Horror Movies


Aug 5, 2015
That time of year.. what'cha watching? New, old, soon to be released..

Amazed to see AMC really step their horror movie game up. Just watched Cult of Chucky and Curse of Chucky... which if you wouldn't believe it, both are great movies in the series. Unlike those crappy ones from the 2000's.
I'm glad you started this thread. It's right up my alley.

I'm off work due to surgery so I've already watched several.

I'm watching the original Last House on the Left right now.

I was on a werewolf movie kick Monday and I watched The Howling and Late Phases. Both are pretty good.

I'm such a movie buff it's hard to find mainstream movies I haven't seen, especially 1980 to present.

I really like the tone and atmosphere of 70s horror. And the production value gives them extra creep factor.
I'm glad you started this thread. It's right up my alley.

I'm off work due to surgery so I've already watched several.

I'm watching the original Last House on the Left right now.

I was on a werewolf movie kick Monday and I watched The Howling and Late Phases. Both are pretty good.

I'm such a movie buff it's hard to find mainstream movies I haven't seen, especially 1980 to present.

I really like the tone and atmosphere of 70s horror. And the production value gives them extra creep factor.

The original LHOTL is great, never watched the remake.

If you like some of the older tone, movies by Ti West and Adam Wingard are great. Gritty, but not TOO gritty.

You're Next
House of the Devil
The Guest
Tha Sacrament.
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Any of the Hostel movies. Back in the day i convinced my gf at the time to to go with me to see the 1st installment. Quite a few people left before it ended but old girl stuck it out. Should have married her.
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The "Saw" series is pretty good, too. Also can't leave out the Human Centipillar series. Those are always fun for late night viewing
The original LHOTL is great, never watched the remake.

If you like some of the older tone, movies by Ti West and Adam Wingard are great. Gritty, but not TOO gritty.

You're Next
House of the Devil
The Guest
Tha Sacrament.

The LHOTL remake is pretty good in my opinion. The basic story and plotline is the same but it's more graphic and of course has much better production value. That said the "rawness" of the original adds that creep factor that I like. I rate them equal and I normally don't do that with original vs remake.

I've seen You're Next and The Guest. Both are very good!

I'll watch The Sacrament and House of the Devil as my next 2 based on your recommendation. [thumb2]
Between AMC and SyFy, you have an extremely solid on demand horror presence right now and I love it. Netflix also has a decent list. I’ve watched the following so far...

The Cabin in the Woods
H3 Season of the Witch
Friday the 13th
28 Days Later
I'm glad you started this thread. It's right up my alley.

I'm off work due to surgery so I've already watched several.

I'm watching the original Last House on the Left right now.

I was on a werewolf movie kick Monday and I watched The Howling and Late Phases. Both are pretty good.

I'm such a movie buff it's hard to find mainstream movies I haven't seen, especially 1980 to present.

I really like the tone and atmosphere of 70s horror. And the production value gives them extra creep factor.
I'm trying to find the best werewolf movie. What is the best one? So far I still like silver bullet and werewolf in London. What else is good?
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I'm trying to find the best werewolf movie. What is the best one? So far I still like silver bullet and werewolf in London. What else is good?
Halloween (1978)
Nightmare on Elm Street (Part 1)
Friday the 13th (Part 1-4 & 6; rest were complete crap)
The Thing
Saw (most of the series was good)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Lot of other good ones, but these are the ones I would watch anytime they are on.

Looking forward to seeing the new Halloween this weekend. Has been getting good reviews.
Any of the Hostel movies. Back in the day i convinced my gf at the time to to go with me to see the 1st installment. Quite a few people left before it ended but old girl stuck it out. Should have married her.

Hostel was a great movie. Similar to Cabin Fever, the first half is almost a comedy and then it just flips the switch. I remember the buzz around Hostel was huge in the mid 2000's
Heredity sucked...boring and horrible acting on the part of the teenage son character (just wait until you hear him cry, which he does all the time)

People either love Hereditary or hate it, kinda like The Witch or It Comes At Night. Have yet to see it. I like the slow burn movies but I always find myself gravitating towards slashers and monsters.
I'm trying to find the best werewolf movie. What is the best one? So far I still like silver bullet and werewolf in London. What else is good?

Silver Bullet is almost a forgotten Stephen King movie. Unsure why, I thought it was great. The scene where they only show glimpses of his friend torn up and the reaction from the parets (while not showing really what happened) was true Stephen King Master Class.

My favorite werewolf movie:

Silver Bullet is almost a forgotten Stephen King movie. Unsure why, I thought it was great. The scene where they only show glimpses of his friend torn up and the reaction from the parets (while not showing really what happened) was true Stephen King Master Class.

My favorite werewolf movie:

Damn I'm haven't seen it yet. Funny thing is that I own it. I'm watching it now for sure. I seen it was pretty high on some "best werewolf movie" lists. I bought it off Amazon but i never can tell how reliable those rankings are
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Has anyone seen MAYHEM! It's not quite a horror but I thought it was bad ass. It has Glenn from walking dead in it. Really crazy and different I think
People either love Hereditary or hate it, kinda like The Witch or It Comes At Night. Have yet to see it. I like the slow burn movies but I always find myself gravitating towards slashers and monsters.

No particular reason, but I never got into the slasher stuff, even though almost all of my friends loved them. The slow burn (and some monster, like The Descent) ones are right up my alley. Some recent favorites:

Kill List
Funny Games (2007)
In Fear
Skeleton Key
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I thought Hereditary was fantastic. Another one I recently watched and really enjoyed: It Follows

^agree. It Follows was strong. Really enjoyed The Witch and Get Out for psychological thriller/horrors released over the last 2-3 years.

Still want to see The Gift. Very much looking forward to Hereditary.
some are scarier than others, some more fun, but the following are all solid (even if dated now)

the exorcist
the shining
28 days later
the omen (but only the first one)
the sixth sense (the first time you watch it)
the others (see the sixth sense)
night of the living dead
let the right one in
the babadook
rosemary's baby
an american werewolf in london
10 cloverfield lane
the ring
the cabinet of dr. Caligari
A girl walks home alone at night
burnt offerings
silver bullet
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The Exorcist tops all, imo. I find The Shining, TCM, The Omen, Poltergeist to be horribly overrated. Watched The Terror this morning on TCM and haven’t seen it since childhood, the ending scared the shit out of me back then but what a POS this was. Never been a big fan of Gorror movies.

Some Horror/Scary movies I like, some pretty campy:

The Blob(Steve McQueen)
Fearless Vampire Killers
Dracula movies - Christopher Lee / Peter Cushing versions.
The Thing - Kurt Russell
When A Stranger Calls
Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark - Good TV movie
Salem’s Lot - Another good TV movie
The Legend of Boggy Creek
Silver Bullet is almost a forgotten Stephen King movie. Unsure why, I thought it was great. The scene where they only show glimpses of his friend torn up and the reaction from the parets (while not showing really what happened) was true Stephen King Master Class.

My favorite werewolf movie:

Beat me to it. Very good movie "Dog Soldiers"
What are some of the better ones that have came out in the 4-5 years ? Does not have to be slasher, but a good plot, scary or catch you by surprise scenes. Do not like Zombie or vampire, crazy stuff though.

Kind of like Wrong Turn, not exactly a scary movie per se, but it had moments. Vacancy was another movie i enjoyed.
What are some of the better ones that have came out in the 4-5 years ? Does not have to be slasher, but a good plot, scary or catch you by surprise scenes. Do not like Zombie or vampire, crazy stuff though.

Kind of like Wrong Turn, not exactly a scary movie per se, but it had moments. Vacancy was another movie i enjoyed.
My wife and I really liked The Conjuring from 2013. Plenty of surprise scenes.
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