Wrongful death lawsuit filed against ex-Alabama star Brandon Miller

Money, money money.

Miller, a rookie with the Charlotte Hornets, signed a contract in July worth $49 million over four years. He will make $11 million in the first year of the contract.

A police investigator testified during a February hearing that Miller had been at the scene of the fatal killing and that the gun police say was used in the killing of Harris was retrieved from the back of Miller's car.
Money, money money.

Miller, a rookie with the Charlotte Hornets, signed a contract in July worth $49 million over four years. He will make $11 million in the first year of the contract.

A police investigator testified during a February hearing that Miller had been at the scene of the fatal killing and that the gun police say was used in the killing of Harris was retrieved from the back of Miller's car.
deserved money to the family. Miller may have found a loophole to get out of criminal punishment, but he's just as guilty in the murder of the mother has his buddies. Money won't bring her back, but it will make that family's life a bit easier.

11 Million and I don't think I've ever heard an apology coming out of his mouth.
It will never go to trial and if it did it's still a longshot that the family would get a big verdict against Miller.
This is far from OJ vs. the Goldman's
Miller is just the only one remotely involved that has any money so it's a no-brainer for the family.
You have no idea if or what they’ll get. You don’t know what happened. Why can’t everyone just stay out of things they know nothing about? Be smart and just don’t give opinions on things where you have no facts.
Only way they don’t get paid is if they turn down the money. Bama will offer just to shut this up. Civil cases are weird. Preponderance of evidence as opposed to beyond reasonable doubt.
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It will never go to trial and if it did it's still a longshot that the family would get a big verdict against Miller.
This is far from OJ vs. the Goldman's
Miller is just the only one remotely involved that has any money so it's a no-brainer for the family.
This is why I thought they might try to tie Alabama into the suit
Friendly wager?
So now you want to bet on a trial about someone’s murder? That’s pretty horrible dude. Also, maybe reread my comment. I would never bet on a trial about a murder. However, I never claimed to know what happened so I wouldn’t even pick a side because I don’t know what happened. I’m just saying you don’t either.
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So now you want to bet on a trial about someone’s murder? That’s pretty horrible dude. Also, maybe reread my comment. I would never bet on a trial about a murder. However, I never claimed to know what happened so I wouldn’t even pick a side because I don’t know what happened. I’m just saying you don’t either.
Its not a murder trial. Just say that you are a pansy and call it a day and leave me alone. I don't have a tissue for your to cry in.
Its not a murder trial. Just say that you are a pansy and call it a day and leave me alone. I don't have a tissue for your to cry in.
Sure, I guess if not betting on a trial revolving around someones murder makes me a Pansy then I guess I’m a Pansy. However, wanting to do it makes you an asshole and lowlife.
Sure, I guess if not betting on a trial revolving around someones murder makes me a Pansy then I guess I’m a Pansy. However, wanting to do it makes you an asshole and lowlife.
OK. I shall call you Pansyfan78 from now on. Or are you a secret Alabama fan? You seem to love to kiss their ass on this thread. No one gives a crap about a civil lawsuit but you. Why?
Miller needs to repent. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?
I've read everything I can about this case, including the federal lawsuit that was filed, and still don't see what Miller did that would require him to pay money. A friend left a gun in his car, eventually retrieved the gun from his car, and shot someone. I've said it before and will repeat it. I'm not a gun guy and think most people should never legally be allowed to own or possess one. But, I've lost that argument with the legislature, so if people are legally allowed to own and possess guns, how is it remotely illegal or negligent to allow someone to retrieve their legal gun from your car?
You have no idea if or what they’ll get. You don’t know what happened. Why can’t everyone just stay out of things they know nothing about? Be smart and just don’t give opinions on things where you have no facts.
Hello, this is a message board where people give their opinions and discuss things.
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I've read everything I can about this case, including the federal lawsuit that was filed, and still don't see what Miller did that would require him to pay money. A friend left a gun in his car, eventually retrieved the gun from his car, and shot someone. I've said it before and will repeat it. I'm not a gun guy and think most people should never legally be allowed to own or possess one. But, I've lost that argument with the legislature, so if people are legally allowed to own and possess guns, how is it remotely illegal or negligent to allow someone to retrieve their legal gun from your car?
It will likely center around a negligence claim. Possibly even negligence per se, depending on AL statutes. If that fails or is weak, there is always a possibility of a res ipsa loquitur claim.
Brandon grew up in Antioch, Tn. This is just another day for him. He wasnt charged with anything and hes not O.J. we know O.J. killed Nicole. Hes a great ballplayer so i just dont see where he would lose this. I kind of hope he doesnt lose. If the kid doesnt go Ja Morant later in his career then hopefully he has learned his lesson. Hes a great ballplayer. Let him be.
If they lose in Federal court(where the threshold for a finding against the defendants is very high) it will likely be filed again in state court where the threshold is lower. This could drag on for years.
Good thing the school did the right thing immediately and suspended him.
I've read everything I can about this case, including the federal lawsuit that was filed, and still don't see what Miller did that would require him to pay money. A friend left a gun in his car, eventually retrieved the gun from his car, and shot someone. I've said it before and will repeat it. I'm not a gun guy and think most people should never legally be allowed to own or possess one. But, I've lost that argument with the legislature, so if people are legally allowed to own and possess guns, how is it remotely illegal or negligent to allow someone to retrieve their legal gun from your car?
Did you read where the owner of the gun told Miller to bring him his gun. The text said they had a guy disrespecting them. Wouldn’t that make you think things could go bad. Civil suit has nothing to do with a shadow of doubt. Just if you think over 50% he made a bad decision. Could definitely see Miller having some responsibilities!
I've read everything I can about this case, including the federal lawsuit that was filed, and still don't see what Miller did that would require him to pay money. A friend left a gun in his car, eventually retrieved the gun from his car, and shot someone. I've said it before and will repeat it. I'm not a gun guy and think most people should never legally be allowed to own or possess one. But, I've lost that argument with the legislature, so if people are legally allowed to own and possess guns, how is it remotely illegal or negligent to allow someone to retrieve their legal gun from your car?
If this was a white guy, everyone here would be losing their minds. A 17 year old white kid took an AR-15 to a riot and shot someone and they see nothing wrong. In fact, they praise him. I'm sure if the family of the guy killed filed a wrongful death suite against the guy who bought the gun, the same people would be falling all over themselves defending them. I have no idea in either case what the law is or exactly what happened, which is why I have no opinion on either. Both are tragic and awful. I wish neither happened. None us us have all the facts and 99% of us didn't go to law school.
If this was a white guy, everyone here would be losing their minds. A 17 year old white kid took an AR-15 to a riot and shot someone and they see nothing wrong. In fact, they praise him. I'm sure if the family of the guy killed filed a wrongful death suite against the guy who bought the gun, the same people would be falling all over themselves defending them. I have no idea in either case what the law is or exactly what happened, which is why I have no opinion on either. Both are tragic and awful. I wish neither happened. None us us have all the facts and 99% of us didn't go to law school.
And there it is. Was waiting for you to bring up race. You are a closet Alabama fan, just admit it.
And there it is. Was waiting for you to bring up race. You are a closet Alabama fan, just admit it.
Dude I am in your head. If you’re interested in learning more about me just shoot me your email and I’ll answer any questions you have. I really am flattered by all the attention.
If this was a white guy, everyone here would be losing their minds. A 17 year old white kid took an AR-15 to a riot and shot someone and they see nothing wrong. In fact, they praise him. I'm sure if the family of the guy killed filed a wrongful death suite against the guy who bought the gun, the same people would be falling all over themselves defending them. I have no idea in either case what the law is or exactly what happened, which is why I have no opinion on either. Both are tragic and awful. I wish neither happened. None us us have all the facts and 99% of us didn't go to law school.
Isn’t the victim black as well? Why is race brought up at all here? Everyone involved is one race…
🤣 you’re quite the jerk off. Reading this thread, that appears to be a common opinion.
I'm not the one wanting to bet on murder trials or lacking basic reading comprehension skills but hey, whatever turns your lights on pal.
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It will likely center around a negligence claim. Possibly even negligence per se, depending on AL statutes. If that fails or is weak, there is always a possibility of a res ipsa loquitur claim.
You either know nothing about the law, or you are a lawyer and are being a smart ass.
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If they lose in Federal court(where the threshold for a finding against the defendants is very high) it will likely be filed again in state court where the threshold is lower. This could drag on for years.
This is wrong. The standard for negligence is the same in both federal and state court. If they lose in federal court, they are not allowed to file again in state court.
Did you read where the owner of the gun told Miller to bring him his gun. The text said they had a guy disrespecting them. Wouldn’t that make you think things could go bad. Civil suit has nothing to do with a shadow of doubt. Just if you think over 50% he made a bad decision. Could definitely see Miller having some responsibilities!
The standard is not he "made a bad decision." They have to prove a duty owed first. He had no duty to not bring his friend a legal gun.
This is wrong. The standard for negligence is the same in both federal and state court. If they lose in federal court, they are not allowed to file again in state court.
Unless the rules have changed since 1994 you are wrong. I was a defendant in such a case It was dismissed in Federal Court and tried in state court. The jury found for the defendants