Hoping we dial up the blitzes


Nov 19, 2005
My biggest gripe is the lack of QB pressures. Way too much time given to the qb.

Rattler can throw if given time.

We have talented lbs … hoping White cuts them and dbs loose in a variety of blitzes. Give this guy no time and have to get rid of it.
We blitz all the time, they just don't get home. People confuse the lack of pressure with lack of blitzing and it's just wrong.

We have one talented RB in terms of blitzing but he obviously played injured since Georgia and hasn't been the same since. Jackson is good but blitzing isn't his game. None of the others are effective at all.

The real issue is we don't have anyone who can consistently win 1 on 1 battles. Even when it looks like we win, it's because we get out of our lane which opens up the QB run.

Wade needs to develop but is already better than weaver. Dhy was injured and is now probably done, but he was doing pretty well. Fearbry probably has the best potential imo of them all, which is interesting since they first tried playing him in space.
BBI is correct - we do blitz but to no avail most times. Part of the problem as I see it is that we bring 4 and sometimes 5 rushers but that's usually our max. Seems like we blitz up the middle more than other teams and, with the big bodies inside, our LBs a lot of times stymied without making any penetration. We just need some nasty guys that are gonna get to the QB no matter what and I'm not sure we've got any of those guys. Wade has flashes but too often is neutralized early. Interior DL rarely get much push, certainly not consistently. Weaver has been MIA pretty much his whole career. The other LBs BBI listed are TBD as far as effective pass rushers. Need to find consistent pressure this weekend as Rattler will throw the ball to us if we put him under pressure.
BBI is correct - we do blitz but to no avail most times. Part of the problem as I see it is that we bring 4 and sometimes 5 rushers but that's usually our max. Seems like we blitz up the middle more than other teams and, with the big bodies inside, our LBs a lot of times stymied without making any penetration. We just need some nasty guys that are gonna get to the QB no matter what and I'm not sure we've got any of those guys. Wade has flashes but too often is neutralized early. Interior DL rarely get much push, certainly not consistently. Weaver has been MIA pretty much his whole career. The other LBs BBI listed are TBD as far as effective pass rushers. Need to find consistent pressure this weekend as Rattler will throw the ball to us if we put him under pressure.
I don't exactly call sending a Lber along with 3 down lineman in a 3-4 scheme exactly a "blitz". We love the send 3 or 4 and drop 7 to 8 all the time on 3rd and passing downs.

Is sending JJ off edge along with Walker, Ox and Rybka really sending pressure?
Is sending Wallace inside (and dropping JJ from edge ) really sending pressure?
When do we ever send the slot CB when offense is in bunch formation?

I'd love to see Wade and Afari off the edges and putting JJ on the bench on 3rd down. But it feels like JJ is getting his snaps no matter how little production he is providing.

I get there is risk but Stoops and White have turned into nervous nellies. Maybe JQ Hardaway and Childress are that bad they can't play zero coverage.....but we are terrified to send pressure.
If the guys we have are not skilled blitzers, then our D Coordinator and Head Coach - who are both highly regarded defensive guys - should be able to scheme some pressures. I agree with K-Time, one LB and 3 down linemen rushing is hardly a 'blitz'. Get creative; everyone else can do it, we can too.

We seem to have become so afraid of getting beat deep (although it still happens) that we've developed a defensive approach that produces ridiculously long, easy drives for our opponents. That puts a terrible amount of pressure on our offense, which doesn't need any additional problems, and it provides continuous momentum for the other team.

I know Stoops desperately wants to protect his defensive backs (his group), but without legit pressure, Rattler looks like exactly the kind of QB we could propel into a career night of high percentages of completions.
I don't exactly call sending a Lber along with 3 down lineman in a 3-4 scheme exactly a "blitz". We love the send 3 or 4 and drop 7 to 8 all the time on 3rd and passing downs.

Is sending JJ off edge along with Walker, Ox and Rybka really sending pressure?
Is sending Wallace inside (and dropping JJ from edge ) really sending pressure?
When do we ever send the slot CB when offense is in bunch formation?

I'd love to see Wade and Afari off the edges and putting JJ on the bench on 3rd down. But it feels like JJ is getting his snaps no matter how little production he is providing.

I get there is risk but Stoops and White have turned into nervous nellies. Maybe JQ Hardaway and Childress are that bad they can't play zero coverage.....but we are terrified to send pressure.
You're right - rushing 4 guys is not a blitz. Sending Wallace inside too often means he's getting jammed up by all the big bodies and can't actually get to the QB. I like the idea of Wade and Afari being guys who blitz. I'd like to see only two DL in obvious passing situations with 4 LBs and at least one NB who can thump (Afari). No reason to have 3 bigguns on 3rd and long if they're not going to cause any pressure. I'd rather have speed and agility on obvious passing downs vs bulk. Several of our LBs are pretty big and quick - surely they'd be able to pressure the QB better than 3 280+ DL.
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