If, and it's a big if... If Call approached Reed and Rob and said "As a coach, I know you two have it, you should be starting. But I am trying g to get us as ready as I can for the tourney. As a team, we need DJ and Justin to be the versions of themselves we know they can be, to be the best version that we can be. I am going to keep pushing them and give them every opportunity we can to get them to that breakthrough. You guys are already there. We need the to get there as well. Do you two have any problems with me continuing to start them, in hopes they can become the players we all know they can be. "
Atleast that's how I hope it went like. We won't reach our full potential till those two have it click. You just don't give up on them. We saw Justin click the other night, and hopfully that's the start to him being who we thought he was. Hopfully DJ gets there as well.....
Starting DJ and Justin over Reed and Rob is such small potatoes over the other coaching malpractices done this year.