At the time horrible and now it's the best loss.


Feb 6, 2003
All of us were down, ashamed, angry, frustrated, and questioning how in the world did we just lose to Oakland? There were some very educated YouTube posts showing the defensive coaching failure lack of adjustment for cross screens, the perplexing decision by Cal to abandon the good offense for the force to the post one, and no other adjustments that were typical of Cal's coaching. Combined with a similar force to the post offense that had led to a loss to St. Peters, and in the past to Kansas State in the NCAA tournament, many of us had enough. But, were we powerless? I believe the multitude of posts, local media, and other behind the scenes put the pressure on for the change because of this loss. Then we learn Cal's agents had reached out to Ohio State in February and again behind the scenes it was clear there were pressures as mocked in the public interviews.

The loss to Oakland has been the best that could have happened. If we had won that game and then lost in the next game, or won a few and then lost, it might have allowed for Cal to remain.

My point is sometimes when it seems that things are at their worst it might be the best thing to happen.
We'll see. That's like Indiana fans saying Bobby Knight choking Neil Reed was embarrassing at the time, but started the process of getting rid of a toxic bully who the game had passed by.

True - but it also led to 35 years and counting of Hoosier mediocrity, bumbling and irrelevancy.

I have high hopes for Pope. But I'm not ready to label the Oakland fiasco a "program's best loss" until Kentucky plays in a post-Calipari Final Four.
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We'll see. That's like Indiana fans saying Bobby Knight choking Neil Reed was embarrassing at the time, but started the process of getting rid of a toxic bully who the game had passed by.

True - but it also led to 35 years and counting of Hoosier mediocrity, bumbling and irrelevancy.

I have high hopes for Pope. But I'm not ready to Oakland fiasco a "program's best loss" until Kentucky plays in a post-Calipari Final Four.
Very sensible post
We'll see. That's like Indiana fans saying Bobby Knight choking Neil Reed was embarrassing at the time, but started the process of getting rid of a toxic bully who the game had passed by.

True - but it also led to 35 years and counting of Hoosier mediocrity, bumbling and irrelevancy.

I have high hopes for Pope. But I'm not ready to Oakland fiasco a "program's best loss" until Kentucky plays in a post-Calipari Final Four.
The 30 for 30 shows a lot of people defending knight and attacking Reid. Didn’t seem like Hoosier fans were relieved.
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All of us were down, ashamed, angry, frustrated, and questioning how in the world did we just lose to Oakland? There were some very educated YouTube posts showing the defensive coaching failure lack of adjustment for cross screens, the perplexing decision by Cal to abandon the good offense for the force to the post one, and no other adjustments that were typical of Cal's coaching. Combined with a similar force to the post offense that had led to a loss to St. Peters, and in the past to Kansas State in the NCAA tournament, many of us had enough. But, were we powerless? I believe the multitude of posts, local media, and other behind the scenes put the pressure on for the change because of this loss. Then we learn Cal's agents had reached out to Ohio State in February and again behind the scenes it was clear there were pressures as mocked in the public interviews.

The loss to Oakland has been the best that could have happened. If we had won that game and then lost in the next game, or won a few and then lost, it might have allowed for Cal to remain.

My point is sometimes when it seems that things are at their worst it might be the best thing to happen.

The issues you highlighted just scream louder to me that Cal did it on purpose. I refuse to think he could be that stupid, ignorant, or insane. He was talking to theOtherStateU before we played in either tourney. Should have been fired for cause, as he clearly wasn't focused on his job.

Still so disappointing that we wasted a year of Dilly, Reed, and Reeves, but at least the ash hole has puckered up in UK Blue for the last time.
Honestly after the Oakland loss I was optimistic for the first time in a long time. I was cheering for us to win that game. But once we lost I figured it meant we could finally get out from under Calipari. So I felt like we had kind of ripped the bandaid off. No real shame or depression or anything. I mean seriously: how surprising was that result given the previous three years. “Fool me once…”
I am so glad that Calipari is gone. When we were turned down by Drew and others I brought up the name Pope but many just kind of laughed. I love what he is doing for UK right now and I truly think he loves it here at UK and will be a very good coach. Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees.
We'll see. That's like Indiana fans saying Bobby Knight choking Neil Reed was embarrassing at the time, but started the process of getting rid of a toxic bully who the game had passed by.

True - but it also led to 35 years and counting of Hoosier mediocrity, bumbling and irrelevancy.

I have high hopes for Pope. But I'm not ready to label the Oakland fiasco a "program's best loss" until Kentucky plays in a post-Calipari Final Four.
Kentucky is the best ever at transitioning from coach to coach with a few hiccups along the way (the drunks). The odds are this works out.
Honestly after the Oakland loss I was optimistic for the first time in a long time. I was cheering for us to win that game. But once we lost I figured it meant we could finally get out from under Calipari. So I felt like we had kind of ripped the bandaid off. No real shame or depression or anything. I mean seriously: how surprising was that result given the previous three years. “Fool me once…”

I told my wife we would lose the game when our opponent was announced. She wasn't shocked at what I said or what happened. We were only shocked he wasn't fired. Saving 33M seems like a good decision, but I'd much rather have seen him fired and not pay the buyout for negotiating with OSU before the season was over.
We'll see. That's like Indiana fans saying Bobby Knight choking Neil Reed was embarrassing at the time, but started the process of getting rid of a toxic bully who the game had passed by.

True - but it also led to 35 years and counting of Hoosier mediocrity, bumbling and irrelevancy.

I have high hopes for Pope. But I'm not ready to label the Oakland fiasco a "program's best loss" until Kentucky plays in a post-Calipari Final Four.
It hasn't been 35 years
Indiana was in the title game in early 2000's
A total fluke hinging on a complete Duke collapse up 18 in the second half of a round of 32 game.

* One trip beyond the Sweet 16 in 32 years.
* No tournament title of any kind -- even conference -- in 38 years by the time another March rolls around.
* No student graduating from IU was alive when the program advanced to the second weekend of the NCAA tournament, or won the Big 10 tournament.

I'm quite comfortable saying that program has been irrelevant since 1993 at least.

Their downfall began when they and their "warrior" of a coach were afraid to play UK in Rupp. Jmo
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We'll see. That's like Indiana fans saying Bobby Knight choking Neil Reed was embarrassing at the time, but started the process of getting rid of a toxic bully who the game had passed by.

True - but it also led to 35 years and counting of Hoosier mediocrity, bumbling and irrelevancy.

I have high hopes for Pope. But I'm not ready to label the Oakland fiasco a "program's best loss" until Kentucky plays in a post-Calipari Final Four.
The unfortunate thing about it is that we already started down the path of mediocity and bumbling under Cal years ago and tournament irrelevancy as well. Even if he kept us relevant in recruiting and the media.

I think we can say with some certainty that things weren't going to improve to where we wanted them while we remained "Calipari University". The band-aid had to be ripped off sooner or later.
The issues you highlighted just scream louder to me that Cal did it on purpose. I refuse to think he could be that stupid, ignorant, or insane. He was talking to theOtherStateU before we played in either tourney. Should have been fired for cause, as he clearly wasn't focused on his job.
I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. Have we gone so far as to accuse a HOF coach of throwing games? Come on. I'm as big a Cal critic as they come, but you can't convince me that a guy as competitive as he would throw games in an NCAA tournament. And for no other reason than spite? It's as much a stain on his record as on UK's.
I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. Have we gone so far as to accuse a HOF coach of throwing games? Come on. I'm as big a Cal critic as they come, but you can't convince me that a guy as competitive as he would throw games in an NCAA tournament. And for no other reason than spite? It's as much a stain on his record as on UK's.

No. Things got so bad I question whether he did the exact opposite of what he should have on purpose, because a "HOF coach" should not be that stupid.
No. Things got so bad I question whether he did the exact opposite of what he should have on purpose, because a "HOF coach" should not be that stupid.
I just assumed his ego allowed him to make certain choices out of spite and he figured it'd all work out in his favor in the end.

The rumor that he was trying to come back after it had gone too far with Arkansas, if true, kind of leads me to believe he didn't exactly have the firmest grip on the reality of the situation here. He also thought he'd bring his entire recruiting class. That didn't work out either.

But I don't think Cal would ever lose, at anything, on purpose.
I just assumed his ego allowed him to make certain choices out of spite and he figured it'd all work out in his favor in the end.

The rumor that he was trying to come back after it had gone too far with Arkansas, if true, kind of leads me to believe he didn't exactly have the firmest grip on the reality of the situation here. He also thought he'd bring his entire recruiting class. That didn't work out either.

But I don't think Cal would ever lose, at anything, on purpose.

Egos and emotions will do that
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We'll see. That's like Indiana fans saying Bobby Knight choking Neil Reed was embarrassing at the time, but started the process of getting rid of a toxic bully who the game had passed by.

True - but it also led to 35 years and counting of Hoosier mediocrity, bumbling and irrelevancy.

I have high hopes for Pope. But I'm not ready to label the Oakland fiasco a "program's best loss" until Kentucky plays in a post-Calipari Final Four.
I don't know why people continue to use Indiana as an example. Bob Knight was Indiana basketball.

Kentucky has had 5 different coaches win National Titles. That won't stop anytime soon.
Cal did not lose on purpose. He was/is just a terrible coach, and his ego cost the team and the program.

Pig Sooey gonna FAFO
Back in the day, he could just out-talent everyone. Now with NIL and the portal, the playing field has been leveled. He is being exposed for what he is. He is a great recruiter and motivator, but a very mediocre X and O coach.

The program could no longer hide him.
I don't know why people continue to use Indiana as an example. Bob Knight was Indiana basketball.

Kentucky has had 5 different coaches win National Titles. That won't stop anytime soon.
IU, UNC and UConn are the only 3 schools to have multiple coaches win more than 1 title. I don't think we are anywhere near IU, but they are the one blue blood, who had success under multiple coaches who fell off the face of the earth, so it's a natural program to go to in a conversation.
I look at the new crop and each position except for Sheppard and Reeves is an upgrade. Actually, for Sheppard because he was a sub and didn't have the green light as should have been, I expect the new team to be way better. Pope wants those shots. Cal wants post play and dribble drive. Plus, Cal's defensive schemes stink.
All of us were down, ashamed, angry, frustrated, and questioning how in the world did we just lose to Oakland? There were some very educated YouTube posts showing the defensive coaching failure lack of adjustment for cross screens, the perplexing decision by Cal to abandon the good offense for the force to the post one, and no other adjustments that were typical of Cal's coaching. Combined with a similar force to the post offense that had led to a loss to St. Peters, and in the past to Kansas State in the NCAA tournament, many of us had enough. But, were we powerless? I believe the multitude of posts, local media, and other behind the scenes put the pressure on for the change because of this loss. Then we learn Cal's agents had reached out to Ohio State in February and again behind the scenes it was clear there were pressures as mocked in the public interviews.

The loss to Oakland has been the best that could have happened. If we had won that game and then lost in the next game, or won a few and then lost, it might have allowed for Cal to remain.

My point is sometimes when it seems that things are at their worst it might be the best thing to happen.
Correct!!! Turns out it was a Godsend. Simple as ABC - anybody but cal!!!!!!
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I don't believe in "good" losses. From what we learned in the aftermath of his departure, Cal was shopping deals to leave back in February, when anything could still have happened with our season. At one point we were talked about as an NCAA tournament favorite. We could have won a few games in the tournament and had a good run, but I believe that Cal still would have left.

People talk behind the scenes, and that sort of information can destroy a program from the inside out. Cal crossed the Rubicon when he reached out to OSU, so he apparently was going to leave regardless. Cal held all of the cards at that juncture due to his contract. He already had an exit strategy and a plan long before we lost to Oakland.

I am glad that Pope is working his tail off to put together a winning team. I want him to succeed, because it would mean that the torch of Kentucky Basketball has been passed on for another generation to enjoy.
I said for a while that its a win win situation. Either Cal goes deep in the tournament and shows us he still has it or the year was a failure and we move on. Mitch Barnhart almost effed that up with his sheer worthlessness but we have a new religion thats confusing as hell, Time to worship the Pope......who's mormon and they worship John Smith right? LOL im joking im joking, I know one of you at least out there gets upset at any joke about religions.. sheesh
Joseph Smith. IF you are going to be (well try to be) funny; get it right.

I appreciate the first part of your post but every religion is full of crazy stuff.
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We'll see. That's like Indiana fans saying Bobby Knight choking Neil Reed was embarrassing at the time, but started the process of getting rid of a toxic bully who the game had passed by.

True - but it also led to 35 years and counting of Hoosier mediocrity, bumbling and irrelevancy.

I have high hopes for Pope. But I'm not ready to label the Oakland fiasco a "program's best loss" until Kentucky plays in a post-Calipari Final Four.
Losing Cal was one thing but getting rid of his do npthing assistant coaches is really the best that could hsve happened. Their job is to recruit and by all accountd they are 2-3 that are the best in the business. Kentucky is not for everyone but neither is hiring a great coach that doesnt get it. POPE AND THE COACHES GEY IT
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Not gonna lie, I had Oakland in my bracket. I expected it. That’s where I was at with my fandom
Didn't shock me at all. I thought they would just outscore Oakland. Knew whoever won the other game (I thought NC State would lose and be out of gas after 5 or 6 games in ACCT) But knew either team would beat UK rd 2.
The Oakland loss got the ball moving...then gravity took over. What needed to happen played out without a messy divorce IMO.
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I just assumed his ego allowed him to make certain choices out of spite and he figured it'd all work out in his favor in the end.

The rumor that he was trying to come back after it had gone too far with Arkansas, if true, kind of leads me to believe he didn't exactly have the firmest grip on the reality of the situation here. He also thought he'd bring his entire recruiting class. That didn't work out either.

But I don't think Cal would ever lose, at anything, on purpose.
Losing "on purpose" and losing because of grossly negligent game preparation are not that far apart on the culpability scale. We had four days to prepare to attack Oakland's zone defense and our players were totally lost. The lead guard Sheppard had no clue what to do (and scored three points) and we ended up forcing the ball inside to our weakest offensive players while our NBA draft picks stood around meekly and confused, watching the disaster unfold.
Losing "on purpose" and losing because of grossly negligent game preparation are not that far apart on the culpability scale. We had four days to prepare to attack Oakland's zone defense and our players were totally lost. The lead guard Sheppard had no clue what to do (and scored three points) and we ended up forcing the ball inside to our weakest offensive players while our NBA draft picks stood around meekly and confused, watching the disaster unfold.
Don't forget. Greg Kampe called Cal's team out for having weak post play. So Cal tried to beat them play. Outcoached by Greg Kampe days before the game. That's how big his ego is.
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I don't know about down. I expected it. I didn't feel angry or mad. I came to expect it.
It was an epiphany for me. I was furious at first and then my entire outlook on Calipari changed. I realized all my excuses for him were all completely wrong. For me, that loss was like coming to grips with and accepting Calipari's failures of the entire 2021 season, the St Peter's loss, the Kansas St loss, and the Oakland loss consecutively. The entire narrative I had concocted in my own mind all fell apart like a house of cards that day. I truly hate the ending for the sake of our players, especially the guys who were set to leave after the season and saw their one chance for accomplishing something taken away.

Having said that, I am very happy with where we are right now. I don't know how it will all turn out with Pope but I do believe he's on the right track, and I'm glad to be done with the Calipari era. It was time.
It was an epiphany for me. I was furious at first and then my entire outlook on Calipari changed. I realized all my excuses for him were all completely wrong. For me, that loss was like coming to grips with and accepting Calipari's failures of the entire 2021 season, the St Peter's loss, the Kansas St loss, and the Oakland loss consecutively. The entire narrative I had concocted in my own mind all fell apart like a house of cards that day. I truly hate the ending for the sake of our players, especially the guys who were set to leave after the season and saw their one chance for accomplishing something taken away.

Having said that, I am very happy with where we are right now. I don't know how it will all turn out with Pope but I do believe he's on the right track, and I'm glad to be done with the Calipari era. It was time.
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We'll see. That's like Indiana fans saying Bobby Knight choking Neil Reed was embarrassing at the time, but started the process of getting rid of a toxic bully who the game had passed by.

True - but it also led to 35 years and counting of Hoosier mediocrity, bumbling and irrelevancy.

I have high hopes for Pope. But I'm not ready to label the Oakland fiasco a "program's best loss" until Kentucky plays in a post-Calipari Final Four.
But Indiana was a one coach coach program. I’m thinking they had only made the ncaa tournament 5 times before Knight . We have had 5 different coaches win the Championship. Bad comparison.
But Indiana was a one coach coach program. I’m thinking they had only made the ncaa tournament 5 times before Knight . We have had 5 different coaches win the Championship. Bad comparison.
False. IU had a coach who won 2 titles before Knight. Branch McCracken. He also had a handful of final fours.
The issues you highlighted just scream louder to me that Cal did it on purpose. I refuse to think he could be that stupid, ignorant, or insane. He was talking to theOtherStateU before we played in either tourney. Should have been fired for cause, as he clearly wasn't focused on his job.

Still so disappointing that we wasted a year of Dilly, Reed, and Reeves, but at least the ash hole has puckered up in UK Blue for the last time.

Highly possible.