The Jordan kid was impressive.They were running all over us. We couldn’t stop that running back and satterfield starts passing. Comes out to start the 2nd and gives up a sack on the first play. Terrible coaching.
Can we entice that Jordan kid to switch sides?
You dirty, you low down but funny as hell. I love itUofL would be STUPID to get rid of Satt! The man was behind the 8 Ball all day today. Lets face it, those ACC Refs had it in for UofL. They were obviously pulling for UK. Card fans, just hang in there...Satt will get it done and you guys will be storming the doors for an NCAA FB's just a matter of time!
I know they have wanted brohm for a long time. What power is going to hire satterfield? I thought u6?was a power?According to Kerry Rhodes, they'll eventually get Brohm then be in the playoffs, this after Satterfield wins next yr then gets hired by a power. His words