#7 Gloria (Modern Family) vs #10 Rebecca (Full House)

Who wins this matchup for Sexiest sitcom star.

  • 7 seed Gloria (Modern Family)

  • 10 seed Rebecca (Full House)

Results are only viewable after voting.


Jan 3, 2003
We have reached the 12 finalist, to battle it out head to head in tournament bracket.
VOTING CLOSES Saturday at noon.


The winner advances to take on 2 seed Rachel (Friends)
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This one I think comes down to which do you value more, cute or hot. Not saying they both don't have some of both qualities, but one is stronger in one area, the other in the other area.
Gloria is very stunning with her mouth closed. Once she opens it, she sinks precipitously in my rating. She just never really did it for me.
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Rebecca made young Ron Mehico feel things. Gloria’s voice would make me stab myself (after sex of course)

That's how I see it. Gloria's bod when this sure aired was just silly. But that voice. I think I might have to go with the upset here and pick Rebecca. She was just as much dynamite in the mid 90s as Gloria was in the mid 2010s