A majority of Kentuckians support full legalization of marijuana...

I’m glad Gov. Beshear issued this executive order. It’s so (perhaps intentionally??) full of loopholes it will force the General Assembly’s hand one way or the other.

They either bite the bullet and legalize medical at minimum or they fight it and look like assholes who won’t work in the best interests of their constituents + a Dem governor would come out looking like the good guy.

This issue has broad bipartisan support amongst Kentucky voters. The only thing standing in its way is Damon Thayer, Robert Stivers and the state senate. The votes are there in the House.

As for the order itself, I don’t qualify unless my bum elbow qualifies as chronic pain, but my wife does. So, we’ll find a cool doctor and keep doing what we’ve been doing the last five or so years, this time somewhat legally. (Driving across Kansas with a year’s supply in the trunk in dozens of individual packages isn’t super fun)

If you can afford the extra travel cost, Michigan is the best bet - lower prices, lower taxes, insane variety. A friend of mine went to Ann Arbor a few months ago and brought me back a jar of these tiny pre-roll joints rolled in keef and drizzled with THC concentrate. 78 percent THC altogether. Those little things got me uncomfortably high like in high school.

Missouri goes live in February, and new markets are always pricey. Illinois taxes too much. Colorado is far away and includes 8 hours through Kansas. I don’t know about Ohio.
<——medicinal Florida card, flies to Florida for vacation regularly, mails back medicinal. 😊
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Biden signed it into law today but the usual GQP suspects in the House voted against it. Think Biggs, Boebert, Brooks, Gosar, Gohmert, Greene, Jordan, Massie, Rogers, Stefanik, Wenstrup and company.
Wow, that's a pretty ironic statement. It's crazy to think that the USPS might be delivering more drugs than actual drug dealers in the US. But then again, I guess it's not too surprising when you consider the sheer volume of packages and mail that they handle on a daily basis. Speaking of drugs though, have you ever considered trying CBD for pain relief? I know it's not exactly a drug, but it's becoming a popular alternative for people looking to manage their pain without resorting to prescription meds. I actually read a really interesting article on the subject recently that talked about the best CBD for CBD for pain
Sweet. Spam post on paddock. Are you a bot or human?
Staggering Figures.

I agree 100%. We have a real problem brewing. A portion of society just can't handle vices, and it seems our youth was not entirely ready for this to be legalized.

I'm not saying we are doing a perfect job with alcohol, as there are plenty of drunk drivers and alcoholics roaming around. But generally speaking, we know it's not OK to wake up and drink. We know it's not OK to drive drunk or try and work our jobs under the influence. If you need to wake up and get drunk to "function", that's always been seen as a problem. People will still abuse it, but we've (society) done a good job at least acknowledging that it's not a good thing.

I don't think society has figured this out yet as it pertains to weed. The youth seem to be sold this is some purely harmless and totally recreational drug. You can drive high, work high, and stay high 24/7 because "it's not a drug and it's harmless".
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We need to make some new ads that are like "Oh weed is perfectly cool to have a good time.. you just' can't be high 24/7" lol.
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We need to make some new ads that are like "Oh weed is perfectly cool to have a good time.. you just' can't be high 24/7" lol.
Yet they go after tobacco. Sure, they kill you but they don't kill other people when they are innocently going from A to B in their car.
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Yet they go after tobacco. Sure, they kill you but they don't kill other people when they are innocently going from A to B in their car.

The driving while high is VERY bad by me. It's rampant. Now, I understand that alcohol doesn't give off any indicator, so we never know who could be driving drunk.. but regardless, the number of people driving high is alarming. And we're talking people who are literally smoking as they drive. What would you do if you saw someone cracking a beer behind the wheel? You'd probably call the police, and you wouldn't be wrong at all for taking preventive action.
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The driving while high is VERY bad by me. It's rampant. Now, I understand that alcohol doesn't give off any indicator, so we never know who could be driving drunk.. but regardless, the number of people driving high is alarming. And we're talking people who are literally smoking as they drive. What would you do if you saw someone cracking a beer behind the wheel? You'd probably call the police, and you wouldn't be wrong at all for taking preventive action.
My experience is these are apples and oranges as to reaction time and attention span.
Staggering Figures.

Holy boogeyman scare piece, but not surprising given the source. They lost me at “marijuana addiction.” It’s only psychologically addictive. People don’t develop a chemical dependence on cannabis like they do amphetamines, benzos, opiates and booze. Cannabis withdrawal has killed no one. The same can’t be said for the aforementioned other substances.

I was 19-30 roughly 12-20 years ago. I knew more people who chiefed the leaf regularly than people who didn’t partake at all. I smoked for the first time at 14. I smoked daily from 1997-2005, beginning at 17. Managed to graduate college and remain gainfully employed every day post graduation while continuing to smoke that reefer.

I still partake more than occasionally now. The only difference from my wild years to today is my alcohol intake is essentially zero because if there’s some good smoke available, alcohol isn’t appealing. I’ve never woke up with a pounding headache feeling like I was going to yack after a night of smoking. As with anything, moderation is key.

As for the driving, I don’t recommend driving under the influence of any substance. But as someone who’s regrettably driven both stoned and drunk, I can definitively state drunk is worse. Both impair reflexes, depth perception and reaction time. But, drunk drivers usually tend to speed and take more risks. Stoned drivers tend to go slower and obey most traffic laws because in the smoker’s paranoid mind, every set of headlights belong to a cop.
My experience is these are apples and oranges as to reaction time and attention span.

I don't agree. Could you make the argument that drunk driving is worse.. maybe. But I think you can make arguments the other way. I also think driving with a .02 BAC level doesn't impair you as much as several bong hits would.

I'm literally watching people smoking in their car, which you can smell from a block away, failing to adhere to basic traffic law.

Either way, neither should be allowed. But we haven't exactly made that call on marijuana.. I don't think cops really know what to do in my area. It seems to me that we're just letting it happen and looking the other way.
Staggering Figures.

Say what you want about weed but why is Fox News still being used as a reliable source on anything. It wasn't even a month ago that they had to settle for three quarters of a billion over lying about Dominion.
I got really high the other day and decided I wish I was born in 1962 instead of 1982. Then I spent all afternoon worrying what my parents would think when I told them.

That was an interesting day
Staggering Figures.

"the drug caused more than 70,000 individuals younger than 18 to have marijuana-related emergency department visits in 2021"

So kids are getting too high and having panic attacks.

Fox news, man. What a ridiculous article.
I got really high the other day and decided I wish I was born in 1962 instead of 1982. Then I spent all afternoon worrying what my parents would think when I told them.

That was an interesting day

The next generation sure is a motivated bunch, yeah. lmao
As someone who is very pro-cannabis, pot isn’t for everyone, just like alcohol isn’t for everyone as well. You’re always going to have the 5-10% who are unable to use/enjoy and still be productive.

After serving in Iraq from 06-07 and 08-09, I can legitimately say that cannabis helps make my life easier. My PTSD symptoms are better managed and I’m able to lead a somewhat normal life. Alcohol was one of the first things I turned to during that time because I wasn’t able to sleep without having crippling nightmares. That affected my day to day living, whereas pot doesn’t have the same effect.

As with anything, you’re going to have outliers on each side. But, my quality of life has sure been boosted since I gave up alcohol and only use cannabis or psychedelics now.
-I'm pro legalization for recreation.

^that's said I see folks smoking and driving *all* the time, and that's a big problem.

-also while weed is no more harmful (less in many cases) than alcohol...there are detrimental effects when used without moderation.

^we may have oversold the "it's harmless" narrative a bit. We'll see.
I don't agree. Could you make the argument that drunk driving is worse.. maybe. But I think you can make arguments the other way. I also think driving with a .02 BAC level doesn't impair you as much as several bong hits would.

I'm literally watching people smoking in their car, which you can smell from a block away, failing to adhere to basic traffic law.

Either way, neither should be allowed. But we haven't exactly made that call on marijuana.. I don't think cops really know what to do in my area. It seems to me that we're just letting it happen and looking the other way.
Reasonable people can disagree and I find you to be a reasonable person. All I will say is if one was found to be more detrimental for humans than the other, it would be alcohol for me even though I'm a beer lover. Moderation and tolerance is key as always.🍻
And another point: I will feel much better about my son going to a state regulated marijuana dispensary at 19 and buying presealed weed than getting it the way I did: from a drug dealer who also sold cocaine and heroin that was buying it from a Mexican drug cartel that was possibly laced with who knows what
-I'm pro legalization for recreation.

^that's said I see folks smoking and driving *all* the time, and that's a big problem.

-also while weed is no more harmful (less in many cases) than alcohol...there are detrimental effects when used without moderation.

^we may have oversold the "it's harmless" narrative a bit. We'll see.
It can also be a problem mixing pot and alcohol. Not unlike the affects of some pharmaceuticals when taken together.
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Pot Smokers: "Yeah, well the driving under the influence problem isn't nearly as bad as achohol."

But it's a problem?

Yeah, well, whatever. Pass me a blunt dog !
Tobacco doesn't disorient you while you're driving. Nice try, though. Not really.

In the U.S., tobacco causes close to 500,000 deaths per year, costs about $240 billion annually in health care from the myriad of diseases it causes, and results in about $185 billion in lost productivity from smoking-related illnesses and health conditions, $180 billion in lost productivity from smoking-related premature deaths, and $7 billion in lost productivity from premature death from secondhand smoke exposure.

Nice try, though. Not really.
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In the U.S., tobacco causes close to 500,000 deaths per year, costs about $240 billion annually in health care from the myriad of diseases it causes, and results in about $185 billion in lost productivity from smoking-related illnesses and health conditions, $180 billion in lost productivity from smoking-related premature deaths, and $7 billion in lost productivity from premature death from secondhand smoke exposure.

Nice try, though. Not really.

LOL, what a pathetic response. Keep avoiding the driving-under-the-influence issue Tobacco VS. MJ. All of you won't touch it or give some lame ass response.
Holy boogeyman scare piece, but not surprising given the source. They lost me at “marijuana addiction.” It’s only psychologically addictive. People don’t develop a chemical dependence on cannabis like they do amphetamines, benzos, opiates and booze. Cannabis withdrawal has killed no one. The same can’t be said for the aforementioned other substances.

I was 19-30 roughly 12-20 years ago. I knew more people who chiefed the leaf regularly than people who didn’t partake at all. I smoked for the first time at 14. I smoked daily from 1997-2005, beginning at 17. Managed to graduate college and remain gainfully employed every day post graduation while continuing to smoke that reefer.

I still partake more than occasionally now. The only difference from my wild years to today

Here's a scarepiece from CNN, FOX's polar opposite. [laughing]


I’ve really been enjoying my recently acquired FL medical marijuana card. [smoke]

But yea it ain’t for everybody
I haven’t had much tobacco in my life, but when I have its always given me a crazy head buzz.
JLoad's argument about driving while high is a valid one.

Not sure where or how tobacco got pulled into this. But I would agree that the risks of driving while high are certainly more than driving while smoking a cigarette(if your're a long time smoker who no longer gets a buzz). Smoking of any kind possesses a distracted driving risk at a minimum.

But if this is the only argument against legal weed, then it's a bad one. As alcohol is legal and as bad or worse to be doing while driving.

The Fox new's article you posted, however, is still 99% ridiculous.
JLoad's argument about driving while high is a valid one.

Not sure where or how tobacco got pulled into this. But I would agree that the risks of driving while high are certainly more than driving while smoking a cigarette(if your're a long time smoker who no longer gets a buzz). Smoking of any kind possesses a distracted driving risk at a minimum.

But if this is the only argument against legal weed, then it's a bad one. As alcohol is legal and as bad or worse to be doing while driving.

The Fox new's article you posted, however, is still 99% ridiculous.
It is a valid argument, and one that should be pushed a bit more to deter people from doing it. Not sure what the best answer is for it, and people will do it regardless if they are in a legal state or not. I think most people learn to move away from it as they get older, as getting popped for any type of DUI is going set you back and make life more difficult. I count my lucky stripes I got through my dumb period of it, and won’t risk it these days.
"the drug caused more than 70,000 individuals younger than 18 to have marijuana-related emergency department visits in 2021"

So kids are getting too high and having panic attacks.

Fox news, man. What a ridiculous article.
Really potent weed would give me panic attacks back in my 20s. Especially sativa smoked through a 2 footer. I used to pride myself on clearing any bong that was put in front of me. Then we started smoking the "indoor" and those bong days were over. I hear now of more panic attacks that pertain to edibles than flower.

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