Wildcat Quickies: "You Choose the National Player of the Year" Edition

Well, of course, I'm biased, but there's no more entertaining player to watch than Tyler Ulis. The way he play turns the game into a Terry and the Pirates/Indiana Jones adventure rather than a sporting event. At this point in the season, it's not odd to see 3 defenders near him on offense or him guarding the opponent's post player after switching. The last player who could play all 5 positions -- and maybe the only one ever who could excel at all 5 -- was Magic Johnson**, but Tyler Ulis several times during a game will give you the feeling that he could. And almost as important, that he'd be game for trying if it were needed. Whether he's dropping a dime, hitting a 25 ft 3 ball, rebounding far beyond his area, or fronting a post player -- is there anything he can't do?

**After his senior year in high school, Jamal Mashburn was named the 2nd best player in NYC. At all 5 positions. So, maybe Mashburn, too.
If we are talking quickies I would like to cast a vote out for
They need to put those stats in side by side columns to compare. That's way too hard to scroll back and forth and compare a bunch of jumbled up numbers. I'm voting for Tyler. Lol.