The biggest concern might now be the acceptance or rationalization of mediocrity.

Sep 3, 2022
The expectations are so low and the fan disappointment is so high that I worry about the lowering of standards. Especially in March. I can see Pope winning a game or two in March these next few years and fans rationalizing this as success given the huge concerns. Pope will certainly have more of a rope than Billy G. Gonna be hard to move on from a KY boy after 3-5 years even if his results look like Cal’s the last 5 years.
I went from passed at Cal to Happy he gone......... yo EXCITED about a new coach .............. to complete an utter shock. At this point I guess I go from a Fanatic to a casual . Don't know what to do.

Yes Mark was on a title team and I wish him the best. But he was here 1 year as a transfer he not exactly like a Tony Delk or Anthony Epps "UK GUY". HE regressed at BYU from their previous coach. His tourney record is terrible. His defense is not good.

He's not a coach you csn just get rid of in 2 years like G. He's at least 5 years no matter what.

This is not a slim at Pope its not his fsult this is all Barney Fife

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