
It seems like there’s people on this board who are not only orthopedic surgeons, hall-of-fame basketball coaches, CIA agents, but also apparently work for Klutch sports and know all the ins-and-outs of their inner-workings with Aaron Bradshaw, even moreso than the people who are paid to know this stuff! Some true renaissance men on this board - wish I could meet you all in person so I could bow down to your accomplishments.
Shaedon Sharpe will play against Tenneesee relax. Sahvir Wheeler was practicing at the NCAA tournament practice today too. He's ready to go against providence. Hamidou Diallo wasn't actually going pro in 2017, he just wanted to come back and get that 2nd NBA contract.
Lot of words for "yes, I'm speculating that the kid is lying to us." Not sure why you're so shifty about it when you're also so adamant about it. You are absolutely accusing the kid of lying to us and using us, and pretending that it's not at all a reflection on the kid, I guess to salve your conscience? Just own it dude, you think the kid's a liar. Maybe you'll be proven right. But also recognize the internal contradiction of your argument of "Klutch wanted him at USC and he went against their wishes to come to UK, but now can't play because he can't go against Klutch's wishes."
I think Klutch is holding him back. Whether he's lied about it when asked directly, I have no clue. If he's never addressed a direct question about his injuries, then he's clearly not lied. In this situation, no one is "lying" except maybe Cal, assuming he's aware of what Klutch may have been doing with dragging this out (speculation on my part).

So I'm not calling the kid a liar, no matter how hard you and a handful of others try to pin that on me. I'm saying Klutch is very possibly the reason this ankle injury from July is still a "problem" rolling into late November. Not coming out and admitting what's going on in the background isn't lying. My frustration isn't with the kid, it's with Klutch - not sure how you can continue to spin this into something it's not, unless that's what you want it to be to keep up confrontation.
Shaedon Sharpe will play against Tenneesee relax. Sahvir Wheeler was practicing at the NCAA tournament practice today too. He's ready to go against providence. Hamidou Diallo wasn't actually going pro in 2017, he just wanted to come back and get that 2nd NBA contract.
Not seeing how any of this is relevant to right now. I get it - we’re all scarred from previous occurrences with other players (especially Sharpe). But at the same time, none of us know shit about the situation with Bradshaw and Klutch Sports - all we know is he had a foot injury and had surgery, everything else is just speculation and conspiracy theories.

Why jump to the worst possible scenario before it happens? Just don’t see the point in arguing back and forth about something nobody actually knows anything about. It’s all speculation.
You're being deliberately obtuse...or you're not very bright
I’m acting like the people who say Nradshaw won’t play because Shaedon Sharpe didn’t. It’s shows how BS attributing Sharpe’s actions to others is. You’re being deliberately obtuse.

Y’all have said over and over again but making the same claims about next years recruits is being obtuse? Yeah, OK.
BS. Sharpe, like every other player in college get's to decide if they play or not. He himself decided to listen to the advice of others, that's a choice he had to make for himself. Obviously other people influenced him but at the end of the day he's the one that said he would "100% be here next year" and made that decision.
I agree with you, in the end it's up to the player. However, @TheDude73 is right in that orgs like Klutch apply a lot of pressure on these kids. The Sharpe mess from last year is still pretty fresh in peoples minds.
Not seeing how any of this is relevant to right now. I get it - we’re all scarred from previous occurrences with other players (especially Sharpe). But at the same time, none of us know shit about the situation with Bradshaw and Klutch Sports - all we know is he had a foot injury and had surgery, everything else is just speculation and conspiracy theories.

Why jump to the worst possible scenario before it happens? Just don’t see the point in arguing back and forth about something nobody actually knows anything about. It’s all speculation.
When you have a trend of these type of situations at a place you typically follow the median.
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I think we’re all a little traumatized/scarred from the Shaedon Sharpe situation, but I fully believe Bradshaw’s situation is completely different and we will see him play relatively soon. But I have no problem with not rushing him back to playing, especially if Big Z isn’t eligible. He may end up being our only center so if we’re taking it slow, that’s totally fine with me
I sure hope so. But speculatively speaking, it has a very similar vibe to Sharpe situation, except Sharpe straight up lied openly, where Bradshaw could be a victim of aggressive management.

To counter the ninnies around here, however, I'm making it clear that I am speculating that Klutch is calling the shots, and Bradshaw and UK are the victims. I'm not insinuating or even claiming that the kid is a liar. Can't seem to make this much more clear. If I thought the kid was lying, I'd just say it. Anyone that knows me around here these last 15 years (under the same handle) knows I don't sugar coat sh*t.
It seems like there’s people on this board who are not only orthopedic surgeons, hall-of-fame basketball coaches, CIA agents, but also apparently work for Klutch sports and know all the ins-and-outs of their inner-workings with Aaron Bradshaw, even moreso than the people who are paid to know this stuff! Some true renaissance men on this board - wish I could meet you all in person so I could bow down to your accomplishments.
Speculation and fresh wounds, that's what you're seeing. We have no more information about the workings of Klutch and their clients than you do. So in essence, none of us can claim we "know" what's really going on. And none of us can claim "see, I was right" when one of the two possible scenarios plays out (Bradshaw plays, or doesn't play). We are all speculating.

If he plays, I'll be ecstatic. If he doesn't, I won't say "see, I knew it!" and start calling you or other fans idiots, but rather "damn it, I had a bad feeling this was going to happen!"
Terrance Clarke (RIP) rolls his ankle against Louisville-never plays another minute for UK
Shaedon Sharpe-practices with the team and gets a free super car-never plays a minute for UK
Hamidou Diallo-enters the NBA draft after not playing a minute for UK but backs out last minute to come back to UK due to not hearing what he wanted to hear about being selected in the lottery
Sahvir Wheeler-gets benched for Cason Wallace sometime in mid january, Cal says his injury is a tweaked ankle. Cal says he had a ''minor'' surgery on it and he can't come to senior night due to recovery. Reports and video footage comes out of Wheeler practicing at the NCAA's. Wheeler say's any speculation of him not playing is complete BS and he's ready to compete with his brothers-Never plays another minute for UK
Aaron Bradshaw-breaks his foot late june/late march, reports say 5-6 months, Cal starts saying 4-6 weeks sometime around mid to early September. It's now almost december and still no Bradshaw. Now Pilgrim is coming out with Klutch reports. Lol, cmon guys.
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I sure hope so. But speculatively speaking, it has a very similar vibe to Sharpe situation, except Sharpe straight up lied openly, where Bradshaw could be a victim of aggressive management.

To counter the ninnies around here, however, I'm making it clear that I am speculating that Klutch is calling the shots, and Bradshaw and UK are the victims. I'm not insinuating or even claiming that the kid is a liar. Can't seem to make this much more clear. If I thought the kid was lying, I'd just say it. Anyone that knows me around here these last 15 years (under the same handle) knows I don't sugar coat sh*t.
Those that don't understand what you are saying are working hard not to understand or choosing to deny that they do understand. 90% of what is posted here has a fair amount of speculation attached and the board would less entertaining if that wasn't the case.
Speculation and fresh wounds, that's what you're seeing. We have no more information about the workings of Klutch and their clients than you do. So in essence, none of us can claim we "know" what's really going on. And none of us can claim "see, I was right" when one of the two possible scenarios plays out (Bradshaw plays, or doesn't play). We are all speculating.

If he plays, I'll be ecstatic. If he doesn't, I won't say "see, I knew it!" and start calling you or other fans idiots, but rather "damn it, I had a bad feeling this was going to happen!"
That’s how it should be. It does get annoying how instead of celebrating it if he plays, people will be more excited about coming to the board just to say “I told you so!”, and vice-versa
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Terrance Clarke (RIP) rolls his ankle against Louisville-never plays another minute for UK
Shaedon Sharpe-practices with the team and gets a free super car-never plays a minute for UK
Hamidou Diallo-enters the NBA draft after not playing a minute for UK but backs out last minute to come back to UK due to not hearing what he wanted to hear about being selected in the lottery
Sahvir Wheeler-gets benched for Cason Wallace sometime in mid january, Cal says his injury is a tweaked ankle. Cal says he had a ''minor'' surgery on it and he can't come to senior night due to recovery. Reports and video footage comes out of Wheeler practicing at the NCAA's. Wheeler say's any speculation of him not playing is complete BS and he's ready to compete with his brothers-Never plays another minute for UK
Aaron Bradshaw-breaks his foot late june, reports say 5-6 months, Cal starts saying 4-6 weeks sometime around mid to early September. It's now almost december and still no Bradshaw. Now Pilgrim is coming out with Klutch reports. Lol, cmon guys.
Hey... Past performance is no indication of future results.

That’s how it should be. It does get annoying how instead of celebrating it if he plays, people will be more excited about coming to the board just to say “I told you so!”, and vice-versa
Maybe people wouldn't do that if people didn't sit here and call them Liars, idiots, rubes, miserable SOBs, all because they posted their opinion on what will happen.
How is that moving the goal posts?

Pitino never talked about player injuries. Bill Self doesn't at Kansas. You KNOW Coach K never did it.

Why do you expect Cal to tell you every little detail, otherwise it's "moving the goal posts"? Makes zero sense.

Dude, really? I wasn't referring to knowing shit about player injuries.

I'm talking Cal's injury time lines, which are usually grossly underestimated, and then lying about player injuries to cover for a kid not wanting to play. There is a specific reason why nobody pays any attention to anything that comes out of the man's mouth anymore. So if some people really didn't believe Bradshaw would ever play here again, you know, maybe they were using past evidence to calculate their hypothesis.
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Terrance Clarke (RIP) rolls his ankle against Louisville-never plays another minute for UK
Shaedon Sharpe-practices with the team and gets a free super car-never plays a minute for UK
Hamidou Diallo-enters the NBA draft after not playing a minute for UK but backs out last minute to come back to UK due to not hearing what he wanted to hear about being selected in the lottery
Sahvir Wheeler-gets benched for Cason Wallace sometime in mid january, Cal says his injury is a tweaked ankle. Cal says he had a ''minor'' surgery on it and he can't come to senior night due to recovery. Reports and video footage comes out of Wheeler practicing at the NCAA's. Wheeler say's any speculation of him not playing is complete BS and he's ready to compete with his brothers-Never plays another minute for UK
Aaron Bradshaw-breaks his foot late june/late march, reports say 5-6 months, Cal starts saying 4-6 weeks sometime around mid to early September. It's now almost december and still no Bradshaw. Now Pilgrim is coming out with Klutch reports. Lol, cmon guys.
How can anyone not have their doubts, or not understand why others would have their's?
I agree with you, in the end it's up to the player. However, @TheDude73 is right in that orgs like Klutch apply a lot of pressure on these kids. The Sharpe mess from last year is still pretty fresh in peoples minds.
Right, like I said he had people directing him but ultimately it was his decision. Also was his decision to continue saying he’d be back.
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Those that don't understand what you are saying are working hard not to understand or choosing to deny that they do understand. 90% of what is posted here has a fair amount of speculation attached and the board would less entertaining if that wasn't the case.
I've actually used the word "speculate" probably 20 times, yet for some reason a few folks say I'm claiming to "know", or calling Bradshaw's integrity into question. Like you said, they see this clearly, but want to keep up the argument, so they ride their horse until it's dead, doubling and tripling down on their perspective that I'm some kind of clown disguising my speculation about Klutch as some kind of hate for Bradshaw. Bizarre kind of thinking, really.
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Guess we will see if he plays, and I'll be fine to eat crow.

But my speculation is around the kid being held hostage by Klutch, not the kid making his own poor decision to not play and sit out like Sharpe. I have no idea what the actual situation is, but knowing Klutch originally wanted him to go to USC with James and that other guy (also Klutch kids) , and then hearing Pilgrim say Klutch is no longer a concern/obstacle (why were they ever a concern I wonder??) because they now see Cal's game plan and how Bradshaw will be utilized is, well, smoke around the speculative fire.

People here like to beat on others when they speculate as if they know more than anyone. In your case here, you are posturing like you know "how it works". Have you seen Klutch contracts with these kids? Have you sat in on their discussions about how they "guide" the kids through situations and prepare them for the big bucks in the NBA? In nearly all cases where money is involved, especially today's NIL and other garbage, the easy speculation is that someone on the management side is making the calls, not the kid.

Is it 100% plausible that there is nothing to this related to Klutch holding him back, and the injury is absolutely real and the cause of the delay? Sure. But it's equally plausible that we're looking at another Sharpe situation because the Sharpe situation actually did happen, and for the same reasons people are speculating around Klutch and Bradshaw.
does Klutch represent Sharpe?
I agree with you, in the end it's up to the player. However, @TheDude73 is right in that orgs like Klutch apply a lot of pressure on these kids. The Sharpe mess from last year is still pretty fresh in peoples minds.
What pressure did Klutch put on Bradshaw? What power do they have over their client? Did they threaten to drop him and not make money off of him?
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I've actually used the word "speculate" probably 20 times, yet for some reason a few folks say I'm claiming to "know", or calling Bradshaw's integrity into question. Like you said, they see this clearly, but want to keep up the argument, so they ride their horse until it's dead, doubling and tripling down on their perspective that I'm some kind of clown disguising my speculation about Klutch as some kind of hate for Bradshaw. Bizarre kind of thinking, really.
JimmyBlue (magilla gorilla) has been saying NIL is great at UK and then when Stoops came out and said ''pony up'' that account disappeared and now this one pops up and he's exclusively on the basketball board now. This time saying Bradshaw will play.
Right, like I said he had people directing him but ultimately it was his decision. Also was his decision to continue saying he’d be back.
How do you know it was his decision and not his handlers telling him to do it this way? Because someone said it was his decision? If that someone was Cal or his management company, you can damn well safely bet they were all lies to cover up this growing fiasco of sports managers calling the shots for their clients, all in the name of "protecting / preserving my client's value".

Honestly, I didn't blame Sharpe for his situation, just like I'm not blaming Bradshaw if my speculation about Klutch's motives is accurate. I blame these management companies.

If we never see Bradshaw in a game for UK this year, I fully believe we'll see a huge uptick in other kids - both at UK and other schools - get manipulated by these greedy "handlers". They sign a contract, and I'd not be shocked if these contracts are vague enough to allow them to dictate if/when their client plays for any school before the draft. Something like "Klutch Sports Management reserves the right to protect and preserve their client's value in any way possible."
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That old adage about Cal fans being dementia patients is pretty accurate

TClarke rolls his ankle against UL never plays again ''Cal won't fool me again''
Shaedon Sharpe ''Cal won't fool me again''
Sahvir Wheeler ''Cal won't fool me again''
Aaron Bradshaw ''yeah but look what Jack Pilgrim said''
No, but they represetned Chris Livingston who was advised to trasnfer mid-season last year and almost did had Cal not begged him to stay.
so my question is how is their a link between the Bradshaw/Klutch situation and the Sharpe situation
apparently their is nothing that ties them together, yet some want so badly to tie them together

Klutch is an agency that is representing and making a lot of money off of some former UK players
if i were to guess they have for the most part loved how UK/Cal has developed players
Terrance Clarke (RIP) rolls his ankle against Louisville-never plays another minute for UK
Shaedon Sharpe-practices with the team and gets a free super car-never plays a minute for UK
Hamidou Diallo-enters the NBA draft after not playing a minute for UK but backs out last minute to come back to UK due to not hearing what he wanted to hear about being selected in the lottery
Sahvir Wheeler-gets benched for Cason Wallace sometime in mid january, Cal says his injury is a tweaked ankle. Cal says he had a ''minor'' surgery on it and he can't come to senior night due to recovery. Reports and video footage comes out of Wheeler practicing at the NCAA's. Wheeler say's any speculation of him not playing is complete BS and he's ready to compete with his brothers-Never plays another minute for UK
Aaron Bradshaw-breaks his foot late june/late march, reports say 5-6 months, Cal starts saying 4-6 weeks sometime around mid to early September. It's now almost december and still no Bradshaw. Now Pilgrim is coming out with Klutch reports. Lol, cmon guys.

Clarke did play again though I believe. The sec tournament loss to msu.

Otherwise I agree wirh everything.
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so my question is how is their a link between the Bradshaw/Klutch situation and the Sharpe situation
apparently their is nothing that ties them together, yet some want so badly to tie them together

Klutch is an agency that is representing and making a lot of money off of some former UK players
if i were to guess they have for the most part loved how UK/Cal has developed players
To be this obtuse. Did you not see the report where Klutch was unhappy on how Livingston was used at UK last year? Or the smoke that Klutch wanted Bradshaw at USC? And to the Sharpe and Bradshaw situation both are very similar. Sharpe and Bradshaw are both being held hostage by their ''handlers'' in this case Bradshaw by Klutch and Sharpe by his family and AAU handlers.
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Of course that's what happened. They wanted Bradshaw to sit out until they saw Cal's new offensive scheme. That's all this is. Klutch protecting their client. BUT DUDE JACK PILGRIM SAID HE'S READY TO START PRACTICING GET READY TO EAT CROW! Lol, yeah because Klutch said he's greenlit to go practice. Watch what happens if Cal goes into his pattened pound the ball to a big man offense late in the year. Bradshaw will suddenly have a tweaked ankle in practice and you won't see him anymore. Cal has pubicily admitted to lying to fans about injuries to protect his players in his book.
Who do you know at Klutch? Who is your source for this claim? Oh, you can’t say? You just made that up to save face from the BS claims you’ve made for months. LOL at the joke you are, fraudulent Klutch insider.

UK has played 3 forwards and 5 guards so they got a good chance to see how they would use 7 foot Aaron Brashaw. At least make your lies make sense.
Who do you know at Klutch? Who is your source for this claim? Oh, you can’t say? You just made that up to save face from the BS claims you’ve made for months. LOL at the joke you are, fraudulent Klutch insider.
Connect the dots, Magilla Gorilla. NIL at UK football still great? Lol, JMI employee's so weird.
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Connect the dots, Magilla Gorilla. NIL at UK football still great? Lol, JMI employee's so weird.
What dots? Oh wait, you can’t say again. Still trying to cover for your ignorant claims by making up pathetic lies. Notice none of them can ever give specifics or cite sources, it’s connect the dots. Instead of connecting the dots you need to wipe the egg off your face.
JimmyBlue (magilla gorilla) has been saying NIL is great at UK and then when Stoops came out and said ''pony up'' that account disappeared and now this one pops up and he's exclusively on the basketball board now. This time saying Bradshaw will play.
I always thought Mags was ole frosty tips himself. Seems like the type of nickname MM would've given himself in junior high.
What dots? Oh wait, you can’t say again. Still trying to cover for your ignorant claims by making up pathetic lies. Notice none of them can ever give specifics or cite sources, it’s connect the dots. Instead of connecting the dots you need to wipe the egg off your face.
Instead of replying to me you need to wipe Bradshaws egg off your face.

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