blooded.

Still can't believe Michelle from Full House killed him.
Maybe it's because I'm out of touch with pop culture, but I don't know why so many people care about this guy and his death. I only know one movie he was in (although he was awesome in it (The Joker)).
I've still never seen the Batman movies. Well, I take that back... Last Batman movie I saw had Michael Keaton in it and I was a frosh in HS... I guess once my nads grew hair, kids movies just didn't do it for me anymore.
So no Iron Man, Captain America, Superman, Spider-Man, Avenger or any comic book movies then?
So no Iron Man, Captain America, Superman, Spider-Man, Avenger or any comic book movies then?

I did see the first Iron Man. I didn't actively seek it out, it was just on in the background and wherever I was and whatever my wife/kids were there to do, the movie was the more interesting option. I've also seen bits and pieces of the first X-men. Of course, it was kind of like Shawshank there for a few years and hard to miss on constant repeat. I also saw the first Matrix and I watched "The Avengers" with my kids and really enjoyed it.

Never seen:
Harry Potter
The Hobbit
Any Star Wars since the original 3

Otherwise, no, I haven't seen any super hero flicks since the 80's/early 90's. Never read comic books, so I have exactly zero interest in that kind of stuff. Frankly, I can't believe that Hollywood has been able to repackage that stuff over and over so many times and still make money. Seems like nearly 2 decade's worth of nearly 20+ superhero films. Doesn't it get old and mundane? How many times can the world be saved from explosions? Makes me think the movie industry has gotten extremely lazy or the consumer extremely easy to entertain.
Haven't seen any Batman or superhero movies since the 90s but Avengers was just a damn good film. Maybe they're all that good, but I doubt it.
I've still never seen the Batman movies. Well, I take that back... Last Batman movie I saw had Michael Keaton in it and I was a frosh in HS... I guess once my nads grew hair, kids movies just didn't do it for me anymore.
Me either. I don't like sci-fi movies anymore. I guess it's my age and I would rather watch something about history or at least something realistic.
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Probably has a lot to do with how beloved his Joker role is and his untimely death. However, he did a lot of good films and wasn't your typical celebrity douche and died young, which as you know automatically makes you more appealing for some weird reason.

He's in the 27 club to if I remember correctly.
I liked his performance in "I'm Not There" the Bob Dylan movie where tons of different actors played Dylan at different parts of his life.

Bale was in it too. Very good movie. Pretentious as hell though.

He also played a junkie very well in the movie Candy.
Honestly, I'm surprised at the amount that haven't seen/don't like the comic/superhero movies. Would make for a good spinoff thread poll.
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The Joker has been played well by many, but Ledger was the best.
I thought Nicholson was great, but looking back, Burton's version was awful compared to Nolan's version. As far as playing The Joker, although Nicholson is a highly accomplished actor in his own right Ledger completely blew him away playing the character. I remember when they announced him as the selection to play The Joker. It was a WTF moment for me. How wrong I and MANY others were. He nailed it and its hard to imagine anyone else ever being able to take future versions of The Joker to another level. What could have been if he had lived and been able to play the character in the 3rd installment. Hardy did a good job as Bane, but Ledger would have taken that movie to a completely different level.
I thought Nicholson was great, but looking back, Burton's version was awful compared to Nolan's version. As far as playing The Joker, although Nicholson is a highly accomplished actor in his own right Ledger completely blew him away playing the character. I remember when they announced him as the selection to play The Joker. It was a WTF moment for me. How wrong I and MANY others were. He nailed it and its hard to imagine anyone else ever being able to take future versions of The Joker to another level. What could have been if he had lived and been able to play the character in the 3rd installment. Hardy did a good job as Bane, but Ledger would have taken that movie to a completely different level.
Both products of their time. Nicholson was acclaimed for his performance until Ledger did his. Different takes.

Romero's joker and Nicholson's joker, when compared, make Jack look super dark.
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Both products of their time. Nicholson was acclaimed for his performance until Ledger did his. Different takes.

Romero's joker and Nicholson's joker, when compared, make Jack look super dark.
That's scary. Not your response but the fact you can put coherent sentences together. You must know somebody. See how it can be flipped?
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Just giving you a taste of your own medicine. Sometimes you should think before you post
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Just giving you a taste of your own medicine. Sometimes you should think before you post
What? Look creepy dumb guy, I made a joke about how you got your job on something other than talent, because your reasoning skills are atrocious, and not sure how you made it through law school, let alone civ pro. But you're a prosecutor doing low level crap, so you really don't need to know legal reasoning. Then again Katie king got elected never having been lead in a trial.

If you have to be a stalker, do your thing. But obvious you are a creepy dude. No need to stalk thread me thread to thread.