4* 6’7” SF, Shon Abaev. Has Pope Been In Contact?

Man how times have changed. Back in the day it was kids getting approval from their parents for tats and piercings. Now it is sex changes. I am really glad my kids are grown, the youngest being 26. All boys, none of them even asked for a tattoo before they were legally old enough to do so on their own.
There is nothing "alarming" about parents being proud of their transitioning kids as long as it's being done through adequate gate-keeping and effective monitoring and prescribing from a medical professional. Otherwise, people should just mind their own business, or go procreate and raise their children to their standards (and the consequences that come with that). Let people be proud of who you are. Let them be. NONE of us are here for a very long time.
I hate to get political, but this is the type of stuff that is causing nonsense in today's country. Obviously anyone who thinks they are a man, but are a woman, and vice versa, need mental help, not encouragement. There's something wrong upstairs and they need therapy or some type of help as to why they feel like this. Parents condoning or being "proud" that their kid is transitioning is straight up child abuse. The amount of people that transition and regret it later on in life is astronomical.
Max Preps has him at 42% overall shooting - 33% 3pt & 48% 2pt his Junior year 18.1 per game. Not sure about the competition or team around him, but those are not “I’m a Bucket” stats.

The video I watched he looked more like Lance Ware than Tyshawn Prince. Didn’t seem particularly athletic and the stats don’t seem to bare out anything particularly special.

Could be great, but the videos didn’t point it out. He was 100% from 2pt and 3pt land on the video though!
OMG, I didn't notice the Putin avatar. This guy is anti American as you can get! Who supports Facist dictaters, especially Facist dictaters who are Russian and invade other countries? I bet he calls himself Republican, Reagan is turning over in his grave
Dictaters lmfao
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Best shot maker and not a five star.

Lol, tell him do not go where Deliverance was filmed.

Deliverance Dueling Banjos GIF
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Iguodala like. A little Melo maybe. Can't put any stock into these videos anymore though.
The video is one thing. Though, they are supposed to be “Highlights”.

I did like the fact that he was shooting in the video rather than just Dunking everything.

But he would have to be playing very stiff competition in HS for those stats to not be alarming for a 4 star talent.
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Yeah, maybe a little of both.

I agree, you can’t put much into the videos, but you still have to go watch the kid and take a chance. Never know who the next big star will be.
Is there evidence KY is recruiting him? Just wondering how he came up on your radar?
I like Northern Georgia. But typical hill folks, can be cliquish and not like outsiders. My Daughter went to School at University Of North Georgia in Dahlonega for 3 years. She hated it. It is not truly North Georgia, but it is hillish.
Dang, should have looked at a map🤣. It is pretty much Northern Georgia.
I hate to get political, but this is the type of stuff that is causing nonsense in today's country. Obviously anyone who thinks they are a man, but are a woman, and vice versa, need mental help, not encouragement. There's something wrong upstairs and they need therapy or some type of help as to why they feel like this. Parents condoning or being "proud" that their kid is transitioning is straight up child abuse. The amount of people that transition and regret it later on in life is astronomical.
Every stray mental process isn't damage or evidence of incapacity. Some people are born feeling like Nature has played a trick on them. Betrayed them. So naturally some people feel the need to recoil and attack. Nobody is asking them to change.
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If I want to see a more oddball hairstyle than that all I would need to do is dust off my High School yesrbook from like 35 years ago.

Mohawks, liberty spikes, 2-3 foot bangs held up with 10 cans of aquanet or model glue, finger waves, and all kinds of crap carved in.

A lil halfass Pippi Longstocking is borderline generic.
I like Northern Georgia. But typical hill folks, can be cliquish and not like outsiders. My Daughter went to School at University Of North Georgia in Dahlonega for 3 years. She hated it. It is not truly North Georgia, but it is hillish.
I was born in North Georgia.

Nothing like Deliverance
If I want to see a more oddball hairstyle than that all I would need to do is dust off my High School yesrbook from like 35 years ago.

Mohawks, liberty spikes, 2-3 foot bangs held up with 10 cans of aquanet or model glue, finger waves, and all kinds of crap carved in.

A lil halfass Pippi Longstocking is borderline generic.

I was born in North Georgia.

Nothing like Deliverance
I would agree. It wasn’t my intent to paint it in that light. Just a little more difficult to break into the social community. It is a beautiful area of the country.
Where you are from does NOT make you tough, just FYI. Geography plays ZERO part. Pretty sure where he is from, they would "bust your balls".
Oh with guys wearing their hair like that… I’m sure they’d like to do a lot of things they’d like to do with balls…

It’s not about being or looking tough. It’s about having some dignity. Like I said, if he’s got tough skin, more power to him. Because whether you and others like it or not people are going to joke.

And that’s ok. Because, they’re just jokes. They don’t bite. I promise, jokes about his hair will not stop the sun from coming up tomorrow.
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You're such a phony with all this toxic masculinity. Of course you'd have Putin your avatar. Anyhow, that player would probably kick your ass with his pigtails.
You saw my post, and you saw my Putin picture and you thought to yourself “this guy is the spitting image of toxic masculinity”?

Weird take. I think both my post and profile pic are very clearly jokes.
I wonder if that attitude changes when he hits jumper after jumper in your face. That’s how shooters deal with people .
He’s a division 1 athlete is the prime of his life. I’m 5’9, 32, and while I exercise everyday I’m not a division 1 athlete.

Him hitting a shot in my face would not be hard or impressive for him. It also would prove nothing.

Let me guess, your dad can beat up my dad too?
Oh with guys wearing their hair like that… I’m sure they’d like to do a lot of things they’d like to do with balls…

It’s not about being or looking tough. It’s about having some dignity. Like I said, if he’s got tough skin, more power to him. Because whether you and others like it or not people are going to joke.

And that’s ok. Because, they’re just jokes. They don’t bite. I promise, jokes about his hair will not stop the sun from coming up tomorrow.
So you judge people based on their hair and not the character ? LOL, you said "people from where I am from" like you and the people where you are from are "tougher" than people from another area. Just because you are a hill jack (no offense to mountain folks, not all think like this water head), it doesn't make you tougher or more intimidating than people not from there. How about you and a few of your "people" go to any inner city in America and try to play that tough guy shit. You would leave there with your feelings hurt.
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That is the problem, 20 years ago that would have just been considered a light hearted jab. Now days, because the social justice warriors have created the environment of “No Tolerance” for poking fun, everyone is hyper sensitive. I am not one who puts up with people degrading others, but poking fun is a whole different thing. Just ask Dave Chappell, who I think is a shining light for comedy and how ridiculously sensitive the whole country has gotten over social justice. I am moving on from the subject in this post.

Haven’t seen any seen any of his vids on his play. But if he can dribble, pass, play defense and shoot within a structured system and Pope likes him, I am a big fan!
I have explained several times where he went over the line
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Where you are from does NOT make you tough, just FYI. Geography plays ZERO part. Pretty sure where he is from, they would "bust your balls".
Geography plays a pretty giant role in which culture you are raised in. Cultures value different things and some are better than others. So yes were you are from can affect someone's "toughness", depends on how you view it if you want to say it makes you tough. Ie. did the things that happened to you and made you tough happen because of where you were, the people and culture around you?
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There is nothing "alarming" about parents being proud of their transitioning kids as long as it's being done through adequate gate-keeping and effective monitoring and prescribing from a medical professional. Otherwise, people should just mind their own business, or go procreate and raise their children to their standards (and the consequences that come with that). Let people be proud of who you are. Let them be. NONE of us are here for a very long time.

I pray for the kids caught up in this type of evil. God will judge accordingly and we will all be held accountable for these actions. People pushing this on children are evil. In every sense of the word. Kids are not cognitively accurate enough to discern the psychology of sexuality. There is true evil in this world and these are the signs of it.
I pray for the kids caught up in this type of evil. God will judge accordingly and we will all be held accountable for these actions. People pushing this on children are evil. In every sense of the word. Kids are not cognitively accurate enough to discern the psychology of sexuality. There is true evil in this world and these are the signs of it.
"I pray" aka "This goes against what I like". Parents aren't pushing this on children. Not the ones supporting their children's wishes. Doctors and mental health professionals for the most part are really good at this stuff. I'll take their word and research over your thoughts and prayers. You seem to be an expert on evil. Bless your heart.
So you judge people based on their hair and not the character ? LOL, you said "people from where I am from" like you and the people where you are from are "tougher" than people from another area. Just because you are a hill jack (no offense to mountain folks, not all think like this water head), it doesn't make you tougher or more intimidating than people not from there. How about you and a few of your "people" go to any inner city in America and try to play that tough guy shit. You would leave there with your feelings hurt.
Where I’m from, we make jokes about everyone. Including each other. The only people we didn’t goof around with were people we didn’t like. The small hick infested town that you imply I am from is a suburb of Louisville.

Again, you can imagine and assume all these awful and terrible things me, where I’m from, and the people I associated with. But you’ll lead a happier life if you can learn to laugh at yourself and how to laugh off jokes at your expense rather than caught up in your feelings.

Also, I never said we were tougher or anything else. Y’all just assumed that based on some imaginary tone I had. It’s text, the only tone you have perceived is the one you put there yourself.
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Geography plays a pretty giant role in which culture you are raised in. Cultures value different things and some are better than others. So yes were you are from can affect someone's "toughness", depends on how you view it if you want to say it makes you tough. Ie. did the things that happened to you and made you tough happen because of where you were, the people and culture around you?
100% correct. Just ask someone whose been in the military and actually fought for your life. Foxholes are not made for everyone. Some have backdoors.
There is nothing "alarming" about parents being proud of their transitioning kids as long as it's being done through adequate gate-keeping and effective monitoring and prescribing from a medical professional. Otherwise, people should just mind their own business, or go procreate and raise their children to their standards (and the consequences that come with that). Let people be proud of who you are. Let them be. NONE of us are here for a very long time.
Surely you jest. Good Lord.
There is nothing "alarming" about parents being proud of their transitioning kids as long as it's being done through adequate gate-keeping and effective monitoring and prescribing from a medical professional. Otherwise, people should just mind their own business, or go procreate and raise their children to their standards (and the consequences that come with that). Let people be proud of who you are. Let them be. NONE of us are here for a very long time.
The problem is that kids are just that - they're kids. They don't know who they are or what they'll want by the time their frontal lobe fully develops in their late 20s.

We should regulate/deny transitioning the same way we deny students who want to drive at the age of 12 or buy guns at the age of 14. They mentally cannot handle those types of responsibilities.

So if we don't let young people have sex at young ages, carry around conceal carry weapons, drive cars when they're in junior high, or buy alcohol/tobacco until they're 18/21 because they're mentally unable to handle those types of responsibilities, why in the world would any sane parent allow their child to alter their sexuality through surgical practices at the age 10, 11, 12 or even before?

It's so shortsighted and irresponsible for parents to sign off on that, and as an educator who works with students, I make no apologies for saying it's wrong.
The problem is that kids are just that - they're kids. They don't know who they are or what they'll want by the time their frontal lobe fully develops in their late 20s.

We should regulate/deny transitioning the same way we deny students who want to drive at the age of 12 or buy guns at the age of 14. They mentally cannot handle those types of responsibilities.

So if we don't let young people have sex at young ages, carry around conceal carry weapons, drive cars when they're in junior high, or buy alcohol/tobacco until they're 18/21 because they're mentally unable to handle those types of responsibilities, why in the world would any sane parent allow their child to alter their sexuality through surgical practices at the age 10, 11, 12 or even before?

It's so shortsighted and irresponsible for parents to sign off on that, and as an educator who works with students, I make no apologies for saying it's wrong.
Gender identity isn't a phase, fantasy or what have you. Obviously I'm not a doctor or therapist. I do know that there are cases when it is incredibly obvious when someone is far enough out on the gender spectrum (there is a strong correlation between gender and physical looks), that it's a no-brainer that they're going to have to be on HRT. And then there's cases where extensive gatekeeping is necessary to help the individual navigate toward a point on the gender spectrum that they're comfortable with where they're at. And finally you have cases where there is something outside of the person's life that could be resolved, helping to alleviate whatever is causing them to rebel against who they are. Parents don't "sign off" on any of this. Therapists and medical professionals do. Parents simply listen to their kids and find them the help they need. That's the way it's supposed to work.
Gender identity isn't a phase, fantasy or what have you. Obviously I'm not a doctor or therapist. I do know that there are cases when it is incredibly obvious when someone is far enough out on the gender spectrum (there is a strong correlation between gender and physical looks), that it's a no-brainer that they're going to have to be on HRT. And then there's cases where extensive gatekeeping is necessary to help the individual navigate toward a point on the gender spectrum that they're comfortable with where they're at. And finally you have cases where there is something outside of the person's life that could be resolved, helping to alleviate whatever is causing them to rebel against who they are. Parents don't "sign off" on any of this. Therapists and medical professionals do. Parents simply listen to their kids and find them the help they need. That's the way it's supposed to work.
I've actually worked with dozens of transgender students who went through a phase. That's factual. I've seen it every year that I've been an educator going back to the early 2000s. These students thought they were one gender at 12 years old, only to date the opposite gender a year later and never look back.

What if their parents had supported a surgery that would have defined the rest of their life, a surgery they would have regretted a year later?

Do you work with young people? No disrespect to you (you seem like a decent person), but it sounds like you don't really understand how prevalent the reality of gender phases actually are. I see it every day in my two professions.
I don't. People need to let medical professionals and therapists, and PARENTS, do their jobs. Worry about your own kids.
I remember a time when parents used to beat the crap out of their kids and there were people like you who said, "just let the parents worry about their kids." Thank goodness not everyone felt like you and we take steps now to prevent child abuse.
I've actually worked with dozens of transgender students who went through a phase. That's factual. I've seen it every year that I've been an educator going back to the early 2000s. These students thought they were one gender at 12 years old, only to date the opposite gender a year later and never look back.

What if their parents had supported a surgery that would have defined the rest of their life, a surgery they would have regretted a year later?

Do you work with young people? No disrespect to you (you seem like a decent person), but it sounds like you don't really understand how prevalent the reality of gender phases actually are. I see it every day in my two professions.
I know people who are transgender, in fact it's in my family. My cousin has been living as a man since the early 1990s. I've also worked with transgender people, and I know two families who have at least one child who is transgender. When I say gatekeeping regarding HRT, do you know what that is? Do you know why transgender people don't like gatekeeping? Thank you for saying that I'm a decent person. That means a lot, actually. I grew up in a pretty abusive situation, physical, verbal and emotional. It's affected me for a very long time, and I have great empathy for others who don't fit in, who never get to know themselves because of damage done by those close to them. That's all I've got.