Week 2 Report Card


Gold Member
Aug 8, 2008
This will be long, so I am going to break it into several posts. Also, note that the individual grades may not make sense for the overall grade, in part because I am giving a lot of weight to the fact that we won all 4 games.

Overall Score : B

Pretty solid week, albeit against relatively poor competition. The big deal is that UK went from being 0-3 to being 4-3. Taking care of business. Still, it wasn't without some issues.

Pitching - B-

I give this score because there were a few things about our pitching the somewhat bugged me.
  1. Giving up 24 hits in 2 games was bothersome. Granted, one of those was the extra innings game, but I believe most of those hits came before the extras.
  2. Holding runners. Appy State runners had no fear of any UK pickoff move. So much so that they actually had their left food past the cutout. Opponents are now 12 of 13 on stolen bases, and I am attributing this more to pitchers than Kessler. Also, 3 pitchers have committed throwing errors on pickoff moves.
  3. Experienced pitchers are doing horrible. Coleman, Harper, and Lockhart are all juniors, at least. They hold 3 of the 4 worst ERAs on our team so far. To his credit, Lockhart has just one appearance, but Coleman and Harper have several and they have done very poorly in at least two of those each. Need experienced pitchers to start acting like they are experienced pitchers and to shut down opponents.
  4. This is in a similar strain... but blowing saves and giving up runs with inherited runners. Rigsby can be a solid closer and will grow into it more, but he had a save opportunity this weekend and couldn't slam the door in the 9th. Gave up a leadoff single, threw a WP, and then a double to give up the lead.
  5. Marsh - Hate to rag on him, but he just can't start anymore. This is the second Sunday that he's been rocked and he now has a 11.37 ERA through two games. Put UK in a hole in the game this past Sunday that we wouldn't likely have crawled out of against a better opponent. I sure as heck don't know who else can pitch on Sunday, but something has to change.
Some positives though:
  1. Alex freaking Degen!! He has given up just 3 hits in 6.2 innings of work and has not given up an earned run. While striking out 11 of the 23 hitters he has faced. Keep it up big man!!
  2. The first and second games of the weekend series were pretty strong performances. Gave up just 3 hits in the Saturday game. Cut out the mistakes and Hazelwood dominates that game instead of giving up 4 runs. Ramsey had a solid game on Friday not giving up many hits, but he had a few too many walks. Need to cut those out.
  3. Bullpen for the most part did pretty solid. Ron Cole, Cole Daniels, Alex Degen, Cole Stupp, Zach Lee, Will Gambino, Hunter Rigsby... all had solid outings throughout the week. Again, need the older guys to step up.
Hitting - B+

I am inclined to give them a bit of a lower grade here, but the 21 run game saves them. Let's go over some positives and negatives. First, the positives:
  1. 21 runs. This one is simple. Anytime you get to double digit runs it is a positive. UK scored 30 in two games this week. That is getting it done.
  2. Trae Harmon. 4 starts and 4 home runs, while hitting .389. Would like to see the K numbers come down a tad, but can't be mad at it when it is just 2 more strikeouts than home runs.
  3. Austin Schultz. Just keeps hitting. .357 average with 3 doubles, a triple, and a pair of home runs. Oddly he is hitting in the 4 hole. Has 10 RBIs. Same thing with strikeouts... need to lower that number, but it happens.
  4. Overall power. Not sure where we rank, but 10 home runs to start is pretty solid. Get some guys like Collett and Anu going a bit more and we are in business.
  5. We don't move. 15 times this year UK hitters have been hit by a pitch, including Matt Golda who wore two in the game on Saturday.
  6. Strikeouts - You are going to see this in both sections because it was a tale of two tapes. We had two games (SEMO and Sat) where we had 3 and 2 strikeouts. That is absolutely excellent.
  1. Overall batting average is still poor at .247. That is second from last in the SEC behind only LSU, who is hitting an abysmal .231.
  2. To go with the first one... our middle lineup guys... the experienced ones, have have have to get to hitting. TJ Collett hitting .214. Shelby hitting .174 and Kessler hitting .080. Add to that Breydon Daniel hitting .190. That just isn't going to cut it. With as much firepower as these guys all have, they need to step up and make opposing defenses fear them. This is a team that could mash and get home runs from almost any spot... we're wasting that right now.
  3. Strikeouts - Remember how it was a positive? Well, in Sunday game and in the Friday game UK struck out a combined 18 times. Granted, the Sunday game was extended so the 11 may not be as bad as it looks, I'm still going to put it here because it has been a running problem for a while.
  4. Walks - This is a season theme. Would like to see UK walk more. In terms of actual BBs, UK ranks second to last in the SEC.
Fielding - F

Until we can play numerous games without errors... this is an F. So far, we once again have the worst fielding percentage in the entire SEC with .947. We have 15 errors on the year and added 6 this weekend. We could probably have at least 2 more that were errors, but were not counted as such. That is not to mention the mental errors, such as not covering a bag properly and taking poor angles. John Rhodes over at third is hitting very well, but has 5 errors. He has to clean up the throws. Hitting .300 is excellent, but 5 errors equals runs for the opponent, especially against better competition.

Defense in the outfield might continue to be a huge liability. Cam Hill is now injured and may be out for the remainder of the year. So, that will be a huge defensive step down. Daniel and Curtis are not outfielders, but here we are. They need to at least limit the mental errors, like taking their eye off the ball.

Just 3 double plays for UK so far this season. Our opponents have 16 against us. So, this is also a knock on our bats that we keep hitting into double plays. However, we have to get more DPs as well. Our middle infield has talent... have to get it done.
As always, a good rundown. Fielding is an absolute nightmare. But it has been since Minge has been here. You’re spot on about Marsh. He cannot be the Sunday guy. But who do you put out there? I’d love to see Degen get a chance but he’s one of your best out of the pen. Also, the stolen bases. I know Kessler can’t be all to blame but 12/13 is embarrassing. All in all. A good week for Kentucky. Hopefully this gives them some confidence for this week. UNCW is a good team that I think will give Kentucky all they want.
Excellent summary. Wins are wins and there are a lot of good teams who have lost games or are struggling (e.g. Vandy has already lost twice, Michigan got rocked this weekend, South Carolina lost a series to NW, UL has lost three games already, etc).

I would love to be optimistic but the SEC is going to be TOUGH.

UF is on a huge roll, sweeping miami. Tennessee went out and swept the Texas classic beating Texas Tech, Stanford. Ole Miss took the series from UL. Miss state won the series against oregon state. we need drastic improvement if we are gonna compete.
As always, a good rundown. Fielding is an absolute nightmare. But it has been since Minge has been here. You’re spot on about Marsh. He cannot be the Sunday guy. But who do you put out there? I’d love to see Degen get a chance but he’s one of your best out of the pen. Also, the stolen bases. I know Kessler can’t be all to blame but 12/13 is embarrassing. All in all. A good week for Kentucky. Hopefully this gives them some confidence for this week. UNCW is a good team that I think will give Kentucky all they want.

Which this just adds to some of the issues and fear going forward. Right now I don't necessarily see a freshman as being a guy for the future that can pitch on the weekends. So, what happens if we lose Ramsey and Hazelwood after this year? Is Cottongame good enough to pitch the weekends? Will we find a 2020 freshman to come in and be a weekend guy in 2021?

This week we have two midweek games, so we might learn a bit more about who can start this week when we likely have Cottongame tomorrow and then someone else on Wednesday.

SEC stats have us as 12 stolen bases against v. two CSB. We are the only SEC to have over 7 attempts against. We are 5 of 7 ourselves.
Excellent summary. Wins are wins and there are a lot of good teams who have lost games or are struggling (e.g. Vandy has already lost twice, Michigan got rocked this weekend, South Carolina lost a series to NW, UL has lost three games already, etc).

I would love to be optimistic but the SEC is going to be TOUGH.

UF is on a huge roll, sweeping miami. Tennessee went out and swept the Texas classic beating Texas Tech, Stanford. Ole Miss took the series from UL. Miss state won the series against oregon state. we need drastic improvement if we are gonna compete.

Will be extremely tough. I just don't yet know who will be a team that struggles in the SEC. Maybe USC. But we get:

@Vandy (2)
Florida (1)
@MSU (8)
LSU (11)
@Auburn (20)
@Tennessee (24)
South Carolina
@Georgia (4)

We could conceivable start SEC play 0-9. Ideally, you get to .500 in league play to be assured of a birth in the NCAA tournament. So, we'd have to close out the SEC slate only losing 6 games in 7 series in order to climb out of a hole like that.

By the way... Alabama has the lowest ERA in the league at 1.29. Their schedule has been weak, but still impressive.

Also, throw in two games against 3rd ranked UL.
Kinda off topic but the only team I haven’t heard anything about in the SEC is Mizzou.

Well, according to D1baseball's preseason outlook they should have a fairly strong team. However, they can't play in the post season. So, you likely won't hear much about them because of that. Schedule has been weak so far and they dropped a game to Jacksonville State and to Kansas State. I think they should be a beatable team, but hard to tell.
Hitting - B+

I am inclined to give them a bit of a lower grade here, but the 21 run game saves them. Let's go over some positives and negatives. First, the positives:
  1. 21 runs. This one is simple. Anytime you get to double digit runs it is a positive. UK scored 30 in two games this week. That is getting it done.
  2. Trae Harmon. 4 starts and 4 home runs, while hitting .389. Would like to see the K numbers come down a tad, but can't be mad at it when it is just 2 more strikeouts than home runs.
  3. Austin Schultz. Just keeps hitting. .357 average with 3 doubles, a triple, and a pair of home runs. Oddly he is hitting in the 4 hole. Has 10 RBIs. Same thing with strikeouts... need to lower that number, but it happens.
  4. Overall power. Not sure where we rank, but 10 home runs to start is pretty solid. Get some guys like Collett and Anu going a bit more and we are in business.
  5. We don't move. 15 times this year UK hitters have been hit by a pitch, including Matt Golda who wore two in the game on Saturday.
  6. Strikeouts - You are going to see this in both sections because it was a tale of two tapes. We had two games (SEMO and Sat) where we had 3 and 2 strikeouts. That is absolutely excellent.
  1. Overall batting average is still poor at .247. That is second from last in the SEC behind only LSU, who is hitting an abysmal .231.
  2. To go with the first one... our middle lineup guys... the experienced ones, have have have to get to hitting. TJ Collett hitting .214. Shelby hitting .174 and Kessler hitting .080. Add to that Breydon Daniel hitting .190. That just isn't going to cut it. With as much firepower as these guys all have, they need to step up and make opposing defenses fear them. This is a team that could mash and get home runs from almost any spot... we're wasting that right now.
  3. Strikeouts - Remember how it was a positive? Well, in Sunday game and in the Friday game UK struck out a combined 18 times. Granted, the Sunday game was extended so the 11 may not be as bad as it looks, I'm still going to put it here because it has been a running problem for a while.
  4. Walks - This is a season theme. Would like to see UK walk more. In terms of actual BBs, UK ranks second to last in the SEC.
CB3...really like the looks of TH, but a little caution on the 21 run game as a lot of that was horrible pitching. Think the first 13 runs were on only 6 hits. Won four straight which is what you are suppose to be doing.
Which this just adds to some of the issues and fear going forward. Right now I don't necessarily see a freshman as being a guy for the future that can pitch on the weekends. So, what happens if we lose Ramsey and Hazelwood after this year? Is Cottongame good enough to pitch the weekends? Will we find a 2020 freshman to come in and be a weekend guy in 2021?

This week we have two midweek games, so we might learn a bit more about who can start this week when we likely have Cottongame tomorrow and then someone else on Wednesday.

SEC stats have us as 12 stolen bases against v. two CSB. We are the only SEC to have over 7 attempts against. We are 5 of 7 ourselves.
Will Jordan return to the team and thought there was a shot that Gilmore might also play/pitch for bb team?
CB3...really like the looks of TH, but a little caution on the 21 run game as a lot of that was horrible pitching. Think the first 13 runs were on only 6 hits. Won four straight which is what you are suppose to be doing.

I agree. We didn't exactly score those 21 off of just mashing. We took advantage of their mistakes. Still, there is something to be said of taking advantage of mistakes. That is a big part of the game. Those won't always be there every game, but when they are there we need to take advantage and steal wins.

Will Jordan return to the team and thought there was a shot that Gilmore might also play/pitch for bb team?

I haven't heard anything about Gilmore. If he isn't on the team now then I doubt that he will be. Jordan will return to the team after the basketball season, but he will come out of the bullpen first. Could work his way to starting, but I think he likely has a long way to go before getting to that.
Well dang it!! Man, that is a potential killer injury for the speed of the outfield. Prayers for a healthy recovery Cam!

Both Hill and Shelby were hustling for a shallow fly in left center. There was a lack of communication. Both dove for the ball and there was a collision. Shelby caught the ball and ended up being banged up, probably just some bruising on shoulder and leg. Cam got the worst of it. He didn't move much once hitting the ground until the staff came out and put an air cast on his arm.

I did hear initially that it was a broken arm. However, that might not be the case and I don't really want to disclose anything that I shouldn't, or that might be false. Still, it seems like more bad luck for Cam Hill, and UK baseball, and that he might have a long road to recovery. Hopefully we will get more official reports regarding his injury in the coming days.
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Sorry to learn of Cam's injury. Thought he would be one of our leaders this season.
I'm in Gulf Shores till end of March and get very little UK baseball news.
Comebakataz, Slugger thanks for your posts. Keep me informed. GO CATS!
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