A majority of Kentuckians support full legalization of marijuana...

rouge I posted that because it pointed out that it was nicotine that was considered the gateway drug back it the day not pot. Full drunks or full stoners? Neither. Sometimes I would rather them smoke.
My question would be not how many became addicts of harder drugs it’s simply how many tried harder drugs.
Fair enough. There are lot's of correlations, but that's not always causation. Think about it this way. Does marijuana use cause people to use harder drugs or is a person willing to use harder drugs likely to also try marijuana? I think the 2nd is far more likely to be true so the relationship is correlational and not causal.
How does an individual decide that marijuana was the gateway drug when he chose alcohol first?
I was going to say caffeine as the other poster did. Caffeine is still a drug I love to use and it’s everyone’s first.
rouge I posted that because it pointed out that it was nicotine that was considered the gateway drug back it the day not pot. Full drunks or full stoners? Neither. Sometimes I would rather them smoke.
You’d rather your kids be smokers, like cigarettes? So you want them to be trashy, smelly and dead at 60 more than living a long life while being high sometimes?
I was going to say caffeine as the other poster did. Caffeine is still a drug I love to use and it’s everyone’s first.

You’d rather your kids be smokers, like cigarettes? So you want them to be trashy, smelly and dead at 60 more than living a long life while being high sometimes?
Wife died of smoking. She had to want to quit herself and she never did. They know how I feel. Would rather they not smoke at all but I can’t stop them. .
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I would make an educated guess that over 99% of people who did/do marijuana or other illegal drugs had their first experience with an addictive substance (other than prescribed medications) in the form of alcohol.

Mine was tobacco. I started dipping in seventh grade, smoking in eighth grade. Entered high school addicted to cigarettes. Quit smoking 8 years ago. Was introduced to tobacco by a friend’s older brother.

First smoked weed my freshman year of high school (did not get high my first two times), first drank in 10th grade.

The gateway thing is a myth. I did a lot of crazy drugs between ages of 17-22. It wasn’t because marijuana wasn’t enough and I needed a stronger high. It was more because of influence and pressure from my peer group.

Them: We’re gonna get some coke. You in?
Me: Nah
Them: Pu$$y
Me: Whatever. Cut me out a line
Me 30 minutes later: Another line please (repeat until it’s gone)
Forget Kentucky, where is Rand Paul and an introduction to Federal Legislation. He always claims to be a Libertarian when it is convenient for him, but where are the legislative efforts to prove it. And it shouldn't just be marijuana. If I, as a US citizen, want to smoke weed, pop a viagra and freebase some lipitor why does the government care in any way.

They don't care if I want to sit down and knock out two boxes of hostess cupcakes and wash it back with a 2 liter of mountain dew. That is harmful as well and loaded with tons of crap designed to get me addicted to it. Why are drugs an issue?
And 9 out of 10 support legalization of medical marijuana.

Why is it we vote for politicians who don’t follow beliefs of people?

But, but, the President of the Senate is a right-wing obstructionist and doesn’t want it, so why should it matter whether or not his constituents do?
Weed has been legal to hold in NY for a little while now, and I'm all for it.

But the pro-weed crowd who thinks they can just drive and smoke, or even drive and be high, need to be treated the same as drunk drivers. Way to many times I'm walking the dog and a car drives by blowing weed smoke our the window.

And its exponentially more times than just a year ago. Legalizing weed is great for some people, but not for others.
It will become legal as soon as the opposing politicians figure out a way to keep the people out of the business side of it so the corporations can profit and fund the politicians pockets. If I can’t grow a plant for my private consumption then shove your legal weed up your ass
I watched Stivers discuss why it won’t go anywhere on the news. He said that yes, the majority of Kentuckians want it but he just doesn’t know enough about it. There hasn’t been enough research, other states have had “problems”, etc. It was comical to see him be so vague and misleading when he really just meant that there wasn’t enough contribution money going either way yet so, he says no, and Kentucky will do without until he and his kind get paid.
Bourbon people don't want it so it's going to be a while (not that it was going to happen here anytime soon without them). Brown-Forman for example lists marijuana legalization as a risk to business on their quarterly financials. As much as I love bourbon and horse racing they are going to be a pain in the ass with weed and getting real casinos in the state.
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Bourbon people don't want it so it's going to be a while (not that it was going to happen here anytime soon without them). Brown-Forman for example lists marijuana legalization as a risk to business on their quarterly financials. As much as I love bourbon and horse racing they are going to be a pain in the ass with weed and getting real casinos in the state.
But bourbon is sold world wide, and most of their profit isn’t coming from little ole Kentucky. And last I checked more and more states are legalizing it, don’t see how Kentucky making it legal really effects them.
But bourbon is sold world wide, and most of their profit isn’t coming from little ole Kentucky. And last I checked more and more states are legalizing it, don’t see how Kentucky making it legal really effects them.

They’re afraid of Kentuckians like me who’ve vowed if I can buy legal MJ I’ll likely never buy a bottle of liquor again. Industries look out for their bottom line and the bourbon industry sees legal MJ as a threat to their profits, despite the reality that it will be legal federally at some point in the next 10-20 years.

The alcohol buzz isn’t that great and the after affects get worse the older you get. The belief/fear in the booze industry is people will stop ingesting a highly physically addictive literal poison and will instead consume a psychologically addictive organic substance that doesn’t have to age for a decade to be worth a shit.

Of all the drugs, alcohol is one of the top 5 worst in terms of quality buzz (look at me, I’m talking loud, saying/doing a bunch of dumb shit, i can barely stand up and I might’ve pissed my pants. Wanna fight?) and long-term side effects from prolonged use, yet it is also the most socially acceptable. Nobody has ever fatally overdosed from smoking weed. Many people drink themselves to death every day either from binge drinking (alcohol poisoning) or alcoholism (sclerosis of the liver).
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Wife died of smoking. She had to want to quit herself and she never did. They know how I feel. Would rather they not smoke at all but I can’t stop them. .
I'd like to show anyone who smokes or is thinking about starting to smoke a time lapse video of the last 25 years of my dad's life. He went from a man who could wade streams and rivers fishing all day long to his first heart attack at 50 to not being able to walk 20 feet without his oxygen tank at 60 to dead at 69 with zero quality of life his last 9-10 years.
It’s time to legalize all drugs.
Absodamnloutely. It's time to stop the "war" on drugs. It doesn't work, so why do we keep doing it? People are going to do drugs, legal or not. Sell them like some states sell alcohol through ABC stores. Contract the drugs to be produced with stipulations for quality and safety, with a strict quality control program.

Use profits to fund REAL rehab for people who want to get clean. Make the unauthorized manufacture and/or distribution of drugs punishable by death, except for the street dealer who is selling to support their habit. The street dealer gets a mandatory stay in rehab. Anyone else in distribution or manufacturing gets a swiftly executed (no pun intended) death sentence.
Absodamnloutely. It's time to stop the "war" on drugs. It doesn't work, so why do we keep doing it? People are going to do drugs, legal or not. Sell them like some states sell alcohol through ABC stores. Contract the drugs to be produced with stipulations for quality and safety, with a strict quality control program.

Use profits to fund REAL rehab for people who want to get clean. Make the unauthorized manufacture and/or distribution of drugs punishable by death, except for the street dealer who is selling to support their habit. The street dealer gets a mandatory stay in rehab. Anyone else in distribution or manufacturing gets a swiftly executed (no pun intended) death sentence.
I don’t normally disagree with people on here and while I’m sure you’re being sarcastic about the death part, are you including cannabis in this manufacturing death sentence. If so please stop. It’s a plant
Forget Kentucky, where is Rand Paul and an introduction to Federal Legislation. He always claims to be a Libertarian when it is convenient for him, but where are the legislative efforts to prove it. And it shouldn't just be marijuana. If I, as a US citizen, want to smoke weed, pop a viagra and freebase some lipitor why does the government care in any way.

They don't care if I want to sit down and knock out two boxes of hostess cupcakes and wash it back with a 2 liter of mountain dew. That is harmful as well and loaded with tons of crap designed to get me addicted to it. Why are drugs an issue?
Look at Rand Paul’s voting record. He is as libertarian as we have in the senate.

not as libertarian as I would like him to be but more than any of the rest.

you seem to have an issue with more than his voting record though
But bourbon is sold world wide, and most of their profit isn’t coming from little ole Kentucky. And last I checked more and more states are legalizing it, don’t see how Kentucky making it legal really effects them.
You are thinking about it from the wrong angle (disappointing for someone with logistics for a username), its not about where the bourbon is sold its about where it is made. The industry employees 20,000+ Kentuckians in some form, the marijuana industry is approaching that many in Oregon and it has been around for less than 10 years.

The processes are different to a degree but the same type of person works in production/distribution/etc... in both industries and increased competition obviously will lead to higher wages. Good for KY, but obviously bad for the bourbon industries bottom line and they will absolutely use their clout to slow legalization down. I know Oregon is one of the more mature weed markets but that is eventually where this so called 'slippery slope' will lead for all states.
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I don’t normally disagree with people on here and while I’m sure you’re being sarcastic about the death part, are you including cannabis in this manufacturing death sentence. If so please stop. It’s a plant
Of course not. I'm of the opinion that people should be free to grow it for their own consumption, or if they want to go larger scale and sell it to authorized dealers, provided they get a license to do that, just like with any other business.

The only death sentence I'm advocating for would be for the unauthorized manufacture/distribution/sale of hard drugs like meth, heroin, cocaine, ect. and again, not for a street level dealer who will be placed into a rehabilitation facility.

People are going to use drugs regardless. We need to do as much as possible to take the criminal element out of it and get people who want to get clean the help they need.
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Look at Rand Paul’s voting record. He is as libertarian as we have in the senate.

not as libertarian as I would like him to be but more than any of the rest.

you seem to have an issue with more than his voting record though

By looking at his voting record that tells me he is not a libertarian or even close to being one. However, it is a label that he is comfortable pulling out when it suits him. You can see that on the opposite side of the aisle as well. Despite all the non-sensical talking points, there are no socialists or progressives on the left either. It is just a bunch of corporate stooges who gin up support from the masses by calling the other side names that have become meaningless.

Libertarians, socialists and progressives would all be on the same side of the drug issue. They would be crafting legislation together because it best represented their constituents and their philosophies. Where is the Sanders - Paul Senate Bill to legalize drugs?

My hope is that we will actually see some of these parties gain traction and get away from our destructive and toxic two-party system. Unfortunately, most people seem hell bent on getting to one party instead.
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You are thinking about it from the wrong angle (disappointing for someone with logistics for a username), its not about where the bourbon is sold its about where it is made. The industry employees 20,000+ Kentuckians in some form, the marijuana industry is approaching that many in Oregon and it has been around for less than 10 years.

The processes are different to a degree but the same type of person works in production/distribution/etc... in both industries and increased competition obviously will lead to higher wages. Good for KY, but obviously bad for the bourbon industries bottom line and they will absolutely use their clout to slow legalization down. I know Oregon is one of the more mature weed markets but that is eventually where this so called 'slippery slope' will lead for all states.
No I did think about that, but I don’t see the two industries pulling from the same workforce pool. If they were too, competition would realistically be beneficial for the bourbon industry here.
By looking at his voting record that tells me he is not a libertarian or even close to being one. However, it is a label that he is comfortable pulling out when it suits him. You can see that on the opposite side of the aisle as well. Despite all the non-sensical talking points, there are no socialists or progressives on the left either. It is just a bunch of corporate stooges who gin up support from the masses by calling the other side names that have become meaningless.

Libertarians, socialists and progressives would all be on the same side of the drug issue. They would be crafting legislation together because it best represented their constituents and their philosophies. Where is the Sanders - Paul Senate Bill to legalize drugs?

My hope is that we will actually see some of these parties gain traction and get away from our destructive and toxic two-party system. Unfortunately, most people seem hell bent on getting to one party instead.
No one in Washington actually wants drugs legalized
WKYT: Frightening and mysterious illness affects some regular marijuana users

WKYT putting out a story about some rare mystery marijuana illness on its front page just days after a bill was introduced that would legalize pot -- that's just a coincidence, right? ;)

Classic bullshit outlier propaganda to scare the boomers. One person who smokes weed has a weird unknown condition. Must be the pot. See? Everyone who smokes weed might have this happen. SCARY!!

I would guess it has more to do with his individual digestive tract than weed.

I’ve been smoking pretty regularly since 1995 and have never heard of this.

Cannabis usually helps my stomach issues. In fact, just last week I had a nasty stomach bug that caused me to get violently ill every 30 minutes for six hours straight. During the sixth hour, I smoked a bowl of gorilla glue strain and my nausea eased up and I didn’t puke again for the rest of the day. Passed the bug to my wife. Told her what I did. She smoked a bowl of the same strain after the third time she puked and didn’t puke again. On days 2-3 of the bug, i used cannabis to help increase my appetite so I could move away from a pure liquid diet. It worked.
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Classic bullshit outlier propaganda to scare the boomers. One person who smokes weed has a weird unknown condition. Must be the pot. See? Everyone who smokes weed might have this happen. SCARY!!

I would guess it has more to do with his individual digestive tract than weed.

I’ve been smoking pretty regularly since 1995 and have never heard of this.

Cannabis usually helps my stomach issues. In fact, just last week I had a nasty stomach bug that caused me to get violently ill every 30 minutes for six hours straight. During the sixth hour, I smoked a bowl of gorilla glue strain and my nausea eased up and I didn’t puke again for the rest of the day. Passed the bug to my wife. Told her what I did. She smoked a bowl of the same strain after the third time she puked and didn’t puke again. On days 2-3 of the bug, i used cannabis to help increase my appetite so I could move away from a pure liquid diet. It worked.
That gorilla glue works. Made everything stick to your inerds
Classic bullshit outlier propaganda to scare the boomers. One person who smokes weed has a weird unknown condition. Must be the pot. See? Everyone who smokes weed might have this happen. SCARY!!

I would guess it has more to do with his individual digestive tract than weed.

I’ve been smoking pretty regularly since 1995 and have never heard of this.

Cannabis usually helps my stomach issues. In fact, just last week I had a nasty stomach bug that caused me to get violently ill every 30 minutes for six hours straight. During the sixth hour, I smoked a bowl of gorilla glue strain and my nausea eased up and I didn’t puke again for the rest of the day. Passed the bug to my wife. Told her what I did. She smoked a bowl of the same strain after the third time she puked and didn’t puke again. On days 2-3 of the bug, i used cannabis to help increase my appetite so I could move away from a pure liquid diet. It worked.
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I've never smoked pot but I think it's silly that it's not legal. Legalize it and grab what tax dollars the state can.