The best type of Asian food is


Gold Member
Mar 26, 2007
Thai, with Vietnamese coming in a close second.

Chinese is horrible and Taiwanese is close to the same level. Korean BBQ is solid if you can find the real thing. Never understood people's fascination with sushi.
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Thai, with Vietnamese coming in a close second.

Chinese is horrible and Taiwanese is close to the same level. Korean BBQ is solid if you can find the real thing. Never understood people's fascination with sushi.

You have obviously never had an authentic Japanese dining experience in Tokyo or Osaka, and had a little Kimono Girl crawl around on her knees in full artistry for your every want. Next best dining in Asia is in Singapore.
Previous role in global sourcing...traveled all over and the consistent answer from my interpreter to the question, "What is this?" was "It's like pork" or "tree animal". Tried it all....liked it all.
Learn colloquialisms

OP, please change title to "The Best Type of EAST Asian Food is" so Joey's processing unit can execute a more accurate search
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I'd put it in 3rd, possibly tied for second.

Thai has the advantage of not making you smell like Anish's armpits for a week
The Asian food you eat in the U.S. Is not real Asian food. Asian foods are so much different if you actually go to Taiwan, China, and about anywhere in SEAsia. Certain areas are known for certain foods that use regional spices you can't get in USA. Most Asian like their food much hotter than what you get in even the so called best Asian restaurant in USA.
Malaysian food is really good if you can find it. It's rare, even in big cities.
I go with this ranking:
1. Korean
2. Japanese
3. Singaporean
4. Chinese
5. Thai
6. Vietnamese

The Asian food you eat in the U.S. Is not real Asian food. Asian foods are so much different if you actually go to Taiwan, China, and about anywhere in SEAsia. Certain areas are known for certain foods that use regional spices you can't get in USA. Most Asian like their food much hotter than what you get in even the so called best Asian restaurant in USA.

And there's a lot of nope in this post. The so called best Asian restaurant in the USA is the one that doesn't give two sesame-seeded shats about American taste buds, has a B rating or lower, and has tables with lazy susans. In other words, if you think that there isn't real, authentic Asian food in America, expand your horizons. Preferably to somewhere where large amounts of Asian people live.
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Malaysian food is really good if you can find it. It's rare, even in big cities.
I go with this ranking:
1. Korean
2. Japanese
3. Singaporean
4. Chinese
5. Thai
6. Vietnamese

Malay cuisine is very common in Singapore, which you listed as 3rd. So almost anywhere you may find Singapore cuisine in the US, if reasonably authentic, then Malay is certainly found as well.
Malay cuisine is very common in Singapore, which you listed as 3rd. So almost anywhere you may find Singapore cuisine in the US, if reasonably authentic, then Malay is certainly found as well.

I'm married to a girl from Malaysia.
I have home cooked Malaysian and Singaporean food all the time, but mostly Singaporean because my wife's family is Chinese. Malaysian restaurants are hard to find stateside and it's not in my top 6.
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I'm married to a girl from Malaysia.
I have home cooked Malaysian and Singaporean food all the time, but mostly Singaporean because my wife's family is Chinese. Malaysian restaurants are hard to find stateside.

They are (Malaysian restaurants). Congrats on marrying well. Gorgeous girls. Obviously you know that Malay is the primary language of Singapore, and that the city itself is basically sandwiched at the south end of the Malaysian peninsula. Beautiful city. I've been there many times for work. The first four letters of my user name I chose because I created my acct. while at a coffee shop (kopi tiam) in Singapore. Singapore, as just a city country, does not have it's "own" cuisine. More influenced by Malay than any other, though some might say Chinese is biggest influence. I would differ on that, but I haven't traveled to China very much, save for Hong Kong as a technical exception.

Must say that I am terribly envious of your home cooked meals. I don't travel to Asia any longer. Lucky you.
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I'm married to a girl from Malaysia.
I have home cooked Malaysian and Singaporean food all the time, but mostly Singaporean because my wife's family is Chinese. Malaysian restaurants are hard to find stateside and it's not in my top 6.

Me too. She from Kuala Lumpur? Weird. Figured I was the only Mat Salleh. Small world
They are (Malaysian restaurants). Congrats on marrying well. Gorgeous girls. Obviously you know that Malay is the primary language of Singapore, and that the city itself is basically sandwiched at the south end of the Malaysian peninsula. Beautiful city. I've been there many times for work. The first four letters of my user name I chose because I created my acct. while at a coffee shop (kopi tiam) in Singapore. Singapore, as just a city country, does not have it's "own" cuisine. More influenced by Malay than any other, though some might say Chinese is biggest influence. I would differ on that, but I haven't traveled to China very much, save for Hong Kong as a technical exception.

Must say that I am terribly envious of your home cooked meals. I don't travel to Asia any longer. Lucky you.

Lived off and on in Kuala Lumpur for about a year. Wouldn't mind retiring there, but the pollution is absolutely torrid. You had the kopi luwak?
1a) Sushi - so japanese
1b) Thai - absolutely love it
Distant 3) - Chinese - I'm a sucker for chinese from time to time - didn't realize general tsoa's chicken wasn't authentic - thanks MrHotDice

4) Vietnamese - I like Pho from time to time, especially in the winter. And authentic top Ramen

I'm not including middle eastern (which I am and very biased about), Indian, Turkish, Russian, etc for obvious reason.
Lived off and on in Kuala Lumpur for about a year. Wouldn't mind retiring there, but the pollution is absolutely torrid. You had the kopi luwak?

My wife's family is from Panang but they moved here when she was 4. Most of their family is now in Singapore or Hawaii now.

No kopi luwak. I had to look that up. Crazy some of the things people will put into their bodies.
ha! . . . that "shit" is crazy . . . btw, your new Idi Amin pic is sorta creepin' me out, Willy. why the swap?

Shit, I spent $30 for what was essentially a espresso cup sized of luwak. It was good, but not worth the money.

Had to switch. Mr. Holmes created a murder hotel. Amin created a murder country. I just felt it was disrespectful to Mr. Amin.
My wife's family is from Panang but they moved here when she was 4. Most of their family is now in Singapore or Hawaii now.

No kopi luwak. I had to look that up. Crazy some of the things people will put into their bodies.

Awesome man. my in laws are from Panang too. My MIL went to university in Panang. Then they moved to Kuala Lumpur. I also have inlaws in Malacca and in Singapore. If you're married to Chinese, you prolly already know why some moved to Singapore. Malay figurehead, but economy essentially revolves around the Chinese and Indian. Very corrupt.
Shit, I spent $30 for what was essentially a espresso cup sized of luwak. It was good, but not worth the money.

Had to switch. Mr. Holmes created a murder hotel. Amin created a murder country. I just felt it was disrespectful to Mr. Amin.

Amin was a nice guy compared to others on the list below having killed somewhere between 100,000 to 500,000. The murder champ is Mao at 60 million.

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