DJ has no finish and continues to turn the ball over up top with lazy predictable passesNot to defend Cal but we’ve got reeves Reed and dilly out there. They’re shitting the bed too.
DJ has no finish and continues to turn the ball over up top with lazy predictable passesNot to defend Cal but we’ve got reeves Reed and dilly out there. They’re shitting the bed too.
And it’s so easy to defendSet a screen out on top, and then throw it somewhere else on the perimeter.
Multiple possessions to extend the lead and guys are just standing around and driving into what Auburn wants Uk to doWhat the hell did we really do THAT glaringly wrong though.. they are flopping, hacking, and we're getting the fouls called on us.
I'd say Kentucky and Cal have out up a solid 9 out of 10 tonight, but the SEC said "you need to play at a 10"..
At some point, there are just games UK and Cal aren't gonna be allowed to win. This is one of them..
man, I get the frustration but it is such a cop out to blame the refs. UK has made some bad decisions and poor execution in the last few minutes of this gameWhat the hell did we really do THAT glaringly wrong though.. they are flopping, hacking, and we're getting the fouls called on us.
I'd say Kentucky and Cal have out up a solid 9 out of 10 tonight, but the SEC said "you need to play at a 10"..
At some point, there are just games UK and Cal aren't gonna be allowed to win. This is one of them..
Multiple possessions to extend the lead and guys are just standing around and driving into what Auburn wants Uk to do
He JUST NOW put them in. Should have called TO, stopped that run, and got his scorers in 5 minutes ago.Not to defend Cal but we’ve got reeves Reed and dilly out there. They’re shitting the bed too.
Problem is the refs tried to take him out of the game by blowing the whistle for his 3rd early in the 2nd half.Reeves has to do something, we're not shooting 3's
man, I get the frustration but it is such a cop out to blame the refs. UK has made some bad decisions and poor execution in the last few minutes of this game
Tell me what offense we are running right now?How.. can you not.. blame the refs for what's happening right now?
Au ball pressure has gave Dj, Reed and Rob fits today. None of them can dribble comfortably against it