2 questions for older, diehard UK fans

Feb 27, 2015
I've got 2 questions for the older, diehard UK fans on this board.

1. Calapari said yesterday that winning 38 games in a row was more important than winning the championship. This, after saying it's more important at UK in getting players drafted in the NBA than winning championships. At what point, will the diehard UK fans and local press, will they start calling him on these statements??? Afterall, titles mean more to UK than probably any other school.

2. Back in 1991 and 1992, who did you root for to win in the 1991 semi-final game between Duke and undefeated, brash talking, we're the greatest ever UNLV Team? Also in the 1992 National title game between Duke and the brash talking, media loved, we're changing college basketball Fab Five Michigan team?

The truth.
I didn't hear those comments but would like him to focus in more on titles. The NBA is great afterwards. Don't really care about winning the Draft night title. Maybe it's his way of relieving the pressure?
I've got 2 questions for the older, diehard UK fans on this board.

1. Calapari said yesterday that winning 38 games in a row was more important than winning the championship. This, after saying it's more important at UK in getting players drafted in the NBA than winning championships. At what point, will the diehard UK fans and local press, will they start calling him on these statements??? Afterall, titles mean more to UK than probably any other school.

2. Back in 1991 and 1992, who did you root for to win in the 1991 semi-final game between Duke and undefeated, brash talking, we're the greatest ever UNLV Team? Also in the 1992 National title game between Duke and the brash talking, media loved, we're changing college basketball Fab Five Michigan team?

The truth.

1. No, he didn't say that. Learn to read.

2. What connection do you have to Duke?

3. I wanted UNLV and Michigan to punch your teeth in. I hate everything about your program, but nothing more than bandwagon fans like you.

I didn't see those comments, but nothing trumps a championship. And I hope Duke never wins another game, so I would root for Satan before Duke.
He didn't say that - he said, eventually people won't remember most of the championship teams, but they'll remember teams like '15 UK.

Think about it - you remember '91 UNLV, right? But do you remember the champs from, say, '85-90 without looking? (I know you remember the years after that because it was Duke and UNC).

He didn't say it was more important than winning a championship. Stop putting words in his mouth.

And we make fun of things he says all the time. But at the end of the day, he's the only coach in the game who can go year in and year out with K, and he does it with great kids who are positive contributors to our university and community.

He can talk about the invisible unicorns that helped him win for all I care.
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He never said that draft night was more important than winning a title. He said that having 5 first round picks was the biggest day in the history of UK. In hind sight he may very well have been right about that. He's had historically good recruiting classes ever since, and been to 4 FFs along with a title in 2012. It also looks like he'll continue reeling in top classes based on draft success, and using that top talent to continue hanging banners.
I've got 2 questions for the older, diehard UK fans on this board.

1. Calapari said yesterday that winning 38 games in a row was more important than winning the championship. This, after saying it's more important at UK in getting players drafted in the NBA than winning championships. At what point, will the diehard UK fans and local press, will they start calling him on these statements??? Afterall, titles mean more to UK than probably any other school.

2. Back in 1991 and 1992, who did you root for to win in the 1991 semi-final game between Duke and undefeated, brash talking, we're the greatest ever UNLV Team? Also in the 1992 National title game between Duke and the brash talking, media loved, we're changing college basketball Fab Five Michigan team?

The truth.

In spite of your obvious challenges with reading comprehension, let's point out a couple of things you are clearly unable to grasp.

1. The thing that was important was 40-0. One thing you failed to comprehend was that goal was unattainable unless they also had a national championship. 38 - 0 was but a step on that path. 40 - 0 would have been yet another historic achievement by a Kentucky basketball team. It's a milestone like getting beat by a 15 seed in the tournament, but at the opposite end of the spectrum.

2. There is no team in existence that I would like to see Duke beat. I even prefer UL over Duke. I would choose INC over Duke even though they are academic pond scum. That what happens when your rat faced coach encourages his players to kick and stomp the opposition, players cry like babies before the game is over and he alternately suckles and verbally abuses referees to affect game calling. That's what happens when the road to the final four is paved with cake year after year.
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It must be very important. can't even put the loss up on the home page. I still shows 38-0 :scream:

Nothing like an Indiana fan, crawling out of the black hole of irrelevancy for a moment to try to trash talk an actual power house.

That ONE trip past the sweet sixteen since 1993 must have you feeling pretty good [laughing][laughing][laughing][laughing][laughing][laughing][laughing]

Don't even bother responding, nothing you could EVER say would even be worth it.

It'd be like Rosie O'Donnel trying to trash talk Kim Kardashian [roll]
1. 38-1 is the more rare feat. Yes, I would rather have won the Championship, but we got an unprecedented consolation prize, and a lot of fantastic memories. I'm hoping once people begin to accept the hurt of the loss, more UK fans will begin to appreciate what this team did. Our enemies already tear us down at every opportunity, we don't need to help them. If Louisville or Indiana had gone 38-1, do you think they'd spend their time tearing down their own programs?

2. I was for Duke against UNLV, because I liked Duke better then. I was for Michigan against Duke, because I liked Michigan better, and was excited to see something somewhat historic happen. I didn't yet perceive that Duke was being shown the unfair favoritism under which they've flourished for so long now, or I would've rooted against Duke both years.

I will say this- I will root for Duke against UNC every time now, because while I think Duke receives unfair advantages, I don't think it's necessarily their fault; and I don't think they're a bunch of filthy lying cheaters like UNC.
I've got 2 questions for the older, diehard UK fans on this board.

1. Calapari said yesterday that winning 38 games in a row was more important than winning the championship. This, after saying it's more important at UK in getting players drafted in the NBA than winning championships. At what point, will the diehard UK fans and local press, will they start calling him on these statements??? Afterall, titles mean more to UK than probably any other school.

2. Back in 1991 and 1992, who did you root for to win in the 1991 semi-final game between Duke and undefeated, brash talking, we're the greatest ever UNLV Team? Also in the 1992 National title game between Duke and the brash talking, media loved, we're changing college basketball Fab Five Michigan team?

The truth.

I accept this as Cal and his recruiting talk. I pulled for UNLV in 1991, and Duke in 92.
To the OP's questions...

1. Championships trump everything else.

2. I've never cheered for Dook.

Anymore dumb questions?
Question for die hard uk haters?

Why is it when Kentucky has a coach that contends for titles, you try to turn uk fans against him. When the coach does not contend, you try to tell them they should support him.

As long as I have been a fan, the rest of the country has tried to tell ky fans what to think.

I've got 2 questions for the older, diehard UK fans on this board.

1. Calapari said yesterday that winning 38 games in a row was more important than winning the championship. This, after saying it's more important at UK in getting players drafted in the NBA than winning championships. At what point, will the diehard UK fans and local press, will they start calling him on these statements??? Afterall, titles mean more to UK than probably any other school.

2. Back in 1991 and 1992, who did you root for to win in the 1991 semi-final game between Duke and undefeated, brash talking, we're the greatest ever UNLV Team? Also in the 1992 National title game between Duke and the brash talking, media loved, we're changing college basketball Fab Five Michigan team?

The truth.
First, I have never had any interest in any Duke games unless they are playing us, and I don't give a damn what the media thinks. Calipari is a master salesman. Calipari does what great generals do. He sets the conditions on the field of battle, then he fights to win. You are taking him way too literally. Calipari says Ulis will be in the NBA next year. Do you actually believe that? Or, do you believe Calipari is selling UK playing time to De'Aaron Fox, Kobi Simmons, and Malik Monk? I sure don't want to divert this thread to another Ulis discussion, but just figure this out for yourself. Calipari succeeds because he recruits talent that is so good that his freshman and sophomore dominated teams can beat everyone else's senior dominated teams. Saying he wants to win 38 in a row is a sales pitch. Obviously, he intends to win every game. Otherwise, why play them? But did you see Calipari's behavior right after the Davis-Gilchrist team won the national championship? It was the only time I have ever seen Calipari actually struggle for words. He was overwhelmed with emotion. Kentucky has won 8 national championships. When you are the basketball coach at Kentucky, you know what the expectation is. Calipari can say whatever he needs to say to sign great players. But he knows what our goal is. He doesn't need to be reminded.
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Well one thing is some of the fans on here are lying! I say that because I saw a lot of UK fans on here and twitter who said they were cheering for Duke over WI this past year. I called everyone stupid for cheering for Duke over WI...and I said that for a few reasons. Duke is closer to us in titles and Duke winning with Freshman would give us more competition in recruiting.
The real Fab Five were Ralph Beard, Alex Groza, Wallace Jones, Cliff Barker, and Kenny Rollins. Those Michigan guys who stole our nickname even with ineligible players couldn't even win a conference title, much less a national title. :p

Explain to me again why the FAKE Five from Michigan are still loved so, even over 20 years later? Our Fab Five won our first championship, Olympic Gold, and the "Fab Four" (Rollins graduated) would win our second NCAA title. Yet where are the ESPN specials and such for them? :(

To answer the original question though, in the NCAA Tournament I only care about my alma mater (UK of course)...if they're out (or God forbid, don't make the tournament at all like in 2009 and 2013) then I could no longer care less about the Big Dance. I don't even bother with the title game unless of course UK is in it. I'm like Rudy's father, there's only one basketball team we watch in this house! :D
If he said it we disagree. Even if he did though he's backtracked a bit. Cal is a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them. He knows what those title's mean to UK fans, and though he calls us crazy, which we are, he loves us. He knows who's buttering his bread. In fact the UK fan base's acceptance of him and his approach has been almost universal. It took some adapting, but we've adjusted to the new LU's and teams pretty much every year, and the success they've brought the program. UK is the perfect place for Cal, and he's pretty much the perfect man for the job!

As for those two games I remember clearly being for UNLV. I liked Tark and the way he fought the NCAA, and his team. Same for the Fab Five. Sure they were brash, but they were also playing Duke!
It is about National Championships and Cal knows that. Being a UK fan, you learn to take things he says with a grain of salt. It doesn't matter who is in front of Cal, everything he says is directed at recruits. They don't care about our history or tradition. Recruits care about what he can do for them in the one or two years that they are here. A lot does change over the short time that they are here. It is really amazing how loyal most of them are to the program by the time they leave.

I was for Duke over UNLV and the Fab 5 over Duke. The only team I would even consider wanting Duke to beat would be IU and that is because of the trash who are their fans. I have nothing against Duke, UNC or UofL fans but I do enjoy seeing the IU trash suffer.
Well one thing is some of the fans on here are lying! I say that because I saw a lot of UK fans on here and twitter who said they were cheering for Duke over WI this past year. I called everyone stupid for cheering for Duke over WI...and I said that for a few reasons. Duke is closer to us in titles and Duke winning with Freshman would give us more competition in recruiting.

Not here you didn't Sparty. The only thing correct about your post is that someone here is lying...
I've got 2 questions for the older, diehard UK fans on this board.

1. Calapari said yesterday that winning 38 games in a row was more important than winning the championship. This, after saying it's more important at UK in getting players drafted in the NBA than winning championships. At what point, will the diehard UK fans and local press, will they start calling him on these statements??? Afterall, titles mean more to UK than probably any other school.

2. Back in 1991 and 1992, who did you root for to win in the 1991 semi-final game between Duke and undefeated, brash talking, we're the greatest ever UNLV Team? Also in the 1992 National title game between Duke and the brash talking, media loved, we're changing college basketball Fab Five Michigan team?

The truth.

Cal says a lot of things, he has a point, and if the point comes through so does the championships, that's the way he explains things . Are you upset with Cal? Sorry but I wouldn't trade him for anyone available today.
I resemble the older/diehard remark. Pulling for Duke is not an option. Winning as best we can in an entertaining way is the Kentucky tradition. Championships follow.
It must be very important. can't even put the loss up on the home page. I still shows 38-0 :scream:

I've got 2 questions for the older, diehard UK fans on this board.

1. Calapari said yesterday that winning 38 games in a row was more important than winning the championship. This, after saying it's more important at UK in getting players drafted in the NBA than winning championships. At what point, will the diehard UK fans and local press, will they start calling him on these statements??? Afterall, titles mean more to UK than probably any other school.

2. Back in 1991 and 1992, who did you root for to win in the 1991 semi-final game between Duke and undefeated, brash talking, we're the greatest ever UNLV Team? Also in the 1992 National title game between Duke and the brash talking, media loved, we're changing college basketball Fab Five Michigan team?

The truth.

Obviously, you didn't read the article on ESPN by Andy Katz, or if you did, reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.
Cal said that winning 38 straight to start the season will be remembered longer than winning a national championship. And he is right. There is a national champion every year, and outside of college basketball enthusiasts, most of them are forgotten. On the contrary, no team has ever started a season 38-0 and it had been almost 25 years since a team entered the Final Four undefeated. He didn't say it was more important. All of us here would rather have gone 35-5 and won the championship.
I was literally bombarded by Indiana natives within a few days after UK lost to Wisconsin this year. All said they knew UK wasn't all that good and would lose because you can't win with underclassmen and in a platoon system. They also said the '76 IU team that went 32-0 would beat the '15 UK team. That, of course, is an unwinnable proposition, but I held out and stood strong that UK would clobber IU's '76 team:

Kent Benson, at 6'11, was their only player over 6'7 that played.
Tom Abernathy, 6'7, was slow and defendable. Willie would have eaten his lunch
Scott May, a generous 6'7, was their major stud and might have prevailed against either Lyles or Booker, but not by much
Quinn Buckner at the point was good but containable.
Bob Wilkerson, a 6'7 swing, not in the same strata as Booker or Lyles.
They had Bender and Radford and Crews that saw fill-in minutes.
UK much, much deeper with better all around talent.
PLUS, the game has changed since 39 years ago.

But, IU fans will go to their grave holding on to that faded page of history.
I was literally bombarded by Indiana natives within a few days after UK lost to Wisconsin this year. All said they knew UK wasn't all that good and would lose because you can't win with underclassmen and in a platoon system. They also said the '76 IU team that went 32-0 would beat the '15 UK team. That, of course, is an unwinnable proposition, but I held out and stood strong that UK would clobber IU's '76 team:

Kent Benson, at 6'11, was their only player over 6'7 that played.
Tom Abernathy, 6'7, was slow and defendable. Willie would have eaten his lunch
Scott May, a generous 6'7, was their major stud and might have prevailed against either Lyles or Booker, but not by much
Quinn Buckner at the point was good but containable.
Bob Wilkerson, a 6'7 swing, not in the same strata as Booker or Lyles.
They had Bender and Radford and Crews that saw fill-in minutes.
UK much, much deeper with better all around talent.
PLUS, the game has changed since 39 years ago.

But, IU fans will go to their grave holding on to that faded page of history.

IU fans dodged a bullet and deep down in their meth-encrusted hearts, they know it. They have to hold on to something after all. Their programs is a shambles after lo these many years of Sampson and Clappy. Heck, their own gym is falling down on them!
So this troll/OP can just make up stuff and the mods let it stay up? Funny. The OP just made something up that our coach did not say.
To qualify as an old-timer ... I saw my first UK game in 1954.

I do not think that 38 wins in a row is even close to the same as winning a National Championship. I do not think that getting any number of first round NBA draft picks is even close to the same as winning a National Championship. IMHO, to say either or both is foolish.
Nothing like an Indiana fan, crawling out of the black hole of irrelevancy for a moment to try to trash talk an actual power house.

If you can't run with the big dogs, all that's left is sit on the porch and bark. IU fans= Chihuahua.