1,073,741,824 to 1

Glenn's take

May 20, 2012
Assuming there is one winner and one loser in a game and both teams have an equal chance of winning those are the odds of winning 30 games in a row. No way we lose tomorrow. And don't give me that it's still a 50/50 chance the next time. I'm being positive here.
Your premise is flawed. Football is not a game of chance or 50/50 coin toss. That said, we're winning tomorrow. Comfortably.
Study permutations and combinations much? Two to the 30th power is a huge number, but then you are assuming the odds were 50/50 in all those games (we MIGHT have even been favored in few of them) so the odds of losing them all go way down if you figure the true odds of us losing, but if you flip a coin and it comes up heads or tails every time 30 times in a row the chance of it being the same the 31st time are still about 50/50.

But if they win again by your reasoning the odds of it happening 31 times in a row would have been 2,147483,648 to 1, so yes, I think we win, I like your thinking.

True story I always wanted to tell and I will so you can laugh at me, but I got a summer job in Dayton staying with an older sister after high school to save money for college and we played poker every day at lunch, five card draw usually about 10 players, redeal the discards for the draw, 5 cents ante and another 5 cents to draw (no real skill or bluffing so about a 50/50 chance of winning) and I won EVERY day for at least 55 days (worked 14 weeks) and two to the 55th power is an unbelievable number, 2 to the fifth times 10 (actually 10.024) to the fiftyth or more than 32,000, to one.

Only won a nickel or dime sometimes and a couple dollars max sometimes but they quit playing a week or so before I left (maybe they started again after I left) because they said they were tired of me winning every day. The final straw was we had a side bet for highest spade (about half played that) and the last day I won that with the Ace------the bad part was I also had the King------and then the Queen------and then the Jack------and then the 10-----a royal flush that happened to be in Spades.

True story, and I can tell it here because I can't hear you laughing at me.

Amazing odds, but not as long as the ones that put us in this amazing world on this amazing computer with billions of bits of temporary storage and many more billions of storage memory------and that is a minor miracle compared to a simple leaf on a tree, let alone the tree itself. Don't even start to think about our amazing body.

And laughing is one of its best attributes, so go ahead.
If the OP believes those odds, he should put everything he owns on UK and rake in the dough. Of course he realizes those are not the odds against UF winning tomorrow.
I do understand because even if it was a 50/50 chance every time it's still 50/50 next time. I'm just trying to have fun and be optimistic.