I get that completely. You make very valid points. I agree with you on a lot of that but I said that I wanted him for the intangibles that he brings and I don't think he's that far behind Knox in some of the categories you listed but I do agree that he's more of an NBA talent than Johnson. Plus, those are high school stats and we know those can be meaningless with a freshman. With that said, I think Johnson can bring intangibles that we desperately need on this team next and unfortunately, he's the last place we are going to find that for next year. That's why I said I wanted him more than Knox at the moment. Had this been months ago, I wouldn't have even thought about taking Johnson over Knox but considering this is our last option to get some experience, leadership, 3 pt shooting, and a pretty damn good basketball in his own right, thats my reasoning for thinking this way.
Like I said in my other post, until it is done, I'm going to be on the train that believes we don't have a realistic chance to win the title playing with all freshman. If we got Knox and Bamba, we likely start 5 freshman, and at least 4 freshman for sure, with a sophomore. So, I realize that Knox is more talented than Johnson but I like what Johnson brings to this team and I think it's something we will desperately need next year. So much so, that I would rather add Johnson than Knox. We have everything that Knox can do, and then some, at other positions but I don't think we have what Johnson can bring at any other position. Just my take on it but I see your point completely and it's very valid.
I doubt either of us are crying if the other is wrong cause we'd take either one of them. LOL! I think our chances are a lot better with Johnson and that makes me happy.
Another point is that we know what Johnson is at the moment at the college level. We don't know what Knox is at the college level yet though. I think Cal is on your boat and would like to add Knox, so you may be 100% correct. We'll have to wait and see.