Well, of course, I'm biased, but there's no more entertaining player to watch than Tyler Ulis. The way he play turns the game into a Terry and the Pirates/Indiana Jones adventure rather than a sporting event. At this point in the season, it's not odd to see 3 defenders near him on offense or him guarding the opponent's post player after switching. The last player who could play all 5 positions -- and maybe the only one ever who could excel at all 5 -- was Magic Johnson**, but Tyler Ulis several times during a game will give you the feeling that he could. And almost as important, that he'd be game for trying if it were needed. Whether he's dropping a dime, hitting a 25 ft 3 ball, rebounding far beyond his area, or fronting a post player -- is there anything he can't do?
**After his senior year in high school, Jamal Mashburn was named the 2nd best player in NYC. At all 5 positions. So, maybe Mashburn, too.