Memorial Day


It's an uncommon word in a time and place where egocentric values and narcissistic themes dominate our everyday media and routine. The word has seemingly evolved as well, where dedication has become no more that a "follow"or a "like" away; where social awareness is treasured more than social outreach. Sacrifice doesn't require much more than ceding your moment's attention in contemporary society.

Yet, true sacrifice requires more than a click. It entails a sincerity and intrinsic cost than with which most individuals are willing to part. It, by its very nature means to destroy or alleviate something from one's own existence to ensure or set forth a better existence for something or someone else.

That's what this day is about. Sacrifice and remembering the sacrifice of over nearly 280 million American soldiers that have laid down their lives so we all may live our lives to the fullest extant and exude the American Dream and practice America's values.

Take time today to remember the word 'sacrifice' and what it truly means. Take a moment today to remember the ones that loved and were loved; and felt the emotions of everyday life. Their sacrifice is sacred and their places of rest are hallowed ground.

Above all, remember that freedom is backed by sacrifice. And that there are always people willing to wrench freedom for our hearts. And that we live in a country where we have men and women willing to stand up and lay down everything to ensure this country lives. We are still the shining beacon on the hill. And we are still the Land of The Free and even more so, The Home of The Brave.
I’m humbled and grateful for the brave soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines that lost their lives while honorably serving in the US armed forces.

Will save the thank yous to all living veterans until their day, November 11th.
I want to be thanked for many more Veteran Days. I hope to draw checks for at least another 30 yrs.
I love how a simple thread to thank those that gave their lives in our military has already devolved into boomers dunking on the current generations. Lol you guys can't help yourself.
It's a legit concern they have. They've lowered standards to even get in anymore. I guess you can chalk it up to "toxic masculinity"?
I wouldn't even want to imagine the thought. I have an Uncle I never knew that blew himself up on a landmine in Nam. I could never serve. Back then I had a MAJOR problem with authority. I had extremely high ASVAB scores but I just couldn't do it. I was too busy partying. I have a MAJOR respect for those that do. I came from a military family on both sides but it just wasn't for me. Make no mistake about it, though, if the crap ever hits the proverbial fan, I will defend my Country. It took a long time for me to grow up. Now I think I was born on the wrong generation.
Thank you to all those that gave all and to the Veterans and active military.
I'd like to see a mandatory 2 yr. hitch for every citizen in the country upon turning 18 and/or graduating high school.
I've advocated for this for years. Maybe they'll realize all of us who've fought in wars deserve respect. But let me be clear, I don't wish war on my worst enemy. I slept literally all day yesterday on purpose and just woke up to 38 missed calls and 20 texts. Wait reverse that. 38 texts and 20 missed calls.
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Thank you to all who gave the ultimate sacrifice for my Freedom and my country.
God Bless them and their families they left behind.
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Perhaps so. Perhaps not. But this ain’t the time or place to discuss it. Hope this can be dropped and we get back to the topic of the thread.
This. Never mind the fact that literally every generation whines about lots of things. Taking shots at younger generations disregards and steps on countless twentysomethings who currently serve and/or teens who are about to serve.

Fight your fake culture war elsewhere, guys.
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