‘92 - how many to Calipari U?

My advice was never for anybody to need to scroll past comments. My advice was the opposite of that. Maybe take up reading?

As for mods moving the words of my advice (my comments) out of this thread if and when they move your spam/hijacking comments out of this thread, in line with my advice, I would be all about that. In fact if for some reason mods remove your spam comments here and leave my advice comments, then I’ll absolutely just delete my own advice comments myself.

What I’m after is a clean and useful version of the OP’s thread. Which is not my thread. Funny that you thought it was. Again with you and reading 😉

Nothing to do with reading, it’s not caring enough to go back to see who the original OP was. 🙂

What makes your opinion any better than mine? Why should your comments stay and mine get deleted? Do you think you’re better than me and therefore your opinion matters more? I think some of us fans are beating a dead horse and you don’t. Why does opposing views upset you so much? What happened to agreeing to disagree? Why does everything you don’t like have to be removed?

I know the answer to those but I’ll keep it to myself. You win, I’m out.. ✌🏻