5 Star Recruit Visits, Get Feel For UofL...

I swear I didn't know what to expect when I read the title..."Fox visits, gets feel for U of L hoops." :pimp:
A high profile recruit that would commit to U of L after all this sex scandal, prostitution, child endangerment, contributing to the delinquency of a minor accusations that just broke out would have to be insane to want to be linked to U of L and all this mess...
Obviously this Greer dude just made all of that crap up. I mean, not one mention of ho's, shows, weed, Chane, weed, more ho's, strippers, ho's daughters, weed, Chane, weed, having to run out to an ATM and get more money, weed, Chane, weed, etc., etc.

Am I supposed to believe this white washed version of a UL recruiting visit?
I just hope Fox didn't catch anything on his UL visit. I'm sure this kid enjoys getting laid as much as the next guy, but doesn't agree with the hosb4pros mindset going on in the ville. After he comes to KY for a year, he will be able to afford boats n hos and get the best of both worlds. Poor Rick. Who would thought up to compete with KY in recruiting, we need whores. Lots of whores. Their linebeard gangsta look in their fan base is gone and replaced with the God father pimp look.
The timeline of these illegal recruiting accusations is actually believable...Cal came on the scene and Rick knee he was up against it and needed an advantage...not that far fetched