Just once I’d love to have a blatant home whistle like EVERY OTHER TOP TEAM gets. These officials hate Cal more than some on here do.
Shows just changed the tempo of the game with the no call there.

That should have been two free throws for shep.. instead it leads to 4 more points for Tennessee.. 6 point swing in that sequence.

The crowd would have throwing Ice cream all over the ****ing place if we pulled within 2!
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ahh, indeed another play that only UK could cause....get the ball partially stolen when it shouldn't have been and then an open alley oop... only Kentucky can make this magic happen....things you never see happen? oh UK.
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Give cal the rest of this season cause this team sucks regardless and then let him go. Please no more of this. There isn’t a universe that exist where the elite 8 banner boys should be in the same floor with us
You got $33 million to get rid of him?????

Mitch made him UNTOUCHABLE!!!

As SICKENING as that is, we are STUCK with him.

SAD all around!!! I HATE IT!!!!
Not going to get my hopes up on making the comeback. Tennessee is like:

Theiro looks so much better than Mitchell tonight
I'm not sure what kind of playing style Mitchell is looking for. Maybe Euro ball? He seems slow, looks around like he thinks everyone is supposed to go to some predetermined spot on the floor.
ahh, indeed another play that only UK could cause....get the ball partially stolen when it shouldn't have been and then an open alley oop... only Kentucky can make this magic happen....things you never see happen? oh UK.
Then miss a layup on the other end and our Big FUMBLES AWAY the rebound.

The UT Bigs have gobbled up everything ours don't except for UGO.

Bradhsaw is USELESS!!!

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